True to their functional roots, most R functions are side-effect-free, and users expect datatypes to be persistent. However, these semantics complicate the creation of efficient and dynamic data structures. Here, we describe the implementation of stack and queue data structures satisfying these conditions in R, available in the CRAN package rstackdeque. Guided by important work in purely functional languages, we look at both partially- and fully-persistent versions of queues, comparing their performance characteristics. Finally, we illustrate the usefulness of such dynamic structures with examples of generating and solving mazes.
Dynamic data structures such as trees, hash tables, heaps, stacks and queues are fundamental to a wide variety of algorithmic strategies, especially those that are recursive in nature (Cormen et al. 2001). While trees and hash tables are often used for simple name/value lookups—supported well by environments and named lists—stacks (first in, last out) and queues (first in, first out) are used precisely for their efficient insertion and removal operations. While these structures can be implemented via pre-allocated vectors and lists when combined with additional start/end index information, this requires foreknowledge of their maximum size (or a dynamic resizing strategy) as well as careful bookkeeping.
Most implementations of stacks and queues are mutable; they support
and pop()
operations that have the side effects of modifying
or mutating the data structure in place for insertion and removal.
Although R does support the development of mutating data structures,
most common structures do not mutate (without, at least, an explicit
assignment) and developers are encouraged to follow this paradigm and
create side-effect-free functions. In addition to providing a consistent
programming environment, this admonition also facilitates the creation
of easily parallelized code (Böhringer 2013).
More formally, we say that a data structure is “persistent,” if, after an insertion or removal the original version is still accessible. To the programmer, it appears as if a modified copy of the structure was returned. Such persistence provides the side-effect-free nature of accessor functions expected by users of functional languages. A structure is “fully persistent” if previous versions support further insertions and removals, and “partially persistent” if previous versions may only be inspected.
Fortunately, the implementation of persistent data structures in purely functional languages is well studied and continues as an active area of research (Chuang and Goldberg 1993; Kaplan 1995; Okasaki 1999). For languages that support certain features there now exist persistent balanced binary trees, queues, stacks, heaps (Okasaki 1999), union-find structures (Conchon and Filliâtre 2007), and many others as fast or nearly as fast as their mutating counterparts. The solutions are often deeply recursive and take advantage of tail-call optimization and delayed-evaluation provided by languages such as Haskell and ML.
As a quick review, a stack is a first-in, last-out structure: elements are removed in the opposite order they are inserted. Usually, we think of insertions and removals occurring at the “top” of a stack. Stacks are used in a number of programming paradigms, especially depth-first searches of state spaces for optimization and search problems. Queues are first-in, first-out: elements are removed in the same order in which they are inserted, and we usually imagine inserting at the “back” and removing from the “front” of a queue. Deques, or double-ended queues, additionally support insertion and removal from both ends. Queues and deques are used for breadth-first searches of state spaces and also find use in simulation contexts (e.g. Grether et al. (2012)). All three structures generally also support “peeking,” or inspection of elements that are ready for removal.
Ideally, insertion, removal, and peeking on stacks, queues, and deques
would be nearly instantaneous no matter their size (
In the following sections, we describe the implementation of rstack
slowly persistent rdeque
‘s), and finally
’s) as described
by Okasaki (1995).
For languages that disallow mutability entirely, even stack implementations can be moderately complex. In R, however, we can take advantage of mutability via environments and simply provide side-effect-free interface functions. We implement stacks as unordered linked-lists of environments, each with a data element and a reference to the next node. Stacks themselves are S3 objects with interface methods and access to the head stack node as well as length information stored separately.
To emphasize the persistent nature of the structure, rather than
implement the traditional push()
and pop()
methods, we instead use
(returning a new ‘rstack
’ object with a new top
element), without_top()
(returning a new ‘rstack
’ object without the
top element) and peek_top()
(returning the data element of the top of
the stack, or an error if the stack is empty–though we also implement
for explicit tests of emptyness). As illustrated in
Figure 1, insertion and removal are implemented as
creation of a new stack with head element referencing the appropriate
node, for
The simplest way to implement persistent queues has long been known (Burton 1982), and simply keeps two stacks: a “left” that holds the elements at the front of the queue ready for removal, and a “right” holding the elements at the back of the queue in reverse order (where new elements are added).
