The problem of comparing a new solution method against existing ones to find statistically significant differences arises very often in sciences and engineering. When the problem instance being solved is defined by several parameters, assessing a number of methods with respect to many problem configurations simultaneously becomes a hard task. Some visualization technique is required for presenting a large number of statistical significance results in an easily interpretable way. Here we review an existing color-based approach called Statistical Ranking Color Scheme (SRCS) for displaying the results of multiple pairwise statistical comparisons between several methods assessed separately on a number of problem configurations. We introduce an R package implementing SRCS, which performs all the pairwise statistical tests from user data and generates customizable plots. We demonstrate its applicability on two examples from the areas of dynamic optimization and machine learning, in which several algorithms are compared on many problem instances, each defined by a combination of parameters.
When carrying out research in statistics, operational research and computer science, the problem of comparing a novel algorithm against other state-of-the-art techniques arises very often. The same idea can be applied to many other fields of science when introducing a new method for solving a well-known task, with the purpose of demonstrating the superiority of the proposed approach by numerically comparing the results with those obtained by already existing methods.
For some time now, it is widely accepted that statistical tests are required to compare several techniques that solve one given task (Demšar 2006; García et al. 2010). This is motivated by the fact – also shown by (Eugster et al. 2014) – that the performance of a technique for solving a task (for example, supervised classification) heavily depends on the characteristics of the concrete task instance (in this case, the data to which a classifier is to be fitted) and thus the experiments should randomize over a large number of datasets. Even with the same dataset, the results may vary when considering different subsets of training/test data (the former are used for fitting the model, and the latter for evaluating the model once it has been learned and does not change any more). The same applies to other very common machine learning tasks such as regression (Graczyk et al. 2010), approximate optimization using metaheuristics (García et al. 2009), and computational intelligence in general (Derrac et al. 2011). It should be noted that metaheuristics employed in optimization are by themselves randomized algorithms. Therefore, multiple runs of the same algorithm on the same optimization problem are required to assess an algorithm, as well as testing the performance over several different functions; we will further elaborate on this later. In order to analyze the results of these randomized trials, statistical tests are applied to draw a conclusion about the superiority of one method over the rest. A vast amount of literature exists dealing with this specific problem, see Coffin and Saltzman (2000; Shilane et al. 2008; García et al. 2010) and references therein, just to cite a few.
If one aims to visualize the results of statistical pairwise
comparisons, the volume of data to display grows a lot if we take into
account many problem configurations at the same time. The use of tables
is very common as they summarize a lot of data in a compact way but they
become hard to interpret when the results they contain are grouped in
more than two parameters. It is usually very difficult to draw
conclusions from big result tables, and for that reason, authors have
developed data visualization techniques more sophisticated than boxplots
or line charts, such as the figures presented in Demšar (2006) to
distinguish between statistically different and indistinguishable
algorithms, and other approaches explained in Bartz-Beielstein et al. (2010). A
tool for the same purpose that is worth mentioning is the Model Viewer
feature of the SPSS software (IBM Corp. 2012). When applied to hypothesis
testing, it displays the multiple pairwise comparisons output as a
complete graph where nodes represent the groups being compared, and arcs
between them are colored differently according to the
Approximate optimization and machine learning constitute two areas of knowledge in which the problem of representing statistical results under several factors arises naturally. In both cases, we often want to compare the algorithm performance separately on different problem setups to highlight the conditions under which certain algorithms may work specially well. Existing studies in the field of dynamic optimization employ up to 40 numeric tables or graphs in a paper to summarize their results, due to the number of different experimental settings tested and the large amount of parameters involved in each problem configuration. Obviously, interpreting such a huge amount of numeric results becomes unfeasible. Moreover, none of the aforementioned visualization approaches deals well with multiple factor problems.
In order to solve this problem, a novel color-based technique for multiple pairwise statistical comparisons under several factors, called Statistical Ranking Color Scheme (SRCS), was introduced in (Amo and Pelta 2013) for comparing the performance of several dynamic optimization algorithms under a number of different problem configurations (Amo et al. 2012). The method relies on a wise use of color scales that simplifies the identification of overall trends along many different problem settings simultaneously, thus enabling better understanding and interpretation of the results, and providing an overview of the circumstances under which each algorithm outperforms (or is outperformed by) the rest. However, no software package was available so far to automatically generate this kind of graphs at once from a dataset that collects the numerical results. The code published in (Amo and Pelta 2013) only calculates the ranking obtained by several algorithms on a fixed problem configuration, but does not plot the results nor allows for an automatic computation over a whole set of different problem configurations in order to obtain the images shown in (Amo et al. 2012).
