zoib: An R Package for Bayesian Inference for Beta Regression and Zero/One Inflated Beta Regression


The beta distribution is a versatile function that accommodates a broad range of probability distribution shapes. Beta regression based on the beta distribution can be used to model a response variable y that takes values in open unit interval (0,1). Zero/one inflated beta (ZOIB) regression models can be applied when y takes values from closed unit interval [0,1]. The ZOIB model is based a piecewise distribution that accounts for the probability mass at 0 and 1, in addition to the probability density within (0,1). This paper introduces an R package – zoib that provides Bayesian inferences for a class of ZOIB models. The statistical methodology underlying the zoib package is discussed, the functions covered by the package are outlined, and the usage of the package is illustrated with three examples of different data and model types. The package is comprehensive and versatile in that it can model data with or without inflation at 0 or 1, accommodate clustered and correlated data via latent variables, perform penalized regression as needed, and allow for model comparison via the computation of the DIC criterion.

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July 18, 2015


Aug 16, 2014


Liu & Kong, 2015




34 - 51

1 Introduction

The beta distribution has two shape parameters α1 and α2: Beta(α1,α2). The mean and variance of a variable y that follows the beta distribution are E(y)=μ=α1(α1+α2)1 and V(y)=μ(1μ)(α1+α2+1)1, respectively. A broad spectrum of distribution shapes can be generated by varying the two shapes values of α1 and α2, as demonstrated in Figure 1. The beta regression has become more popular in recent years in modeling data bounded within open interval (0,1) such as rates and proportions, and more generally, data bounded within (a,b) as long as a and b are fixed and known and it is sensible to transform the raw data onto the scale of (0,1) by shifting and scaling, that is, y=(ya)(ba)1.

graphic without alt text
Figure 1: Beta distribution with various values of the two shape parameters.

Given the flexibility and increasing popularity of the beta regression, significant development has been made in the theory, methodology, and practical applications of the beta regression(; ; ). Mostly recently, apply the techniques of the model-based recursive partitioning and the finite mixture model in the framework of beta regression to account for heterogeneity between groups/clusters of observations. They also propose bias-corrected or bias-reduced estimation in the beta regression by applying the unifying iteration technique .

In many cases of real life data, exact 0’s and 1’s occur in additional to y values between 0 and 1, producing zero-inflated, one-inflated, or zero/one-inflated outcomes. Though the beta distribution covers a variety of the distribution shape, it does not accommodate excessive values at 0 and 1. propose transformation n1(y(n1)+0.5), where n is the sample size, so all data points after transformation are bounded within 0 and 1 and the regular beta regression can be applied. This approach, while offering a simple way to circumvent the complexity from modeling the boundary values, only shifts the excessiveness in point mass from one location to another. model the zero/one inflated VAS responses by relocating all 1 to 0.9995 and keep 0 as is, and apply the zero-inflated beta (ZIB) regression. The approach of only shifting 1 but not 0 when there is inflation at both is ad-hoc especially if there is no justification for treating 0 differently from 1. From a practical perspective, the observed 0’s and 1’s might carry practical meanings that would be otherwise lost if being replacing with other values, regardless how close the raw and substitutes values are. propose the zero-or-one inflated beta regression model (inflation at either 0 or 1, but not both) and obtain inferences via the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE). When there is inflation at both 0 and 1, it is sensible to model the excessiveness explicitly with the zero/one inflated beta (ZOIB) regression, especially when population 0’s and 1’s are real. For example, if the response variable is the death proportion of mice on different doses of a chemical entity; the death rate caused by administration of the chemical entity theoretically can be 0 when its dosage is 0, and 1 when the dosage increases to a 100% lethal level. The ZOIB regression technique has been previously discussed in the literature . Most beta regression and zoib models focus on fixed effects models only, and thus cannot handle clustered or repeated measurements. apply a joint model with latent variables to model the dependency structure among multiple [0,1]-bounded responses with repeated measures in the Bayesian framework.