Of course, we need to be able to handle removing from a non-empty queue
when the left
stack is empty. In this case we need to first reverse
the right
stack and put it in the left
position. This is an
In actuality, we implement this structure as a double ended queue for R
(an ‘rdeque
’) which allows for fast access to both ends. When one side
becomes nearly empty, returned structures are first decomposed to a list
and recomposed with balanced sides, again providing y <- without_front(x)
causes an z <- without_front(x)
. In practice, we expect usage patterns that
cause significant slowdown to be rare.
True fully persistent,
We implement these persistent queues as ‘rpqueue
’s, which require
three lazy lists: l
, r
, and l̂
. Items are inserted into the back of
the queue by addition to the top of the r
list, and removed from the
front by removal from the front of the l
list. We implement these lazy
lists as’rstack
‘s (described above) where nodes’ nextnode
are assigned with delayedAssign()
and memoized on first evaluation.
The queue maintains the invariant that the l
stack is at least as long
as the r
stack–when this invariant would be violated (either by an
insertion to r
or a removal from l
), the r
list is rotated and
appended to the tail of l
; this operation is delayed for l̂
list is set to contain
the same data as l
on a rotation. For each subsequent insertion or
removal (which don’t cause a rotation and are also constant time), an
element is also removed from l̂
. This ensures that future removals are
constant time as previously delayed computations are forced even on
insertions. (The rotation is incremental, and so all tails of l
are delayed.) With these operations, the l̂
queue is empty exactly
when the invariant is violated causing another delayed rotation. For
further details, see (Okasaki 1995).
An example operation is shown in Figure 3, where an
initial queue of "A", "B", "C", "D"
receives an insertion of "E"
causing a rotation. Next, an insertion of "F"
does not cause a
rotation but does cause a removal from l̂
, pre-evaluating the answer
required for the upcoming removal of "A"
. When the removal of "A"
does occur, the operation is l̂
anticipating future removals from l
’ operation, based on
three stacks (l
, r
, and l̂
) where the “tails” of stacks may be
assigned with delayedAssign()
in the incremental rotation and are
memoized upon first evaluation. Items are inserted onto r
and removed
from l
. The l̂
stack is reduced by one on each insertion or removal,
ensuring that future versions of l
have been pre-evaluated for
constant time removals.Because lazy lists are potentially deeply nested, we can’t fully
evaluate them recursively due to interpreter call-stack limitations. In
a similar vein, an important property of these purely-functional queues
from an implementation perspective is that they are indeed
The three data structures we’ve described, ‘rstack
’, ‘rdeque
’, and
’ are all available in the R package,
rstackdeque, on
CRAN. All provide an as.list
convenience function that collates all
elements into a pre-allocated list of the correct size with the
top/front elements being placed in the first index of the list.
Similarly, as.rstack()
, as.rdeque()
, and as.rpqueue()
their inputs into a stack, deque, or fully persistent queue, after
converting to an intermediary list representation with as.list()
These bulk operations are somewhat slower for ’rpqueue
’s because of
their delayed nature and the need to process modifications
incrementally, in addition to the supporting structures needed for their
implementation. All three structures also support modification by direct
assignment to their tops or ends, as in peek_top(x) <- "A"
for stacks,
peek_front(x) <- "A"
for queues, and additionally
peek_back(x) <- "A"
for deques.
While these examples have illustrated storing simple character vectors
in stacks and queues, any R data type may be stored efficiently. One of
the more common errors for new R programmers with experience in
non-functional languages is the attempt to use a loop to dynamically
grow a data structure like a dataframe. As experienced R programmers
know, the persistent nature of dataframes but lack of efficient growth
capabilities may result in excessive copying and
that efficiently
collates elements, so long as they all have the same length()
and if
any are named the names do not conflict. (This is accomplished with a
call to rbind
on a list-representation of the
structure.) We emphasize that this feature is not meant as a replacement
for the functional solutions provided in base R like lapply()
excellent split-apply-combine strategies such as in the
dplyr package (Wickham and Francois 2015).
Rather, we hope that stacks and queues will provide R programmers with
highly dynamic data structures that are useful for certain applications
while fitting well with the existing R ecosystem.
We briefly wish to compare the performance characteristics of these three data structure implementations. Although certainly much slower than less dynamic pre-allocated-list solutions, persistent stacks, deques, and queues should be efficient enough to be used naturally when they are most appropriate. In addition, performance comparisons between the two implementations of queues described above—partially persistent and fully persistent based on lazy evaluation—would be the first to our knowledge.