Our aim here is to present an easy-to-use R package called SRCS (Villacorta 2015) for creating fully customizable plots from a results file in experiments involving several factors, so that the user can configure how the plots should be arranged in the figure and has control over all graphical details of it, such as colors, fonts, titles, etc. Furthermore, we demonstrate the applicability of our package in two different contexts. The first is the comparison of algorithms to solve dynamic optimization problems (DOPs), which is the setting for which SRCS was originally conceived. The second is a novel application to machine learning tasks, where SRCS is used to compare the performance of several supervised classification algorithms over synthetic datasets created based on several parameters. Examples of these are noisy and/or imbalanced data for which parameters like the severity and type of noise, or the imbalance ratio are considered when generating the dataset from an originally clear one.
The remainder of this contribution is structured as follows. After the introduction the foundation of the SRCS technique and how multiple statistical significance results are displayed in color plots is reviewed. The next section presents an R package implementing SRCS, with a detailed description of the most important functions, their common uses and how they should be called. Then we explain two case studies where SRCS has been applied to visualize the statistical results of comparing a number of algorithms for two very different tasks, namely dynamic optimization and supervised classification when the data from which the classifier is learned contain noise or are imbalanced. Finally, the last section is devoted to conclusions and further work.
In this section we briefly review the foundations of SRCS (Amo and Pelta 2013). SRCS was developed for analyzing the relative performance of algorithms on a problem, rather than the absolute one. In other words, the outcome is a rank for each algorithm that depends on how many algorithms are better, equal or worse than the algorithm being ranked, where the decision on each pairwise comparison is given by a non-parametric statistical test over two sets of samples corresponding to multiple runs of each algorithm in exactly the same conditions. No distinction is made concerning the magnitude of the advantage or disadvantage in the performance comparison: SRCS is interested only in whether one algorithm is statistically better or worse than another, but not in how much.
The rank assigned to an algorithm
Ranks are calculated as follows. For each
The statistical test applied in pairwise comparisons could be customized
by the user. In our implementation, we abide by the original proposal of
(Amo and Pelta 2013) and use the pairwise Wilcoxon rank sum test with Holm’s
correction for multiple comparisons. Whether the test should be paired
or not depends on the concrete problem we are facing, and can be set by
the user. When assessing optimization algorithms, for instance, the test
will most likely be non-paired since usually there is no relation
between, say, the first execution of
The strength of SRCS lies in its capability of arranging in a single plot the ranks obtained by many algorithms when tested separately over a lot of different problem configurations. Therefore, one can quickly visualize which configurations are the most favorable to each algorithm. This is done by using a grid of heatmaps. A heatmap represents three variables, namely the rank using a color scheme, and two variables in the X and Y axis of the heatmap, which we call the inner X and Y variables. At the same time, the whole heatmap is associated with one level of the other two variables, called the outer X and Y variables.
(a) Performance after
Algorithm | Better | Equal | Worse | Rank | Color |
than | to | than | |||
Alg 1 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 3 | |
Alg 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | |
Alg 3 | 0 | 2 | 1 | ||
Alg 4 | 0 | 1 | 2 |
(b) Rank calculation and color assigned.
(c) Arrangement in the plot.
Figure 1 shows a toy example
The aim of the SRCS package is to offer a set of functions to obtain figures similar to the one above in a straightforward manner and, at the same time, provide R users with full customization capabilities over graphical aspects like font size, color, axes aspect and so on. This has been accomplished by accepting tagged lists that are passed almost unchanged to some built-in graphical functions of the base package graphics on which our code relies. This package is very flexible and can be easily adapted so that the final plot has exactly the desired appearance. Package grid was also considered initially, but the adaptation would require more coding since the default aspect (more elegant) is slightly more complicated to fit our exact needs.
The general workflow can be summarized as:
Use function SRCSranks
on the data being analyzed in order to
compute the rank for each combination of factors according to the
performance exhibited by that combination, following the rules
explained in the preceding section.