From a software perspective, beta regression can be implemented in a software suite or package that accommodate nonlinear regression models, such as SPSS (NLR and CNLR) and SAS (PROC NLIN, PROC NLMIXED). There are also contributed packages or macros devoted specifically to beta regression, such as the SAS macro developed by , which implements the beta regression directly and provides residuals plots for model fit diagnostics. In R, there are a couple of packages targeted specifically at beta regression. betareg models a single response variable bounded within (0,1), with fixed-effects linear predictors in the link functions for the mean and precision parameter of the beta distribution . The package is later updated by to perform bias correction/reduction, model-based recursive partitioning, and finite mixture models with added functions betatree() and betamix() in package betareg. In betareg, the coefficients of the regression are estimated by the MLE and inferences are based on large sample assumptions. Bayesianbetareg allows the joint modelling of mean and precision of a single response in the Bayesian framework, as is proposed in , with logit link for the mean and logarithmic for the precision. Neither betareg nor Bayesianbetareg accommodate inflation at 0 or 1 (betareg transforms y with inflation at 0 and 1 using (y(n1)+0.5)n1); neither can model multiple response variables, repeated measures, or clustered/correlated response variables. In other words, the linear predictors in the link functions of the mean and precision parameters of the beta distribution in both betareg and Bayesianbetareg contain fixed effects only.

In this discussion, we introduce a new R package zoib that models responses bounded within [0,1] – without inflation at 0 nor 1, with inflation at 0 only, at 1 only, or at both 0 and 1. The package can model a single response with or without repeated measures, or multiple or clustered [0,1]-bounded response variables, taking into account the dependency among them. Compared to the existing packages on beta regression in R, zoib is more comprehensive and flexible from the modeling perspective and can accommodate more data types. The inferences of the mdoel parameters in package zoib are obtained in the Bayesian framework via the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) approach as implemented in JAGS .

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the methodology underlying the ZOIB regression. Section 3 introduces the package zoib, including its functionality and outputs. Section 4 illustrates the usage of the package with 3 real-life data sets and 1 simulated data of different types. The paper ends in Section 5 with summaries and discussions.

2 Zero/one inflated beta regression

The ZOIB model

Suppose yj is the jth variable out of a total p response variables measured on n independent units, that is, yj=(y1j,,ynj)t. The zoib model assumes yij follows a piecewise distribution when yij has inflation at both 0 and 1.


pij is the probability of yij=0, and qij is the conditional probability Pr(yij=1|yij0), and αij1 and αij2 are the shape parameters of the beta distribution when yij(0,1). The probability parameters from the binomial distributions and the two shape parameters from the beta distributions are linked to observed explanatory variables xij or unobserved latent variable zij via link functions. Some natural choices for the link functions for pij, qij, and the mean of the beta distribution μij(0,1)=E(yij|yij(0,1))=αij1(αij1+αij2)1, which are all parameters within (0,1), include the logit function, the probit function, or the complementary log-log (cloglog) function. While the binomial distribution is described by a single probability parameter, the beta distribution is characterized by two parameters. The variance of the beta distribution is not only a function of its mean but also the sum of two shape parameters νij=αij1+αij2; that is, V(yij|yij(0,1))=μij(0,1)(1μij(0,1))(αij1+αij2+1)1=μij(0,1)(1μij(0,1))(νij+1)1. νij is often referred to as the precision (dispersion) parameter and can also be affected by external explanatory variables or latent variables . An example of the formulation of the zoib model, if the logit function is applied to pij, qij, and μij(0,1), and the log link function is applied to νij, is





where βm,j represents the linear fixed effects in link function m (m=1,2,3,4) for response j (j=1,,p); xm,ij is the design matrix for the fixed effects; Im(zm,ijγm,i) is an indicator function on whether link function m has a random component or not, that is, Im(zm,ijγm,i)=zm,ijγm,i if link function has a random component, Im(zm,ijγm,I)=0 otherwise. zm,i represents the design matrix associated with the random components; Unless stated otherwise, we assume γm,iindN(0,Σm) for i=1,,n in link function m throughout this discussion. When p2, dependency among the p response variables are modeled through their sharing of γm,i for each m.

When there are no random/latent components in the linear predictors, the mean of the beta distribution for yij(0,1) is given by exp(x1,ijβ1j)(1+exp(x1,ijβ1j))1 while exp(x2,ijβ2j) is the sum of the two shape parameters. exp(x3,ijβ3j)(1+exp(x3,ijβ3j))1 is Pr(yij=0), and exp(x4,ijβ4j)(1+exp(x4,ijβ4j))1 is Pr(yij=1|yij>0). The overall mean of yij is thus given by


When there are random/latent components, then the conditional mean of yij given zm,i is


Calculation of the marginal mean of yij involves integrating out γm,i over its distribution; that is, E(yij)=E(yij|γ1,i,γ2,i,γ3,i,γ4,i)f(γ1,i|Σ1)f(γ2,i|Σ2)f(γ3,i|Σ3)f(γ4,i|Σ4)dγi,1dγ2,idγ3,idγ4,i, which can become computationally and analytically tractable if the MLE approach is taken. In contrast, E(yij) is easier to obtain by the Monte Carlo approach in the Bayesian computational framework.