Using the
package (Mersmann 2014), we tested the time taken to 1) insert
‘s, and’rpqueue
’s. Each point represents one trial, with jitter and linear
model fits added for clarity. The close fit of the linear models to the
points reinforces the Generally, ‘rdeque
’ structures are about twice as slow as ‘rstack
on insert and four times slower on remove, reflecting the additional
environment references on insert and occasional rebalancing needed for
removals. The’rpqueue
’s are slower still (by a constant factor per
element) owing to their complex insertion and removal routines.
Because of the supporting structures needed for ‘rdeque
’s and’rpqueue
‘s, we also looked at how many environments were created by
immediately after rm()
and the garbage collector was run with gc()
.) Results are
shown in Figure 5. As expected, the partially
persistent stacks and deques use (asymptotically) one environment per
data element. The number of environments utilized by the’rpqueue
varies depending on the internal evaluation state of the structure, with
at some points several environments supporting each data element. Note
that because the insertion time is
‘s, and’rpqueue
’s. Each point represents one
trial, with jitter and linear model fits added for
clarity.To highlight the usefulness of stacks and queues as well as give more in-depth examples, we consider a whimsical application that makes heavy use of these structures: designing and solving mazes.
There are a variety of ways to design a maze; one of the more elegant is known as “recursive backtracking.” This strategy builds corridors by extending them from the start in random directions, inserting the cells as they are visited onto the top of a stack. When the corridor would intersect itself, the path is traced backward (removing from the stack) and another corridor is opened up. A small ASCII maze built with this method is shown in Figure 6.
The R code to generate an ASCII maze like this is somewhat tedious so we won’t reproduce it here except in pseudocode (though see Section 8):
## Maze generation pseudocode
V <- rstack()
set the current location L to the start of the maze at S
while(any cell is unvisited) {
find a random unvisited neighbor N of L
if(N is not NULL) {
V <- insert_top(V, L)
build a corridor between N and L
L <- N
mark L visited
else if(the stack is not empty)
# pull the next location to try from stack
L <- peek_top(V)
V <- without_top(V)
set L to a random unvisited cell in the maze
Solving mazes of this type using depth-first search is relatively simple
with the help of a stack. The start location is inserted into the top of
the stack, and so long as peeking at the top of the stack doesn’t reveal
the end location, neighboring unvisited locations are inserted. If there
are no unvisited locations nearby, indicating a dead end, the top of the
stack is removed instead until the search can continue. (This function
calls a helper function, random_unvisited_neighbor
, see
Section 8 for details.)
solve_ascii_maze_dfs <- function(maze) {
## find the start and end of the maze
end <- data.frame(which(maze == "E", arr.ind = TRUE))
start <- data.frame(which(maze == "S", arr.ind = TRUE))
maze[maze == " " | maze == "E" | maze == "S"] <- "." ## mark corridors unvisited
loc <- start ## initialize the solution stack and start location
path <- rstack()
path_history <- rstack()
path <- insert_top(path, loc)
step <- 1
while(any(peek_top(path) != end)) { ## while we're not out of the maze
loc <- peek_top(path)
## if the current location is unvisited, mark it visited with the current
## timestep
if(maze[loc$row, loc$col] == ".") {maze[loc$row, loc$col] <- step}
## grab a random unvisited neighbor; if there is one push it on the current
## path
nextloc <- random_unvisited_neighbor(maze, peek_top(path), dist = 1)
if(!is.null(nextloc)) {
path <- insert_top(path, nextloc)
} else {
# otherwise backtrack and try again
path <- without_top(path)
step <- step + 1
path_history <- insert_top(path_history, path)
end <- peek_top(path) ## mark solution by negating visit numbers
maze[end$row, end$col] <- step
while(!empty(path)) {
loc <- peek_top(path)
path <- without_top(path)
maze[loc$row, loc$col] <- -1 * as.numeric(maze[loc$row, loc$col])
return(list(maze, path_history))
In this implementation we mark each cell as visited with the timestep in which it is visited, and in the end we reverse those numbers for the solution by tracing back through the solution path stored in the stack. An auxiliary function plots the solved ASCII maze, including this solution path, resulting in Figure 7 (left) for a larger maze.
