Here I introduce package cmvnorm, a complex generalization of the mvtnorm package. A complex generalization of the Gaussian process is suggested and numerical results presented using the package. An application in the context of approximating the Weierstrass
Complex-valued random variables find applications in many areas of science such as signal processing (Kay 1989), radio engineering (Ozarow 1994), and atmospheric physics (Mandic et al. 2009). In this short paper I introduce cmvnorm (Hankin 2015), a package for investigating one commonly encountered complex-valued probability distribution, the complex Gaussian.
The real multivariate Gaussian distribution is well supported in R by package mvtnorm (Genz et al. 2014), having density function
A zero mean complex random vector
Most results from real multivariate analysis have a direct
generalization to the complex case, as long as “transpose” is replaced
by “Hermitian transpose”. For example,
Also, linear regression generalizes similarly. Specifically,
This short vignette introduces the cmvnorm package which furnishes some functionality for the complex multivariate Gaussian distribution, and applies it in the context of a complex generalization of the emulator package (Hankin 2005), which implements functionality for investigating (real) Gaussian processes.
Random complex vectors are generated using the rcmvnorm()
analogous to rmvnorm()
> set.seed(1)
> library("cmvnorm", quietly = TRUE)
> cm <- c(1, 1i)
> cv <- matrix(c(2, 1i, -1i, 2), 2, 2)
> (z <- rcmvnorm(6, mean = cm, sigma = cv))
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 0.9680986+0.5525419i 0.0165969+2.9770976i
[2,] 0.2044744-1.4994889i 1.8320765+0.8271259i
[3,] 1.0739973+0.2279914i -0.7967020+0.1736071i
[4,] 1.3171073-0.9843313i 0.9257146+0.5524913i
[5,] 1.3537303-0.8086236i -0.0571337+0.3935375i
[6,] 2.9751506-0.1729231i 0.3958585+3.3128439i
Function dcmvnorm()
returns the density according
to ((2)):
> dcmvnorm(z, cm, cv)
[1] 5.103754e-04 1.809636e-05 2.981718e-03 1.172242e-03 4.466836e-03 6.803356e-07
So it is possible to determine a maximum likelihood estimate for the mean using direct numerical optimization
> helper <- function(x) c(x[1] + 1i * x[2], x[3] + 1i * x[4])
> objective <- function(x, cv)
+ -sum(dcmvnorm(z, mean = helper(x), sigma = cv, log = TRUE))
> helper(optim(c(1, 0, 1, 0), objective, cv = cv)$par)
[1] 1.315409-0.447863i 0.385704+1.372762i
(helper functions are needed because optim()
> colMeans(z)
[1] 1.315426-0.447472i 0.386068+1.372784i
In the context of the emulator, a (real) Gaussian process is usually
defined as a random
It is convenient to specify
The covariance is typically given by
(Oakley 1999) uses techniques which have clear complex analogues to show
that the posterior mean of
Equation ((3)) furnishes a cheap approximation
The complex case is directly analogous,
(This motivates the definition of the characteristic function of a
complex multivariate random variable
In the real case one typically chooses
and following (Hankin 2012) in writing
Thus the covariance matrix
In ((5)),
Given the above, it seems to be reasonable to follow (Oakley 1999) and
admit only diagonal
Analytic functions of several complex variables are an important and
interesting class of objects; (Krantz 1987) motivates and discusses the
discipline. Formally,
Such an
The natural definition of complex Gaussian processes above, together with the features of analytic functions of several complex variables, suggests that a complex emulation of analytic functions of several complex variables might be a useful technique.
The ideas presented above, and the cmvnorm package, can now be used to sample directly from an appropriate complex Gaussian distribution and estimate the roughness parameters:
> val <- latin.hypercube(40, 2, names = c("a", "b"), complex = TRUE)
> head(val)
a b
[1,] 0.7375+0.2375i 0.2375+0.7125i
[2,] 0.6875+0.5875i 0.1375+0.3375i
[3,] 0.4625+0.5375i 0.9875+0.5875i
[4,] 0.7875+0.0625i 0.0625+0.7875i
[5,] 0.3875+0.0375i 0.5875+0.7625i
[6,] 0.2125+0.5625i 0.7625+0.9625i
(function latin.hypercube()
is used to generate a random complex
design matrix). We may now specify a variance matrix using simple values
for the roughness
> true_scales <- c(1, 2)
> true_means <- c(1, 1i)
> A <- corr_complex(val, means = true_means, scales = true_scales)
> round(A[1:4, 1:4], 2)
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 1.00+0.00i 0.59-0.27i 0.25-0.10i 0.89+0.11i
[2,] 0.59+0.27i 1.00+0.00i 0.20+0.00i 0.42+0.26i
[3,] 0.25+0.10i 0.20+0.00i 1.00+0.00i 0.10+0.06i
[4,] 0.89-0.11i 0.42-0.26i 0.10-0.06i 1.00+0.00i
Function corr_complex()
is a complex generalization of corr()
matrix A
is Hermitian positive-definite:
> all(eigen(A)$values > 0)
[1] TRUE
It is now possible to make a single multivariate observation
> true_beta <- c(1, 1+1i, 1-2i)
> d <- drop(rcmvnorm(n = 1, mean = regressor.multi(val) %*% true_beta, sigma = A))
> head(d)
[1] 3.212719+1.594901i 1.874278+0.345517i 3.008503-0.767618i 3.766526+2.071882i
[5] 3.712913+0.800983i 3.944167+0.924833i
Thus d
is a single observation from a complex multivariate Gaussian
distribution. Most of the functions of the emulator package operate
without modification. Thus
, which calculates the maximum
>, solve(A), d)
const a b
0.593632-0.0128655i 0.843608+1.0920437i 1.140372-2.5053751i
However, because the likelihood function is different, the
functionality is implemented in the cmvnorm package by
, named in analogy to function
of package emulator.