Equations ((2)) to ((5)) give a full parameterization of the ZOIB model. Various reduced forms of the fully parameterized model as given in equations ((2)) to ((5)) are available. For example, if a constant dispersion parameter is assumed, then equation ((3)) can be simplified log(νij)=cj that differs only by response variable. In practice, it might also be reasonable to assume zm,ijγm,i is the same across all links functions, that is, Σm=Σ, since information to distinguish among Σm’s is unlikely available in many real life applications.

Bayesian inference

Though the inferences of the parameters in the proposed ZOIB model can be obtained via the MLE approach, the task can be analytically and computationally challenging, considering the nonlinear nature of the model and existence of possible random effects. We adopt the Bayesian inferential approach in package zoib. Let Θ={β1,β2,β3,β4,Σ} denote the set of the parameters from the ZOIB model (zoib sets γm,i=γi and Σm=Σm). The joint posterior distribution of Θ and the random effects γ given data y is p(Θ,γ|y)p(y|Θ,γ)p(γ|Θ)p(Θ). The likelihood p(y|Θ,γ) is constructed from the ZOIB model in equation ((1)) p(y|Θ,γ)ij{pijI(yij=0)(1pij)I(yij>0)qijI(yij=1)}×{(1qij)Γ(νij)Γ(νijμij(0,1))Γ(νij(1μij(0,1)))(yij)νijμij(0,1)1(1yij)νij(1μij(0,1))1}I(yij(0,1)), noting pij,qij,νij and μij(0,1) are functions of Θ, and p(γ|Θ)N(0,Σ). zoib assumes all the parameters in Θ are a priori independent, thus f(Θ)=f(Σ)j=1pm=14f(βmj). zoib offers the following prior choices on βm,j:

Regarding the random effects specification in zoib, it is assumed zN(0,σ2) in the case of a single random variable z; when there are multiple random variables z1,,zL, it is assumed zN(0,Σ). zoib offers two structures on Σ: variance components (VC) and unstructured (UN).

All taken together, zoib offers 4 options on the prior for the covariance matrix Σ in the case of more than one random variables: VC.unif, VC.halft, UN.unif, and UN.halft.

3 Implementation in R

The joint distribution f(Θ,γ|y) in the zoib model is not available in closed form. We apply slice sampling, a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method, to draw posterior samples on the parameters leveraging on the available software JAGS . Before using zoib, users need to download JAGS and the R package rjags that offers a connection between R and JAGS. The main function in zoib generates a JAGS model object, and the posterior samples on the model parameters, the observed y and their posterior predictive values, and the design matrices x1,x2,x3 and x4, as applicable. Convergence diagnostics, mixing of the MCMC chains, summary of the posterior draws, and the deviance information criterion (DIC) of the model can be calculated using the functions already available in packages coda and rjags . Trace plots and auto-correlation plots can be generated, the Gelman-Rubin’s potential scale reduction factor (psrf) and multivariate psrf can be computed. To check on the mixing and convergence of the Markov chains, multiple independent Markov chains should be run. More details on the output and functions of zoib are provided in Section 3 below.

The package zoib contains 23 functions (Table 1). Users can call the main function zoib( ), which produces a MCMC (JAGS) model object and posterior samples of model parameters as an MCMC object, among others. Convergence of the MCMC chains can be checked using the traceplot(MCMC.object), autocorr.plot(MCMC.object) and gelman.diag(MCMC.object) functions provided by package coda. Posterior summary of the parameters can be obtained by function summary( ) if the posterior draws are in a format of a mcmc.list. The DIC of the proposed model can be calculated using function dic.samples(JAGS.object) available in rjags for model comparison purposes. Besides these existing functions, zoib provides an additional function check.psrf( ) that checks whether multivariate psrf value can be calculated for multi-dimensional model parameters, provides box plots and summary statistics on multiple univariate psrf values, and the paraplot( ) function which provides a visual display on the posterior inferences on the model parameters. The remaining 20 functions are called internally by function zoib( ).