Use function plot
on the object returned by SRCSranks
indicating where each factor should be placed in the resulting plot,
in order to obtain a color plot depicting the ranks calculated
previously for all the factor combinations.
(If needed) Use function SRCScomparison
on the object returned by
, specifying a concrete factor combination as well, to
obtain a qualitative table describing the relative performance
(measured from a statistical point of view) of every pair of levels
of the target variable on the factor combination indicated. Each
cell of the table contains a sign "=", ">" or "<" comparing
the level on that row with the level on that column, where "="
stands for "no statistically significant differences found".
(If needed) Use function animatedplot
on the object returned by
, provided that the user data had more than one
performance column, to visualize a video in which each video frame
displays the ranks plot obtained by one performance column.
(If needed) Use function singleplot
on the object returned by
, specifying a factor combination that leaves two factors
free, to visualize the ranks of one square of the full grid.
and SRCScomparison
Our package exports five functions. Note that most of the arguments have default values to allow for a straightforward use if no customization is needed. The one that should be called first, prior to the plotting functions, is the following:
SRCSranks(data, params, target, performance, pairing.col = NULL,
test = c("wilcoxon", "t", "tukeyHSD", "custom"), fun = NULL,
correction = p.adjust.methods, alpha = 0.05, maximize = TRUE, ncores = 1,
paired = FALSE)
We review the meaning of the arguments below. For further details please refer to the corresponding help pages.
is a data frame containing the repeated performance measures
together with their problem configuration (Table 1).params
is a vector of strings with the names of the columns that
define a problem configuration (here: c("A", "B", "C")
is the name of the target column whose levels are compared
within each problem configuration (here, "Target"
is the name of the column containing one or more
observations of the response (or performance) variable associated to
a problem configuration and a target level. It can be a string or a
vector of strings, in which case the ranking process will be done
independently for each of the performance columns indicated in the
vector. This feature is used for composing videos showing the
evolution of the performance at several time instants.pairing.col
is the name of the column that indicates which
performance values (corresponding to the same parameter
configuration but different levels of the target variable) are
linked with respect to the statistical tests. This value only makes
sense if we set paired = TRUE
; otherwise, it will be ignored.test
is the statistical test (defaults to Wilcoxon) to be used for
the pairwise comparisons (paired
indicates whether a paired
version of the test will be used or not). "custom"
means a custom
test will be applied, implemented by the function passed in the
argument (which otherwise will be ignored).fun
is a function implementing a custom statistical test for two
samples that should return a tagged list with a p.values
field, as
occurs with pairwise.t.test
and paired.wilcox.test
, containing a
matrix of correction
is the test = "tukeyHSD"
is the significance threshold for the statistical test.maximize
indicates whether the larger the performance, the better
(default) or vice versa.ncores
is the number of physical cores to be used in the
computations. Parallelization is achieved through the function
of the parallel package.paired
indicates whether the multiple pairwise comparison tests
should be paired or not (defaults to FALSE
). When set to TRUE
the repeated performance observations are taken to be linked
according to the values of the pairing.col
column. For a given
combination of params
, the multiple observations associated to
distinct levels of the target variable but sharing the same value of
are linked, as shown in column Fold of Table
1. Hence, all the pairwise comparisons between any
two levels of the target variable will be paired.A | B | C | Target | Performance | Fold |
Alg1 | 72.45 | 1 | |||
Alg1 | 72.36 | ||||
Alg2 | 70.12 | 1 | |||
Alg2 | 69.89 | ||||
Alg3 | 85.40 | 1 | |||
Alg3 | 85.21 | ||||
The above function receives a data frame, chunks it according to all
possible combinations of the values of params
, and compares the levels
of the target
variable within each group by applying a statistical
test to each binary comparison with the selected
The output of the function is an object belonging to the S3 class
’ and extending class ‘data.frame
’, which is actually a data
frame containing all the params
and target
columns, a new rank
column, two more columns with the average and the standard deviation of
the performance for each problem combination, and additional columns
summarizing the SRCS
’ so that function plot
can be applied on it after properly
implementing a specific S3 method described below.
