As expression microarrays are typically designed relative to a reference genome, any individual genetic variant that overlaps a probe’s genomic position can possibly cause a reduction in hybridization due to the probe no longer being a perfect match to a given sample’s mRNA at that locus. If the samples or groups used in a microarray study differ in terms of genetic variants, the results of the microarray experiment can be negatively impacted. The oligoMask package is an R/SQLite framework which can utilize publicly available genetic variants and works in conjunction with the oligo package to read in the expression data and remove microarray probes which are likely to impact a given microarray experiment prior to analysis. Tools are provided for creating an SQLite database containing the probe and variant annotations and for performing the commonly used RMA preprocessing procedure for Affymetrix microarrays. The oligoMask package is freely available at
It has been observed that for mRNA microarrays from a given sample, genetic differences of that sample relative to the probe sequences can affect hybridization to short oligonucleotide probes resulting in false positives or negatives depending on the experimental and array design (Alberts et al. 2007; Walter et al. 2007). Several approaches currently exist to identify and flag/remove probes that have hybridization artifacts due to genetic variants. Removal of probes based on pre-defined genetic variant databases is one such approach (Benovoy et al. 2008). Software (Kumari et al. 2007) and databases (Duan et al. 2008) allowing the interrogation of the relationships between microarray probes and single nucleotide variants have been described. The R package CustomCDF (Dai et al. 2005) is an example of this approach that removes probes from an environment formed from the Affymetrix chip description file (CDF) prior to analysis. One potential limitation of the CDF filtering approach is that for some of the more recent arrays platforms such as the Affymetrix Gene or Exon arrays the use of such environments has been superseded (e.g. the SQLite databases in the oligo (Carvalho and Irizarry 2010) package or ROOT scheme files as in the xps (Stratowa, Vienna, and Austria 2013) package).
In addition, the actual expression data itself can be interrogated to identify and mask out variants. R packages exist to effectively deal with a two group comparison between several strains or species through procedures based mainly on the expression data such as maskBAD (Dannemann et al. 2012) and SNEP (Fujisawa et al. 2009). However, models based on two (genetic) groups have limited utility when analyzing more complicated experimental designs such as those found in expression-based analyses using more genetically diverse mouse lines such as Diversity Outbred (Svenson et al. 2012), Collaborative Cross (Collaborative Cross Consortium 2012) or other Heterogenous Stock (Chia et al. 2005) mice.
In order to facilitate eQTL mapping and other expression analyses in complex mouse crosses we devised an R package oligoMask based on the use of high quality publicly available genetic variant databases to screen microarray probes identifying probes impacted by variants. The key to this is the relatively recent availability of genome-wide variant databases in the variant call format (VCF) such as those from the Sanger Mouse Genomes Project (Keane et al. 2011) and the 1000 Genomes for humans (1000 Genomes Project Consortium 2012) as well as the ability to query and parse these files via the VariantAnnotation (Obenchain et al. 2014) package. The oligoMask package is designed to work in conjunction with the oligo Bioconductor package to facilitate removal of aberrant probe expression prior to the commonly used robust multi-array average (RMA) (Irizarry et al. 2003) pre-processing procedure for Affymetrix arrays. Our package works by removing potentially impacted probes from the overall expression matrix prior to the call to the RMA processing functions. This can be done before the background correction step or after the normalization step. The annotation for these impacted probes are most easily derived from VCF files with the parsed data stored in an SQLite database. This database can be optionally wrapped in an R package with appropriate metadata to facilitate sharing and reproducibility. High-level S4 classes and methods provide a convenient interface with oligoMask and oligo. In addition, users can define new database schemas, add custom data as well as create their own functionality. Below we give an overview as well as demonstrate using publicly available data the steps involved for the use of oligoMask.
The example data presented in this article and in the vignette was downloaded from the gene expression omnibus (GEO) with accession number GSE33822 (Sun et al. 2012). For demonstration purposes we use a subset (n=8) of the dataset including only those samples derived from whole brain which received the vehicle treatment and that were run on version 1 of the Mouse Gene ST array. In our example, we are looking for expression differences between the NOD/ShiLtJ (NOD) inbred strain and the C57BL/6J (B6) inbred strain, the genome of which serves as the mouse reference genome. As we can expect the microarray probe sequences to be heavily biased towards the reference genome, looking for differential expression between these two strains may be problematic as differences in expression may be due to hybridization artifacts or true gene expression differences. First we create a NOD-specific database and then filter out those probes that are impacted by at least one variant in the NOD strain but not in the B6 strain and then carry out the differential expression analysis as per standard statistical workflows.
The first step in the use of oligoMask is the creation of an SQLite
database containing the probe annotation (including alignments to a
given genome), variant annotation and the overlap,if any, between probes
and variants. In a general sense, the probes sequences are first
realigned to the given genome using the
Bioconductor packages (Pages 2013; Pages, P. Aboyoun, R. Gentleman, and S. DebRoy 2013) with the probe
location and mappability of the probes being recorded. The locations of
the uniquely mapping probes are then used to compute overlap with the
variants in the specified VCF file using import and overlap
functionality in the VariantAnnotation package. The locations of the
variants in the genome, type of variant and the individual/population it
was observed in is also recorded along with the overlap between probe
alignments and variants. A convenience function for database creation is
provided (create.sanger.mouse.vcf.db
) for use with the case of
variants derived from VCF files from the Sanger Mouse Genomes Project
and variants of the Affymetrix Mouse Gene ST arrays. The oligoMask
Vignette demonstrates in the section ‘Data preparation’ how the NOD
variant database package ( can be created using
this function.