Table 1: Functions developed in package zoib.
Function Description
Functions called by users
zoib( ) main function; produces a MCMC (JAGS) model object and
posterior samples of model parameters
check.psrf( ) checks whether the multivariate psrf value can be calculated for
multi-dimensional parameters; provides a box plot and summary
statistics for multiple univariate psrf values
paraplot( ) plots the posterior mode, mean, or median with Bayesian credible
intervals for the parameters from a zoib model.
Internal functions called by zoib( )
fixed-effect model
fixed( ) without y inflation at 0 or 1
fixed0( ) with y inflation at 0 only
fixed1( ) with y inflation at 1 only
fixed01( ) with y inflation at at both 0 and 1
joint modeling of 2 response variables when there is a single random variable
join.1z( ) without y inflation at 0 or 1
join.1z0( ) with y inflation at 0 only
join.1z1( ) with y inflation at 1 only
join.1z01( ) at both 0 and 1
joint modeling of 2 response variables when there are 2 random variables
join.2z( ) without y inflation at 0 or 1
join.2z0( ) with y inflation at 0 only
join.2z1( ) with y inflation at 1 only
join.2z01( ) with y inflation at both 0 and 1
separate modeling of 2 response variables when there is a single random variable
sep.1z( ) without y inflation at 0 or 1
sep.1z0( ) with y inflation at 0 only
sep.1z1( ) with y inflation at 1 only
sep.1z01( ) at both 0 and 1. called by function zoib( ).
separate modeling of 2 response variables when there are 2 random variables
sep.2z( ) without y inflation at 0 or 1
sep.2z0( ) with y inflation at 0
sep.2z1( ) with y inflation at 1 only
sep.2z01( ) with y inflation at both 0 and 1

The main function zoib( ) is used as follows:

zoib(model, data, zero.inflation = TRUE, one.inflation = TRUE, joint = TRUE, 
     random = 0, EUID, link.mu = "logit", link.x0 = "logit", link.x1 = "logit", 
     prior.beta = rep("DN",4), prec.int = 0.001, prec.DN = 0.001, 
     lambda.L2 = 0.001, lambda.L1 = 0.001, lambda.ARD = 0.001, 
     prior.Sigma = "VC.halft", scale.unif = 20, scale.halft = 20, 
     n.chain = 2, n.iter = 5000, n.burn=200 , n.thin = 2)

data represents the data set to be modeled. model presents a symbolic description of the zoib model in the format of formula responsesycovariatesx. zero.inflation and one.inflation contain the information on whether the data has inflation at zero or one. joint specifies whether to model multiple response variables jointly or separately. random = 0 indicates the ZOIB model has no random effects; random = m (for m=1,2,3,4) instructs zoib which linear predictor(s) out of the four (as given in equations ((2)) to ((5)) have a random component. For example, if random = 13, then the linear predictors associated with the link function of the mean of the beta regression (1) and the probability of zero inflation (3) have a random component, while the linear predictors associated with the link function of the precision parameters of (2) and the probability one inflation (4) do not have a random component. Similarly, if random = 124, then the linear predictors associated with the mean (1) and precision parameters (2) of the beta distribution, and the probability of one inflation (4) have a random component, but the link function associated with the probability of zero inflation (4) does not. random = 1234 would suggest all 4 linear predictors have random components. There are total 241=15 possibilities to specify the random components and zoib supports all 15 possibilities.

The remaining arguments in function zoib( )are necessary for Bayesian model formulation and computation, including the hyper-parameter specification in the prior distributions of the parameters in the ZOIB model (prior.beta, prec.int, prec.DN, lambda.L2, lambda.L1, lamdda.ARD, scale.unif, scale.halft, prior.Sigma), the number of Markov chains to run (n.chain), the number of MCMC iterations per chain (n.iter), and the burin-in period (n.burn) and thinning period (n.thin). In addition, the link functions that relate linear predictors to Pr(y=0), Pr(y=1), and μ(0,1) can be chosen from logit (the default), probit, and cloglog. The link function that links a linear predictor to the sum of the two shape parameters of the beta distribution is the log function.

Table 2 lists the functions offered by packages coda and rjags that can be used to check the convergence of the MCMC chains from the ZOIB models, to compute the posterior summaries of the model parameters, and to calculate the penalized deviance of the converged models.

Table 2: Existing functions for checking the convergence and mixing of the Markov chain of the ZOIB model and summarizing the posterior samples.
Function Description
traceplot( ) plots number of iterations vs. drawn values for each parameter in
per Markov chain (from package coda)
autocorr.plot( ) plots the autocorrelation for each parameter in each Markov chain
(from package coda)
gelman.diag( ) calculates the potential scale reduction factor (psrf) value for each
variable drawn from at least two Markov chains, together with the
upper and lower 95% confidence limits. When there are multiple
variables, a multivariate psrf value is calculated (from package coda)
dic.samples( ) extracts random samples of the penalized deviance from a jags
model (from package rjags)
summary( ) calculates posterior mean, standard deviation, 50%, 2.5% and 97.5%
for each parameters using the posterior draws from Markov chains