Function SRCScomparison
receives the ‘SRCS
’ object calculated by
together with a problem configuration, and summarizes the
but not in an
easily interpretable disposition. Therefore this function basically
collects the SRCSranks
was done with only one performance
column, because otherwise no
SRCScomparison(rankdata, target, alpha = 0.05, pvalues = FALSE, ...)
where rankdata
is the data frame produced by SRCSranks
, target
the name of the target column in rankdata
, alpha
is the significance
threshold, pvalues
indicates whether ...
is a succession of named
arguments corresponding to columns of rankdata
and their values to
fully determine a problem configuration. These named arguments are used
for subsetting rankdata
. The number of rows of this subset should be
equal to the number of levels of the target variable; otherwise an error
is thrown.
method for ‘SRCS
’ objectsThe data frame produced by SRCSranks
is usually passed on to the next
function, which is the S3 plot
method for ‘SRCS
’ objects and
constitutes the main component of the package:
plot(x, yOuter, xOuter, yInner, xInner, zInner = "rank",
out.Y.par = list(), out.X.par = list(),
inner.X.par = list(), inner.Y.par = list(),
colorbar.par = list(), color.function = heat.colors,heatmaps.per.row = NULL,
heatmaps.titles = NULL, annotation.lab = NULL, show.colorbar = TRUE,
heat.cell.par = list(), heat.axes.par = list(), colorbar.cell.par = list(),
colorbar.axes.par = list(), annotation.text.par = list())
Below we provide a brief description of all the parameters. For further details please refer to the package help pages. Notice only the first five arguments are mandatory.
is an ‘SRCS
’ object usually generated by a call to SRCSranks
but can also be directly composed by the user. This way, the user
can create his own ranks and use the SRCS package only to plot
them, as long as they are properly arranged in a data frame with
class ‘SRCS
’ as those generated by SRCSranks
, xOuter
, yInner
, xInner
, zInner
are the names of
the columns that will be plotted in each of the dimensions of the
plot; see Figure 1c, where the Algorithm plays the
role of the outer Y variable. The zInner
variable corresponds to
the rank column, which is plotted using colors in the heatmaps: the
higher the value of zInner
, the better, and hence, the lighter the
color assigned to it. The location of the levels both in the outer
and inner variables depends on the factor levels for these variables
when transforming them to factors, a conversion that takes place
inside the function.out.Y.par, out.X.par, inner.X.par, inner.Y.par
are tagged lists to
customize how variable labels and level labels are displayed. Some
options include hiding a label, setting the character size, color,
location, orientation, whether it should be placed inside a
rectangle or not, border and background color of such a rectangle,
and other parameters that will be passed directly to the text
function in the graphics package. Arguments heat.cell.par
, colorbar.cell.par
, colorbar.axes.par
play a similar role.color.function
is a function returning a vector of hexadecimal
color codes of length (maxrank heat.colors
, terrain.colors
etc. The function will be called with one argument, namely the
number of colors to be returned, (maxrank heatmaps.per.row
is an integer indicating whether all the levels
of the outer X variable are shown horizontally, or broken in two or
is a Boolean that displays or hides a colorbar used
as the legend of the figure.heatmaps.titles
is a vector of strings with the titles of every
individual heatmap, if needed.annotation.lab
is an annotation string that will be displayed on
the top left corner of the plot. This is useful for labeling
individual plots when composing videos.The function relies on the layout
function of the graphics package
to automatically compose a suitable layout, taking into account the
number of levels of each variable and the user’s choices.
and singleplot
Function animatedplot
enables composing videos from sequences of plots
like Figure 3. This enables the user to visualize time as a
new dimension by plotting statistical pairwise comparison results at
different time moments. This can be useful, for instance, when comparing
convergence speed between many algorithms about which the best solution
so far has been annotated at different moments of the optimization
process. The function relies on R’s built-in capability to automatically
compose counter-based filenames when successively generating plots to
image files, and then calls ImageMagick (Still 2005), a widely used
open-source software for Windows and Linux, to join them together into a
video file. A number of image formats can be used for the images
generated prior to composing the video. Note that those files are not
automatically deleted; the user will have to do it by himself. It is
necessary that the user has previously installed ImageMagick.