A breadth-first search replaces the stack with a queue, so that new cells are visited in order of their distance from the start—cells further from the start are added to the back of the queue for later visiting and cells are marked visited from the front of the queue. One small complication is the need to keep track of where cells are sampled from relative to their neighbors so that we can trace back the eventual solution. We do this with a simple stack that keeps track of this to/from information and use a while-loop for the traceback.
solve_ascii_maze_bfs <- function(maze) {
## find the start and end of the maze
end <- data.frame(which(maze == "E", arr.ind = TRUE))
start <- data.frame(which(maze == "S", arr.ind = TRUE))
maze[maze == " " | maze == "E" | maze == "S"] <- "." ## mark corridors unvisited
loc <- start ## initialize the solution stack and start location
visits <- rdeque()
visits_history <- rstack()
visits <- insert_back(visits, loc)
## keep a stack to remember where each visit came from in the BFS
camefrom <- rstack()
step <- 1
while(!empty(visits)) { ## while there are still cells we can visit
loc <- peek_front(visits)
visits <- without_front(visits)
neighbors <- random_unvisited_neighbor(maze, loc, dist = 1, all = TRUE)
for(neighbor in neighbors) {
camefrom <- insert_top(camefrom, list(from = loc, to = neighbor))
## push neighbors on the queue and mark them visited with the timestep
visits <- insert_back(visits, neighbor)
maze[neighbor$row, neighbor$col] <- step
step <- step + 1
visits_history <- insert_top(visits_history, visits)
loc <- end ## set loc to the end and track the camefrom path back to find the solution
while(any(loc != start)) {
maze[loc$row, loc$col] <- as.numeric(maze[loc$row, loc$col]) * -1
pathpart <- peek_top(camefrom)
while(any(pathpart$to != loc)) {
camefrom <- without_top(camefrom)
pathpart <- peek_top(camefrom)
loc <- pathpart$from
maze[loc$row, loc$col] <- as.numeric(maze[loc$row, loc$col]) * -1
return(list(maze, visits_history))
This solution will run longer (as it will visit all of the maze rather than stop the first time the end is found), but is guaranteed to find the shortest path from the start to the end. In this case both solutions are the same, as shown in Figure 7 (right). (In fact, mazes generated by recursive backtracking are trees, so there is only one simple solution.)
These algorithmic examples don’t make explicit use of the persistence
provided by ‘rstack
’s and’rdeque
’s. Some persistent data structures
are an integral part of the methods they are used in; for example
persistent binary trees are used in the planar point location problem
(Sarnak and Tarjan 1986), and many other applications of persistence are found in
the area of computational geometry in general (Kaplan 1995).
Persistence also supports multi-threaded parallelization, since
different threads needn’t worry about the mutability of their parameters
(Chuang and Goldberg 1993).
More simply for our examples, because the structures are persistent we
can save the state of the search over time (in path_history
in the functions above). These histories can later be
analyzed, for example to illustrate how many steps each cell spent
waiting in the stack or deque
(Figure 8).
’ for the depth-first search (left) or
’ for the breadth-first search
(right).The stack, deque, and queue structures described here are available as
an R package called rstackdeque available on CRAN. The maze examples
and benchmarking code may be found on GitHub at Persistent structures
such as these also support illustrating the operation of dynamic
algorithms with the powerful plotting capabilities of
ggplot2 (Wickham 2009) and
similar packages. As an example, the mazes.mp4
video in the
GitHub repository illustrates the creation and
solution of a maze through time.
We’ve described the implementation of dynamic stack and queue data structures, guided by research in purely-functional languages so that they fit well into the R ecosystem via persistence. Rather than serve as a replacement for standard containers like lists and dataframes, stacks and queues (along with hashes as provided by the hash package (Brown 2013)) enable a wide range of staple algorithmic techniques that until now have been more naturally implemented in languages like Python, Java, and C.
Further work might consider implementing additional persistent data
structures, such as red-black trees or heaps. Because persistent
versions of these are often
Thanks to Zhian Kamvar and Charlotte Wickham for comments, and the Center for Genome Research and Biocomputing at Oregon State University for support. Special thanks to reviewers, whose suggestions improved clarity and motivation for this article as well as contributed to the usability of the rstackdeque package.
rstackdeque, dplyr, microbenchmark, ggplot2, hash, Rcpp
Databases, HighPerformanceComputing, ModelDeployment, NumericalMathematics, Phylogenetics, Spatial, TeachingStatistics
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O'Neil, "Implementing Persistent O(1) Stacks and Queues in R", The R Journal, 2015
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2015-009, author = {O'Neil, Shawn T.}, title = {Implementing Persistent O(1) Stacks and Queues in R}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2015}, note = {}, volume = {7}, issue = {1}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {118-126} }