4 Examples

We apply the package zoib to three examples. In the first example zoib is applied to analyze the GasolineYield data available in R package betareg, to provide a comparison between the results obtained from the two packages. There is no inflation in either 0 or 1 in data GasolineYield. In Example 2, zoib is applied to a simulated data with two correlated beta variables, where joint modeling of the variable is used with a single random variable. In Example 3, zoib is applied to a real life data on alcohol use in California teenagers. Example 3 is used to demonstrate how to model clustered beta variables via zoib. The data set in Example 3 can be downloaded from website http://www.kidsdata.org. In all three example, the ZOIB model is specified using the generic function formula in R. When there are multiple response variables, each variable should be separated by , such as y1y2y3 on the left hand side of the formula. On the right side of the formula, it can take up to 5 parts in the following order:

  1. fixed-effect variables x1 in the link function of the mean of the beta distribution;

  2. fixed-effect variables x2 in the link function of the precision parameter of the beta distribution;

  3. fixed-effect variables x3 in the link function of Pr(y=0);

  4. fixed-effect variables x4 in the link function of Pr(y=1); and

  5. random-effects variables z.

x1 and x2 should always be specified, even if x2 contains only an intercept (represented by 1). If there is no zero inflation in any of the y’s, then the x3 part can be omitted, similarly with x2 and the random component z. For example, if there are 3 response variables y1, y2, y3 and 2 independent variables (xx1, xx2), and none of the y’s has zero inflation, then model y1 | y2 | y3xx1 + xx2 | 1 | xx1 | xx2 implies x1 = (1, xx1, xx2), x2= 1 (intercept), x3 = NULL, x4 = (1, xx1), z = (1, xx2). If y1 has inflation at zero, y3 has inflation at one, and there is no random effect, model y1 | y2 | y3xx1 + xx2 | xx1 | xx1 implies x1 =(1, xx1, xx2), x2 = (1 ,xx1), x3 = c(1, xx1) for y1, x4 = (1, xx1) for y3. The details on how to specify the model using formula can be found in the user manual of package zoib.

Example 1: univariate fixed-effect beta regression

According to the description in betareg, the GasolineYield data was collected by and analyzed by . The data set contains 32 observations and 6 variables. The dependent variable is the proportion of crude oil after distillation and fractionation. There is no 0 or 1 inflation in y. betareg fits a beta regression model with all 32 observations and 2 independent variables: batch ID (1,,10) corresponding to 10 different crudes that were subjected to experimentally controlled distillation conditions, and temp (quantitative, Fahrenheit temperature at at which all gasoline has vaporized). Both batch and temp are treated as fixed effects. logit(α1α1+α2)=β0+β1temp+β2batch1+...+β10batch9,log(α1+α2)=η. The R command for fitting the model using betareg is

data("GasolineYield", package = "zoib")
GasolineYield$batch <- as.factor(GasolineYield$batch)

#### betareg
gy  <- betareg(yield ~ temp + batch, data = GasolineYield)

Fitting the same model in zoib, we have

#### zoib: fixed effect on batch.
d <- GasolineYield
eg1.fixed <- 
    zoib(yield ~ temp + as.factor(batch)| 1, data = GasolineYield, joint = FALSE,
         random = 0, EUID = 1:nrow(d), zero.inflation = FALSE, 
         one.inflation = FALSE, n.iter = 1050, n.thin = 5, n.burn = 50)
sample1 <- eg.fixed$coeff
# check  convergence of the MCMC chains
traceplot(sample1); autocorr.plot(sample2); gelman.diag(sample1)

The procedure took about 25 seconds on a PC with Intel Core-i5 2520M CPU 2.5GHz (2 chains, 1050 iterations, burin-in periods = 5, and thinning period = 5 per chain). The trace plots, the autocorrelation plots, and the values of the potential scale reduction factors (psrf) suggest the Markov chains mixed well and reached satisfactory convergence (Appendix Figure 3 and Table 5).

If the 10 batches constitute a random sample of many possible batches and the mean of each batch is of little interest, we can treat batch as a random variable rather than dummying code batch. The following model is a mixed-effects model with a random component in the link function of the mean of the beta distribution.

#### zoib: random effect on batch
eg1.random <- zoib(yield ~ temp | 1 | 1, data = GasolineYield, joint = FALSE,
                   random = 1, EUID = GasolineYield$batch, zero.inflation = FALSE,
                   one.inflation = FALSE, n.iter = 10200, n.thin = 50, n.burn = 200)
sample2 <- eg1.random$oripara
summary(sample2); traceplot(sample2); autocorr.plot(sample2); gelman.diag(sample2)

The above procedure took about 42 seconds on a PC with Intel Core-i5 2520M CPU 2.5GHz (2 chains, 10200 iterations, burin-in periods = 50, and thinning period = 50 per chain). The trace plots, the auto-correlation plots, and the psrf values suggest that the Markov chains mixed well and converged (Appendix Figure 4 and Table 5).