The function signature is the following:
animatedplot(x, filename,,
yOuter, xOuter, yInner, xInner, zInner,
width = 800, height = 800, res = 100, pointsize = 16,
delay = 30, type = c("png", "jpeg", "bmp", "tiff"), quality = 75,
compression = c("none", "rle", "lzw", "jpeg", "zip"),
annotations = NULL, ...)
In this case, zInner
should be a vector with the names of the columns
in x
containing the performance measures to be plotted successively.
The video will have as many frames as elements there are in zInner
The argument
is a string with the full path of the
converter program that comes with ImageMagick, e.g.,
"C:/Program Files/ImageMagick-<version>/convert.exe"
. The rest of the
arguments allow setting the name of the output video file (including the
file format) and configure the size, resolution, delay between the
frames (in 1/100th of a second), percentage of quality and type of
compression. The function also gives the possibility to set an
independent annotation in the upper-left corner of each frame by passing
a vector of strings, where each element is the annotation of the
corresponding frame of the sequence. The ...
argument accepts any
subset of the optional arguments to be passed to the S3 plot
for ‘SRCS
’ objects that plots every frame.
Function singleplot
creates a single heatmap focused on the problem
configuration defined by the user. It has the following signature:
singleplot(x, yInner, xInner, zInner = "rank", color.function = heat.colors,
labels.par = list(), colorbar.par = list(), heat.axes.par = list(),
colorbar.axes.par = list(), haxis = TRUE, vaxis = TRUE, title = "",
show.colorbar = TRUE, ...)
The parameters are similar to those already described. The ...
argument in this case stands for a succession of named arguments (as
many as necessary) that will be used to subset the data
argument. From
that subset, the values of the zInner
column will be depicted in a
single heatmap, in the locations indicated the by yInner
and xInner
columns. If any pair of values of columns (xInner, yInner)
is found
more than once after subsetting, an error is thrown.
In this section, two examples representative of those typically faced by
potential users will be presented, with the purpose of illustrating the
package capabilities and ease of use. None of them is aimed at finding
the best algorithm for the posed problems, but at showing the
applicability of the package in different areas of knowledge when
analyzing experimental results. Therefore, the details of the
experimental framework in each example (such as the tuning of the
parameters, the concrete algorithms and datasets tested and so on) are
not relevant for the aforementioned purpose
The first example analyses the results of dynamic optimization algorithms while the second deals with typical machine learning problems where several classification algorithms are compared under different settings or problem configurations. Note that the package is oriented at the analysis of experimental results, which do not necessarily come from R code or even from a computer program. In our case, the techniques assessed in the first example have been implemented in Java and are not available in R.
DOPs (Branke 2001) are a variant of classical optimization problems in which the function being optimized has time-dependent properties, i.e., changes along the time during the execution of the optimization algorithm itself. The changes may affect the fitness function, the constraints, the number of variables of the function or their domain, etc. DOPs have attracted increasing attention due to their closeness to many real-world changing problems, as explained in the aforementioned work.
Many algorithms have been proposed to solve DOPs as explained in
(Cruz et al. 2011), most of them based on Evolutionary Algorithms
and other population-based metaheuristics. Here we will reproduce one of
the plots published in (Amo et al. 2012) representing a broad DOP algorithm
comparison, including the R code necessary to obtain them in a
straightforward way. The numerical results represented in the plots have
been included as a data frame object called MPB
in the SRCS package.
Details on the algorithms compared can be found in the aforementioned
work. Below we briefly comment on the meaning of the parameters involved
in a problem configuration, the performance measure collected in the
file and the fitness function we are optimizing.
In a DOP, the fitness function changes along the time. Several aspects modulate how this happens, such as the time passed between two consecutive changes, or the severity of the change (how different the function is with respect to the previous version). None of these parameters is known in advance by any algorithm. The third parameter known to affect the performance is the dimension of the function, which is user-configurable but remains invariant during the execution.