For example, it is possible to evaluate the posterior distribution of
the process at
> interpolant.quick.complex(rbind(c(0.5, 0.3+0.1i)), d, val, solve(A),
+ scales = true_scales, means = true_means, give.Z = TRUE)
[1] 1.706402-1.008601i
[1] 0.203295
[1] 1.608085-0.104419i
Thus the posterior distribution for the process is complex Gaussian at
this point with a mean of about
These techniques are now used to emulate an analytic function of several complex variables. A complex function’s being analytic is a very strong restriction; (Needham 2004) uses ‘rigidity’ to describe the severe constraint that analyticity represents.
Here the Weierstrass
> library("elliptic")
> valsigma <- 2 + 1i + round(latin.hypercube(30, 3,
+ names = c("z", "g1", "g2"), complex = TRUE)/4, 2)
> head(valsigma)
z g1 g2
[1,] 2.17+1.15i 2.09+1.22i 2.21+1.09i
[2,] 2.11+1.01i 2.04+1.03i 2.25+1.15i
[3,] 2.10+1.04i 2.15+1.00i 2.22+1.20i
[4,] 2.13+1.10i 2.24+1.21i 2.01+1.16i
[5,] 2.20+1.00i 2.20+1.06i 2.08+1.08i
[6,] 2.05+1.10i 2.19+1.04i 2.11+1.03i
(an offset is needed
> dsigma <- apply(valsigma, 1, function(u) sigma(u[1], g = u[2:3]))
One way of estimating the roughness parameters is to use maximum
likelihood. The likelihood for any set of roughness parameters is given
by (Oakley 1999)
as scales.likelihood.complex()
; this can be used to return
the log-likelihood for a specific set of roughness parameters:
> scales.likelihood.complex(scales = c(1, 1, 2), means = c(1, 1+1i, 1-2i),
+ zold = valsigma, z = dsigma, give_log = TRUE)
[1] 144.5415
Numerical methods can then be used to find the maximum likelihood
estimate. Because function optim()
optimizes over
> scales <- function(x) exp(x[c(1, 2, 2)])
> means <- function(x) x[c(3, 4, 4)] + 1i * x[c(5, 6, 6)]
Because the diagonal elements of
> objective <- function(x, valsigma, dsigma)
+ -scales.likelihood.complex(scales = scales(x), means = means(x),
+ zold = valsigma, z = dsigma)
> start <- c(-0.538, -5.668, 0.6633, -0.0084, -1.73, -0.028)
> jj <- optim(start, objective, valsigma = valsigma, dsigma = dsigma,
+ method = "SANN", control = list(maxit = 100))
> (u <- jj$par)
[1] -0.5380 -5.6680 0.6633 -0.0084 -1.7300 -0.0280
Function corr_complex()
may now be used to calculate the covariance of
the observations:
> Asigma <- corr_complex(z1 = valsigma, scales = scales(u), means = means(u))
So now we can compare the emulator against the “true” value:
> interpolant.quick.complex(rbind(c(2+1i, 2+1i, 2+1i)), zold = valsigma,
+ d = dsigma, Ainv = solve(Asigma), scales = scales(u), means = means(u))
[1] 3.078956+1.259993i
> sigma(2 + 1i, g = c(2 + 1i, 2 + 1i))
[1] 3.078255+1.257819i
showing reasonable agreement. It is also possible to test the
> ob2 <- function(x, valsigma, dsigma)
+ -scales.likelihood.complex(scales = scales(x), means = c(0, 0, 0),
+ zold = valsigma, z = dsigma)
> jjr <- optim(u[1:2], ob2, method = "SANN", control = list(maxit = 1000),
+ valsigma = valsigma, dsigma = dsigma)
> (ur <- jjr$par)
[1] 0.2136577 -4.2640825
so the test statistic
> LR <- scales.likelihood.complex(scales = scales(ur), means = c(0, 0, 0),
+ zold = valsigma, z = dsigma)
> LC <- scales.likelihood.complex(scales = scales(u), means = means(u),
+ zold = valsigma, z = dsigma)
> (D <- 2 * (LC - LR))
[1] 22.17611
Observing that
The cmvnorm package for the complex multivariate Gaussian distribution
has been introduced and motivated. The Gaussian process has been
generalized to the complex case, and a complex generalization of the
emulator technique has been applied to an analytic function of several
complex variables. The complex variance matrix was specified using a
novel parameterization which accommodated non-real covariances in the
context of circulary symmetric random variables. Further work might
include numerical support for the complex multivariate Student
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Hankin, "The Complex Multivariate Gaussian Distribution", The R Journal, 2015
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2015-006, author = {Hankin, Robin K. S.}, title = {The Complex Multivariate Gaussian Distribution}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2015}, note = {}, volume = {7}, issue = {1}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {73-80} }