The inferential results on the parameters from all three analyses (betareg, zoib-fixed, zoib-random) are depicted in Figure 2, which is generated using the paraplot function.

### posterior inferences from zoib: fixed
summ1 <- summary(sample1); summ1 <- cbind(summ1$stat[, 1], summ1$quant[, c(1, 5)])
### posterior inferences from zoib: random
summ2 <- summary(sample2); summ2 <- cbind(summ2$stat[, 1], summ2$quant[, c(1, 5)])
summ2<- summ2[-4, ]
### inferences from betareg
summ3 <- cbind(c(summ3$mean[, 1], summ3$precision[, 1]), confint(gy))
summ3[12,] <- log(summ3[12, ]) # log-precision
### plot
names <- rownames(summ3); names[1] <- "intercept"; names[12] <- "log(precision)"
rownames(summ1) <- names; rownames(summ3) <- names
rownames(summ2) <- names[c(1, 2, 12)]
paraplot(summ1, summ2, summ3, legpos = c(2, 10), annotate = TRUE,
         legtext = c("zoib: fixed", "zoib: random", "betareg"))

Figure 2 suggests minimal difference between the Bayesian and the frequentist approaches in the inferences of the intercept and regression coefficients in the fixed-effects model. The posterior mean of η (log sum of the two shape parameters in the beta distribution) is numerically smaller from the Bayesian approach compared to the MLE of the frequentist approach. The mixed-effects approach yields similar estimates on η and the regression coefficients as in the fixed effect approaches, but the point estimate on the intercept is smaller. Appendix Figure 5 also presents the posterior mean of y plotted against the observed y for the two zoib models, and suggests both zoib models provide satisfactory goodness-of-fit.

graphic without alt text
Figure 2: Inferences of model parameters in Example 1 (posterior mean and 95% posterior interval from zoib; MLE and 95% CI from betareg).

Example 2: bivariate repeated measures

Example 2 demonstrates how to jointly model multiple [0,1]-bounded response variables using zoib. The data set contains two beta variables (yi1,yi2) from 200 independent cases (i=1,...,200). Both yi1 and yi2 are repeatedly measured at a set of covariate values x=(0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6). That is, yi1=(yi11,yi12,,yi16), and yi2=(yi21,yi22,,yi26). BiRepeated is a simulated data set from the following model,


where i=1,,200 and k=1,,6, β01=1,β11=1,β02=2,β12=2,ρ=0, and σ2=(σ12,σ22)=(0.2,0.2). σ1 and σ2 are the marginal standard deviation of the two random variables ui1 and ui2, and R=(1ρρ1) is the correlation matrix. The data is available in R by name BiRepeated in package zoib. The joint model as given in equation ((7)) is applied to the data. The priors for the model parameters are β0jN(0,103),β1jN(0,103),ηjN(0,103),σjunif(0,20), and ρunif(1,1). The R codes for realizing the above model are

data("BiRepeated", package = "zoib")
eg2 <- zoib(y1|y2 ~ x|1|x, data = BiRepeated,  random = 1, EUID = BiRepeated$id,
            zero.inflation = FALSE, one.inflation = FALSE, prior.Sigma = "UN.unif",             
            n.iter = 7000, n.thin = 25, n.burn = 2000)
post.sample <- eg2$oripara; summary(post.sample)

The above procedure took about 3 hours 55 minutes on a Linux server with 2.4 GHz AMD Opteron processors (2 chains, 7000 iterations, burin-in periods is 2000, and thinning period is 25 per chain). The trace plots, the auto-correlation plots, and the psrf values suggest that the Markov chains mixed well and converged (Appendix Figures 6 and Table 6).

The Bayesian inferences on β0j,β1j and ηj for j=1,2 are given in Table 3. Note the purpose of Example 2 is to demonstrate how zoib can model the correlated data; so only one simulated data set is used. The posterior means of β and ηj are nevertheless close to the true parameter values used to the simulate the data, even with the finite not-so-large sample size (n=200).