The fitness function employed, known as the Moving Peaks Benchmark (MPB,
Branke (1999); see Figure 2), was specifically designed
as a DOP benchmark. The problem consists in maximizing a continuous
The global optimum is the centre of the peak with the highest parameter
Parameter | Values tested |
Dimension ( |
{5, 10, 15, 20, 25} |
Change period ( |
{40, 100, 200, ..., 1000} |
Severity ( |
{2%, 4%, ..., 20%} |
Correlation coef. ( |
0.5 |
Number of peaks ( |
100 |
Peak heights ( |
Peak widths ( |
Height severity ( |
7.0 |
Width severity ( |
1.0 |
A lot of different performance measures have been proposed for DOPs as mentioned in (Cruz et al. 2011). Here we employ the most widely accepted one, namely the offline error (Amo et al. 2012):
The R code used to plot the results is the following:
> library(SRCS)
> str(MPB)
'data.frame': 220000 obs. of 5 variables:
$ Algorithm: Factor w/ 8 levels "reactive-cs",..: 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ...
$ Dim : int 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ...
$ CF : int 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 ...
$ Severity : int 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
$ OffError : num 21.8 19.5 16.7 18.3 22.6 ...
> head(MPB)
Algorithm Dim CF Severity OffError
1 agents 5 40 2 21.81232
2 agents 5 40 2 19.53094
3 agents 5 40 2 16.73922
4 agents 5 40 2 18.32204
5 agents 5 40 2 22.61913
6 agents 5 40 2 19.17223
The above output is the first part of the 50 performance observations of algorithm agents in the problem configuration defined by Dim = 5, CF = 40, Severity = 2. Note that the tests should be non-paired as there is no relation between the runs of the algorithms.
> ranks <- SRCSranks(MPB, params = c("Dim", "CF", "Severity"),
+ target = "Algorithm", performance = "OffError", maximize = FALSE, ncores = 2)
> head(ranks);
Algorithm Dim CF Severity rank mean sd agents.pval independent-cs.pval
1 agents 5 40 2 0 18.16 2.698 NA 8.993e-12
2 independent-cs 5 40 2 -5 22.86 1.850 8.993e-12 NA
3 mqso 5 40 2 3 16.86 1.824 1.346e-01 1.324e-15
4 mqso-both 5 40 2 4 16.58 2.094 2.646e-02 5.349e-15
5 mqso-change 5 40 2 4 16.58 2.094 2.646e-02 5.349e-15
6 mqso-rand 5 40 2 4 16.58 2.094 2.646e-02 5.349e-15
reactive-cs.pval mqso.pval mqso-both.pval mqso-change.pval mqso-rand.pval
1 8.993e-12 1.346e-01 2.646e-02 2.646e-02 2.646e-02
2 1.000e+00 1.324e-15 5.349e-15 5.349e-15 5.349e-15
3 1.324e-15 NA 1.000e+00 1.000e+00 1.000e+00
4 5.349e-15 1.000e+00 NA 1.000e+00 1.000e+00
5 5.349e-15 1.000e+00 1.000e+00 NA 1.000e+00
6 5.349e-15 1.000e+00 1.000e+00 1.000e+00 NA
1 2.812e-12
2 1.466e-01
3 4.419e-15
4 5.349e-15
5 5.349e-15
6 5.349e-15
Note that the
> plot(ranks, yOuter = "Algorithm", xOuter = "Dim", yInner = "CF", xInner = "Severity",
+ ## all the remaining arguments are optional, for customizing the appearance
+ inner.Y.par = list( = c("40", "200", "400", "600", "800", "1000"),
+ lab = "Change\n period", levels.loc = "left"),
+ out.Y.par = list(levels.lab.textpar = list(cex = 1, col = "white"),
+ = "black", levels.border = "white"),
+ out.X.par = list(lab = "Dimension", = "gray"),
+ colorbar.par = list( = c("-7", "0", "7")),
+ colorbar.axes.par = list(cex.axis = 0.8),
+ show.colorbar = TRUE
+ )
The results are depicted in Figure 3, which should be interpreted as follows: for a given value of Dimension, one should look at the whole column of heatmaps vertically to know how the algorithms behave for that dimension. The arrangement of the cells within the heatmaps is analogous to Figure 1c. From the figure, we can see that, for instance, soriga only behaves well (although it is not the best one) when the change period is short, and this is enhanced when increasing the dimensionality of the problem. This amounts to say that soriga is specially good at detecting a change and recovering from it by quickly discovering promising regions after the change, although it is not so good at exploiting these regions (it is beaten by other algorithms when the change period gets larger). On the other hand, agents also improves its behaviour when the dimensionality grows above 15 (otherwise, mqso-rand dominates the rest when considering a 5- or 10-variable fitness function), but also when severity increases, becoming the best algorithm in those cases (right part of the heatmaps).