Additional array platforms and variant genotype file types can be
supported through a modification of create.sanger.mouse.vcf.db
as well
as specifying the database schema as a "TableSchemaList"
object as
returned in the pre-defined SangerTableSchemaList
function. The
S4 class serves a similar role as an
object-relational mapping approach (ORM) in other languages and allows
the R code to interact with a given database in a general way.
The masking procedure first requires the installation of the oligo
package along with the appropriate platform design databases that can be
downloaded from Bioconductor. In our use case of Affymetrix Gene ST
arrays, the CEL files are first read in using the read.celfiles
function of oligo resulting in a "GeneFeatureSet"
object. Next, the
oligoMask database package is loaded, the parameters for the masking
procedure are defined and finally the RMA summarization is performed as
is shown below starting from the "GeneFeatureSet"
object distributed
with oligoMaskData.
var.parms <- VariantMaskParams(, geno.filter = FALSE,
rm.unmap = FALSE, rm.mult = FALSE)
sun.gfs.mask <- maskRMA(oligoMaskData, target = "core", apply.mask = TRUE,
mask.params = var.parms)
The result of these commands is a summarized "GeneFeatureSet"
with all probes overlapping variants from the NOD inbred strain of mouse
removed prior to the background correction step of RMA. Users can
control several aspects of the masking procedure through creation of a
parameter object. For instance users can additionally remove probes that
map to multiple locations as well as those that do not map at all to the
reference genome by supplying TRUE
to rm.multi
and/or rm.unmap
Similarly, masking can be performed using only those variants that
passed quality filters encoded in the VCF file by setting geno.filter
The maskRMA
method carries out the RMA procedure and provides a
similar interface to the rma
method from oligo. In addition it
requires specification of a "VariantMaskParams"
object and whether the
masking procedure should be performed before the background correction
function or after background correction and normalization but before
summarization by setting the mask.type
argument to before.rma
As a demonstration of oligoMask next we perform a basic linear-model based differential expression analysis with the Sun et al. 2012 data comparing results with and without the NOD mask applied. Below we illustrate the basic approach using the masked data.
sun.exprs.mask <- exprs(sun.gfs.mask)
phen.dta <- data.frame(t(sapply(strsplit(colnames(sun.exprs.mask), "_"), c))[, 1:3])
names(phen.dta) <- c("tissue", "strain", "exposure")
use.mod <- model.matrix(~strain, data = phen.dta)
fit <- lmFit(sun.exprs.mask, use.mod)
fit <- eBayes(fit)
sun.exprs.mask.res <- decideTests(fit)
We then repeat this procedure but this time setting apply.mask = FALSE
in maskRMA
to provide the baseline standard RMA values for the
sun.gfs.unmask <- maskRMA(oligoMaskData, target = "core", apply.mask = FALSE,
mask.params = var.parms)
sun.exprs.unmask <- exprs(sun.gfs.unmask)
um.phen.dta <-
data.frame(t(sapply(strsplit(colnames(sun.exprs.unmask), "_"), c))[, 1:3])
names(um.phen.dta) <- c("tissue" , "strain" , "exposure")
um.mod <- model.matrix(~strain , data = um.phen.dta) <- lmFit(sun.exprs.unmask , um.mod) <- eBayes(
sun.exprs.unmask.res <- decideTests(
Finally we produce a summary venn diagram of the results.
comb.mat <- cbind(sun.exprs.unmask.res[ , "strainNOD", drop = FALSE], Masked = 0)
comb.mat[rownames(sun.exprs.mask.res), "Masked"] <-
sun.exprs.mask.res[, "strainNOD"]
colnames(comb.mat)[1] <- "UnMasked"
The Venn diagram provides a visual comparison between the masked and unmasked results, allowing the user to assess impact of variants on expression (Figure 1). An executable version of this code is provided in the accompanying vignette accessed by:
Stangle(system.file("doc/oligoMask.Rnw" , package = "oligoMask"))
oligoMask is a flexible R/SQLite framework for pre-processing and QA/QC of hybridization based expression data. Not only can it remove the effect of spurious probe intensities due to genetic variants but it can additionally correct for design artifacts (probes mapping to multiple places or not mapping at all). It utilizes SQLite and works in conjunction with the oligo Bioconductor package. Currently it supports the Affymetrix Mouse Gene ST array though support could be easily added for other array types or species as described above. Approaches for removal of probes based off of the variant and mapping information in the SQLite database are already implemented. More sophisticated algorithms could be built on top of the database to provide masking additionally based off of the expression data itself or inferred haplotypes. We are currently working on allowing the masking to be further controlled by enforcing positional constraints on the variants relative to the probes as well as enabling masking to be based solely on the mapping information. Source code is freely available to all users from Note that and oligoMaskData are available as part of release 0.99.08 on github (
We thank the two anonymous reviewers for their comments. This work was supported in part by grants from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (1U19AI100625), the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (5UL1RR024140) and the National Cancer Institute (5P30CA069533-13).
oligo, xps, maskBAD, VariantAnnotation, BSgenome, Biostrings
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Bottomly, et al., "oligoMask: A Framework for Assessing and Removing the Effect of Genetic Variants on Microarray Probes", The R Journal, 2014
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2014-018, author = {Bottomly, Daniel and Wilmot, Beth and McWeeney, Shannon K.}, title = {oligoMask: A Framework for Assessing and Removing the Effect of Genetic Variants on Microarray Probes}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2014}, note = {}, volume = {6}, issue = {1}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {159-163} }