Table 3: Bayesian inferences of the joint ZOIB model parameters in Example 2.
Parameter posterior mean posterior median 2.5% quantile 97.5% quantile
β01 0.957 0.958 1.059 0.866
β11 0.906 0.903 0.720 1.092
β02 2.022 2.020 2.119 1.935
β12 2.040 2.040 1.865 2.234
η1 2.505 2.506 2.433 2.582
η2 3.014 3.017 2.926 3.091
σ12 0.180 0.179 0.135 0.235
σ22 0.334 0.331 0.152 0.530
ρ 0.70 0.70 0.84 0.62

Example 3: clustered zero-inflated beta regression

In this example, zoib is applied to the county-level monthly alcohol use data collected from students in California from year 2008 to 2010. The data is available in zoib by name AlcoholUse. The data can be downloaded at http://www.kidsdata.org. AlcoholUse contains the percentage of public school students in grades 7, 9, and 11 reporting the number of days in which they drank alcohol in the past 30 days by gender (students at the “Non-Traditional" grade level refer to those enrolled in Community Day Schools or Continuation Education and are not included in this analysis). The following model is fitted to the data logit(αij,1αij,1+αij,2)=(β1,0+ui)+β1xijlog(αij,1+αij,2)=ηlogit(pij)=β2,0+β2xijuiN(0,σ2) where ui is the cluster-level (county-level) random variable (i=1,,56) and j indexes the jth case in cluster i. β1,1 contains the regression coefficients associated with the main effects associated with gender, grade, and the mid-point of each days bucket on which teenagers drank alcohol, and the interaction between gender and grade; so does β2,1. σ2 is the precision of the distribution of random effect ui. The prior specification of the model parameters are: β1,0N(0,103), β2,0N(0,103), β1,kindN(0,103) and β2,kindN(0,103) for k=1,,6, ηN(0,103), and σunif(0,20). The R codes for realizing the model in zoib are

data("AlcoholUse", package = "zoib")
AlcoholUse$Grade <- as.factor(AlcoholUse$Grade)
eg3 <- zoib(Percentage ~ Grade * Gender + MedDays|1|Grade * Gender + MedDays|1,
            data = AlcoholUse, random = 1, EUID = AlcoholUse$County,
            zero.inflation = TRUE,  one.inflation = FALSE, joint = FALSE,
            n.iter = 5000, n.thin = 20, n.burn = 1000)
sample1 <- eg3$coeff

The above procedure took about 10 hours 56 minutes on a Linux server with 2.4 GHz AMD Opteron processors (2 chains, 5000 iterations, burin-in periods is 1000, and thinning period is 20 per chain). The trace plots, the auto-correlation plots, and the psrf values suggest that the Markov chains mixed well and reached satisfactory convergence (Appendix Figures 8 and Table 7).

The results from Example 3 are presented in Table 4. The posterior mean difference in the logit(mean) of the beta distribution between a 9-th grader and a 7-th grader is 0.702 (β1,1), assuming they are of the same gender, and fall in the same Days Bucket. Similarly, the posterior mean difference in logit(mean) of the beta distribution between a male and a female students is -0.0503 (β1,3), assuming they are equal with regard to other covariates. The posterior mean difference logit(Pr(y=0) between a a 9-th grader and a 7-th grader is β2,1=0.563; in other words, the ratio in the odds of not drinking alcohol between the a 7-th grader and a 9-th grader is exp(0.563)=1.75. The other parameters in β1 and β2 can be interpreted in a similar manner. The posterior mean of the log(sum of the two shape parameters) η in the beta distribution is 4.389, and the posterior mean of the variance of the random effect ui is 0.021.

Table 4: Posterior inferences (Example 3).
Effect Parameter mean median 2.5% quantile 97.5% quantile
Intercept β1,0 2.392 2.392 2.484 2.299
Grade 9 β1,1 0.702 0.702 0.609 0.791
Grade 11 β1,2 0.955 0.956 0.869 1.036
Gender M β1,3 0.053 0.052 0.156 0.054
MedDays β1,4 0.092 0.092 0.096 0.088
Grade 9*Gender M β1,5 0.123 0.118 0.255 0.003
Grade 11*Gender M β1,6 0.053 0.055 -0.087 0.193
intercept β2,0 3.365 3.332 4.158 2.635
Grade 9 β2,1 0.563 0.572 1.648 0.427
Grade 11 β2,2 0.874 0.884 2.027 0.181
Gender M β2,3 0.465 0.469 -0.382 1.329
MedDays β2,4 0.028 0.028 -0.003 0.062
Grade 9*Gender M β2,5 0.246 0.213 1.628 0.999
Grade 11*Gender M β2,6 0.664 0.695 2.117 1.015
η 4.384 4.385 4.302 4.463
σ2 0.021 0.020 0.011 0.034