We could ask for a single heatmap as well, defined by some values of the outer Y and X variables, for instance Algorithm = soriga and Dimension = 25, using the following call:
> singleplot(x = ranks, zInner = "rank", yInner = "CF",
xInner = "Severity", colorbar.par = list( = c("-7", "0", "7")),
labels.par = list(ylab = "Change period"), Algorithm = "soriga", Dim = "25")
for problem
configurations where Algorithm = soriga, Dimension =
25.The output is shown in Figure 4. To obtain a qualitative performance comparison for a given problem configuration, for instance when Change period = 40, Dimension = 25, Severity = 20, we can use the following call:
SRCScomparison(ranks, "Algorithm", CF = 40, Dim = 25, Severity = 20, pvalues = FALSE)
which will produce the following matrix object as a result:
agents indep-cs mqso mqso-both mqso-change mqso-rand reactive-cs soriga
agents NA "<" "<" "<" "<" "<" "<" "<"
indep-cs ">" NA "<" "<" "<" "<" "=" ">"
mqso ">" ">" NA ">" "=" ">" ">" ">"
mqso-both ">" ">" "<" NA "<" "=" ">" ">"
mqso-change ">" ">" "=" ">" NA ">" ">" ">"
mqso-rand ">" ">" "<" "=" "<" NA ">" ">"
reactive-cs ">" "=" "<" "<" "<" "<" NA ">"
soriga ">" "<" "<" "<" "<" "<" "<" NA
In the vignette associated to this package it is shown how to create a
video to visualize an extra temporal component in the results. The data
were collected from the aforementioned executions of dynamic
optimization algorithms over the MPB problem, annotating the offline
error at the instant before every change. Both the data, the R script
and the resulting video can be downloaded from the first author’s
personal home page
The second case study is a machine learning experiment involving six
supervised classification algorithms tested over a number of noisy
datasets with several types of noise and noise severities. The aim is to
assess how noise affects each of the classifiers and whether the
behaviour changes with those parameters. The algorithms tested were the
following: (a) the
R implementations have been used in all cases. We coded the
Dataset | #EX | #AT | #CL | Dataset | #EX | #AT | #CL |
automobile | 159 | 25 (15/10) | 6 | glass | 214 | 9 (9/0) | 7 |
balance | 625 | 4 (4/0) | 3 | ionosphere | 351 | 33 (33/0) | 2 |
cleveland | 297 | 13 (13/0) | 5 | pima | 768 | 8 (8/0) | 2 |
ecoli | 336 | 7 (7/0) | 8 | vehicle | 846 | 18 (18/0) | 4 |
In the literature, two types of noise can be distinguished in a dataset
(Zhu and Wu 2004): (i) class noise (examples labeled
with a class distinct from the true one) and attribute noise (that
usually refers to erroneous attribute values). The amount and type of
noise present in real-world datasets are usually unknown. In order to
control the amount of noise in the datasets and check how it affects the
classifiers, noise is introduced into each dataset in a controlled
manner. Four different noise schemes have been used in order to
introduce a noise level
Introduction of class noise.
Introduction of attribute noise.
The four noise schemes have been considered independently and for each
type of noise, the noise levels ranging from
Performing pairwise comparisons separating the results by dataset can be particularly useful in certain machine learning works which include a very small number of datasets. In those studies, the conventional approach consisting in summarizing the performance of an algorithm over a dataset with a single value and applying post-hoc pairwise comparisons between the algorithms with these summaries does not work, because each of the samples being compared has too few elements (due to the reduced number of datasets) to apply a statistical test. In such cases, the SRCS approach would be more suitable and would yield a reliable comparison for each dataset separately.
The R script which runs the algorithms over the datasets mentioned and
generates the results to be analyzed can be downloaded from the first
author’s home page mentioned before, together with the datasets. The
performance results obtained are already included in the package, to
save time. When SRCS is loaded, a data frame object called ML1
containing the results of this experiment is created:
> str(ML1)
'data.frame': 52800 obs. of 6 variables:
$ Algorithm : Factor w/ 6 levels "1-NN","3-NN",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
$ Dataset : Factor w/ 8 levels "automobile","balance",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
$ Noise type : Factor w/ 4 levels "ATT_GAUS","ATT_RAND",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
$ Noise ratio: num 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
$ Fold : int 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
$ Performance: num 77.4 54.5 86.7 81.2 84.8 ...