5 Discussion

We have introduced an R package for obtaining the Bayesian inferences from the beta regression and zero/one inflated beta regression. We have provided the methodological background behind the package and demonstrated how to apply the package using both real-life and simulated data. zoib is more versatile and comprehensive from a modeling perspective compared to other R packages betareg and Bayesainbetareg on beta regression. First, zoib accommodates boundary inflation at 0 or 1. Second, it models clustered and correlated beta variables by introducing random components into the linear predictors of the link functions, and users can specify which linear predictors have a random component. Last but not least, the Bayesian inferential approach provides a convenient way for obtaining inferences for parameters that can be computationally expensive in the frequentist approach, such as the marginal means of response variables when there are random effects. For the regression coefficients in a linear predictor, 4 different priors are offered with options for penalized regression if needed. DIC criteria can be calculated using existing function from package rjags for model comparison purposes. Future updates to the zoib package include the development of more efficient computational algorithms to shorten the computational time in running the MCMC chains, especially when a zoib model contains a relatively large number of parameters.

6 Acknowledgements

The authors would like to thank two anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions that have greatly improve the quality of the manuscript.

7 Appendices

graphic without alt text

  1. trace plot

    graphic without alt text

    1. auto-correlation plot

      Figure 3: Trace and auto-correlation plots in the zoib-fixed model in Example 1.
graphic without alt text

  1. trace plot

    graphic without alt text

    1. auto-correlation plot

      Figure 4: Trace and auto-correlation plots in the zoib-random model in Example 1.
Table 5: Potential scale reduction factors of the zoib model parameters in Example 1.
zoib-fixed zoib-random
2-5 Parameter point upper bound (95%) point upper bound (95%)
β1,0 (intercept) 0.997 0.998 1.036 1.037
β1,1 1.001 1.002
β1,2 1.008 1.008
β1,3 1.013 1.040
β1,4 0.998 1.006
β1,5 1.005 1.007
β1,6 1.000 1.014
β1,7 0.999 1.004
β1,8 1.003 1.033
β1,9 1.001 1.015
β1,10 1.007 1.048 1.003 1.017
β20 (temperature) 1.018 1.032 1.002 1.006
σ2 0.997 0.997
graphic without alt text

  1. zoib-fixed

    graphic without alt text

    1. zoib-random

      Figure 5: Posterior mean of Y vs. observed Y in Example 1.
graphic without alt text

  1. trace plot

    graphic without alt text

    (b)auto-correlation plot

    Figure 6: Example 1, zoib-fixed.
Table 6: Potential scale reduction factors in Example 2.
Parameter point upper bound
β0,1 1.083 1.332
β1,1 1.004 1.035
β0,2 1.163 1.582
β1,2 1.008 1.100
σ12 0.997 0.997
σ22 1.036 1.165
graphic without alt text
Figure 7: Posterior mean of Y vs. observed Y (Example 2).
graphic without alt text

  1. trace plot

    graphic without alt text

    1. auto-correlation plot

      Figure 8: Trace and auto-correlation plots in the zoib-fixed model in Example 1.
Table 7: Potential scale reduction factors in Example 3.
Parameter β1,0 β1,1 β1,2 β1,3
point 1.018 1.005 1.000 0.997
upper limit 1.092 1.042 1.015 0.999
(95% CI )
parameter β1,4 β1,5 β1,6 η
point 0.997 1.006 0.997 1.068
upper limit 1.000 1.047 0.998 1.279
(95% CI )
parameter β2,0 β2,1 β2,2 β2,3
point 0.998 1.001 0.998 0.998
upper limit 1.000 1.001 0.999 1.004
(95% CI )
parameter β2,4 β2,5 β2,6 σ2
point 0.996 1.012 0.996 1.001
upper limit 0.997 1.012 0.999 1.020
(95% CI )
graphic without alt text
Figure 9: Posterior mean of Y vs. observed Y (Example 2).

CRAN packages used

betareg, Bayesianbetareg, zoib, coda, rjags

CRAN Task Views implied by cited packages

Bayesian, Cluster, Econometrics, GraphicalModels, MixedModels, Psychometrics


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    For attribution, please cite this work as

    Liu & Kong, "zoib: An R Package for Bayesian Inference for Beta Regression and Zero/One Inflated Beta Regression", The R Journal, 2015

    BibTeX citation

      author = {Liu, Fang and Kong, Yunchuan},
      title = {zoib: An R Package for Bayesian Inference for Beta Regression and Zero/One Inflated Beta Regression},
      journal = {The R Journal},
      year = {2015},
      note = {https://rjournal.github.io/},
      volume = {7},
      issue = {2},
      issn = {2073-4859},
      pages = {34-51}