> head(ML1)
Algorithm Dataset Noise type Noise ratio Fold Performance
1 1-NN automobile ATT_GAUS 0 1 77.41935
2 1-NN automobile ATT_GAUS 0 2 54.54545
3 1-NN automobile ATT_GAUS 0 3 86.66667
4 1-NN automobile ATT_GAUS 0 4 81.25000
5 1-NN automobile ATT_GAUS 0 5 84.84848
6 1-NN automobile ATT_GAUS 0 6 84.37500
The R code to compute and plot the ranks with SRCS is the following.
> ranks <- SRCSranks(ML1, params = c("Dataset", "Noise type", "Noise ratio"),
+ target = "Algorithm", performance = "Performance", pairing.col = "Fold",
+ maximize = TRUE, ncores = 1, paired = TRUE)
> plot(ranks, yOuter = "Dataset", xOuter = "Algorithm", yInner =
+ "Noise type", xInner = "Noise ratio", zInner = "rank", out.X.par =
+ list(levels.lab.textpar = list(col = "white"), = "black",
+ levels.border = "white"), out.Y.par = list( = "gray"),
+ colorbar.axes.par = list(cex.axis = 0.8), show.colorbar = TRUE)
The results are summarized in Figure 5. This figure shows
that higher values of
In this paper we have introduced an R package called SRCS, aimed at testing and plotting the results of multiple pairwise statistical comparisons in different configurations of a problem, defined by several parameters. The package implements a previously published visualization technique to summarize the output of many comparisons at the same time by using a careful spatial arrangement to display the result for each problem configuration defined by a parameter combination. As we have explained, our code gives the user full control over all the graphical options so as to fully customize the plot. Furthermore, we have taken this approach a step further by considering the time as another parameter. This turns static images into videos to take into account this new dimension, but allows constructing convergence plots for all problem configurations simultaneously. It should be noticed that, while videos have been conceived to represent convergence, they can also be used with another variable in any setting in which it makes sense to watch the evolution of statistical results.
We have successfully applied our package to two very different problems, namely dynamic optimization problems and machine learning problems. The latter represents a novel use of SRCS that has proven very helpful for comparing classification algorithms under different circumstances of noise type, noise levels, imbalance ratios and shape of the data. The SRCS approach enables visualizing the results of a number of algorithms at a glance, which in turns leads to an easier interpretation and may also reveal trends relating different problem configurations that otherwise would be harder to uncover, such as the configurations where each algorithm (or family of algorithms) performs best.
An interesting improvement would consist in adding interactivity to the plots. The user could manually re-arrange the plots or add/remove problem parameters and/or target levels, and visually check whether such modifications cause a strong change in the results or not as the plot would be automatically updated.
This work is supported by projects TIN2011-27696-C02-01 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, P11-TIC-8001 from the Andalusian Government, and FEDER funds. P. J. Villacorta acknowledges support from an FPU scholarship from the Spanish Ministry of Education, and J. A. Sáez, from EC under FP7, Coordination and Support Action, Grant Agreement Number 316097, ENGINE European Research Centre of Network Intelligence for Innovation Enhancement ( We are thankful to Dr. Antonio D. Masegosa from the University of Deusto, Spain, for suggesting the use of video sequences for visualizing the convergence of dynamic optimization algorithms, which has proven very successful for this purpose.
factorplot, SRCS, e1071, RWeka
Cluster, Distributions, Environmetrics, MachineLearning, NaturalLanguageProcessing, Psychometrics
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Villacorta & Sáez, "SRCS: Statistical Ranking Color Scheme for Visualizing Parameterized Multiple Pairwise Comparisons with R", The R Journal, 2015
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2015-023, author = {Villacorta, Pablo J. and Sáez, José A.}, title = {SRCS: Statistical Ranking Color Scheme for Visualizing Parameterized Multiple Pairwise Comparisons with R}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2015}, note = {}, volume = {7}, issue = {2}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {89-104} }