R offers several extension packages that allow it to perform parallel computations. These operate on fixed points in the program flow and make it difficult to deal with nested parallelism and to organize parallelism in complex computations in general. In this article we discuss, first, of how to detect parallelism in functions, and second, how to minimize user intervention in that process. We present a solution that requires minimal code changes and enables to flexibly and dynamically choose the degree of parallelization in the resulting computation. An implementation is provided by the R package parallelize.dynamic and practical issues are discussed with the help of examples.
The R language (Ihaka and Gentleman 1996) can be used to program in the functional
paradigm, i.e. return values of functions only depend on their
arguments and values of variables bound at the moment of function
definition. Assuming a functional R program, it follows that calls to a
given set of functions are independent as long as their arguments do not
involve return values of each other. This property of function calls can
be exploited and several R packages allow to compute function calls in
parallel, e.g. packages parallel,
Rsge (Bode 2012) or
(Michael et al. 2013; Revolution Analytics and Weston 2013). A natural point in the program flow where to
employ parallelization is where use of the apply
-family of functions
is made. These functions take a single function (here called the
compute-function) as their first argument together with a set of values
as their second argument (here called the compute-arguments) each member
of which is passed to the compute-function. The calling mechanism
guarantees that function calls cannot see each others return values and
are thereby independent. This family includes the apply
, sapply
, and tapply
functions called generically Apply
in the
following. Examples of packages helping to parallelize Apply
include parallel and Rsge among others and we will focus on these
functions in this article as well.
In these packages, a given Apply
function is replaced by a similar
function from the package that performs the same computation in a
parallel way. Fixing a point of parallelism introduces some potential
problems. For example, the bootstrap package
boot (Davison and Hinkley 1997; Canty and Ripley 2013) allows
implicit use of the parallel package. If bootstrap computations become
nested within larger computations the parallelization option of the
function potentially has to be changed to allow parallelization
at a higher level once the computation scenario changes. In principle,
the degree of parallelism could depend on parameter values changing
between computations thereby making it difficult to choose an optimal
code point at which to parallelize. Another shortcoming of existing
solutions is that only a single Apply
function gets parallelized
thereby ignoring parallelism that spans different Apply
calls in
nested computations. The aim of this paper is to outline solutions that
overcome these limitations. This implies that the parallelization
process should be as transparent as possible, i.e. requiring as little
user intervention as necessary. An ideal solution would therefore allow
the user to ask for parallelization of a certain piece of code and we
will try to approximate this situation. Potential benefits for the user
are that less technical knowledge is required to make use of
parallelization, computations can become more efficient by better
control over the scaling of parallelization, and finally programs can
better scale to different resources, say the local machine compared to a
computer cluster.
This article is organized as follows. We first give further motivation by an example that highlights the problems this approach seeks to address. We then outline the technical strategy needed to determine the parallelism in a given function call. After that, trade-offs introduced by such a strategy are discussed. We conclude by benchmarking two examples and discussing important practical issues such as deviations of R programs from the functional programming style.
Let us start by looking at an example that tries to condense real-world
problems in short, self-contained code which illustrates issues to be
solved. Regression analyses are performed on the iris
data set as
Lapply <- lapply
Sapply <- sapply
d <- iris; response <- 'Species'; R <- .01; Nl <- 1e1; Nu <- 1e5
vars <- setdiff(names(d), response)
responseLevels <- levels(d[[response]])
minimax <- function(v, min = -Inf, max = Inf)
ifelse(v < min, min, ifelse(v > max, max, v))
N <- function(p, r = R)
(2 * qnorm(p, lower.tail = FALSE)/r)^2 * (1 - p)/p
analysis <- function(data, vars) {
f1 <- as.formula(sprintf('%s ~ %s', response, paste(vars, collapse = ' + ')));
f0 <- as.formula(sprintf('%s ~ 1', response));
a <- anova(glm(f0, data = data), glm(f1, data = data), test = 'Chisq')
p.value <- a[['Pr(>Chi)']][[2]]
permute <- function(data, vars, f, ..., M) {
ps <- Sapply(0:M, function(i, data, vars, f, ...) {
if (i > 0) data[, vars] <- data[sample(nrow(data)), vars];
f(data, vars, ...)
}, data, vars, f, ...)
p.data <- ps[1]
ps <- ps[-1]
list(p.raw = p.data, p.emp = mean(ps[order(ps)] < p.data))
subsetRegression <- function() {
r <- Lapply(responseLevels, function(l) {
subsets <- as.list(set_symdiff(2^as.set(vars), 2^set()))
r1 <- Sapply(subsets, function(subset) {
d[[response]] = d[[response]] == l
p.value <- analysis(d, unlist(subset))
unlist(permute(d, unlist(subset), analysis,
M = as.integer(minimax(N(p.value), Nl, Nu))))
output <- data.frame(subset = sapply(subsets, function(s)
paste(s, collapse = '+')), t(r1))
names(r) <- responseLevels
Variable Species
is dichotomized for all of its levels and a subset
analysis is performed by regressing these outcomes on all possible
subsets of the other variables (function analysis
). Also a permutation
based P-value is computed (function permute
) and the number of
iterations depends on the raw P-value (N
). To ensure robustness, the
resulting number is constrained within an integer interval (function
Analyzing computational aspects of this code, we first note that our
most global models are represented by response levels, in this case
three, constituting a low level of parallelization. Second, the subset
models vary in size, in this case by a factor of four. Third, the
parallelism of permutation computations is data dependent and cannot be
determined beforehand. It is thus not straightforward to choose a good
point at which to parallelize. Finally, observe that we have copied the
symbols sapply
and lapply
to upper-cased symbols and used them in
places where parallelization is desirable. The sapply
used for
computing the variable output
has not been marked in this way as it
constitutes a trivial computation. The remainder of the article is
concerned with achieving the goals stated above for a program for which
desirable parallelization has been marked as in the code above.
Parallelism in programs can be detected by static analysis of source code (e.g. Cooper and Torczon 2011) or by dynamic analysis (e.g. Ernst 2003) the latter relying on execution of the code at hand and the analysis of data gleaned from such executions. Example 1 motivates the use of dynamic analysis and we discuss static analysis later. In cases where parallelism is data dependent, dynamic analysis is the only means to precisely determine the level of parallelism. On the other hand also in cases where parallelism is known or can be determined by inexpensive computations, dynamic analysis has the advantage of convenience as the user is not responsible for making decisions on parallelization.
In the following, dynamic analysis is performed on Apply
marked as in Example 1. The overarching idea is to run the program but
stop it in time to determine the degree of parallelism while still
having spent only little computation time. Like in existing packages the
assumption is made that the functional style is followed by the called
functions, i.e. they do not exert side-effects nor depend on such.
Figure 1 depicts the program flow as seen in the
parallelization process. Given code becomes a sequence of linear code
(circles) leading to an Apply
function, the Apply
-function (table),
and linear code executed thereafter (circles). This pattern repeats
whenever Apply
functions are nested. For now, we ignore the case where
functions are called sequentially as this case is not
interesting for understanding the algorithm. We call code leading to a
given Apply
call the ramp-up and code executed after the Apply
ramp-down such that every program can be seen as an execution
ramp-up – Apply
– ramp-down. The task of dynamic analysis is to
select the “best” Apply
function, then separate execution into
ramp-up – Apply
– ramp-down, and perform the computation. Then,
calls resulting from the selected Apply
can be computed in parallel.
We now outline an abstract algorithm for implementing this program flow.
Specific details about R-specific behavior are given in the
implementation section. The problem is solved by re-executing the code
several times – a choice that is justified below. The re-executions
involve custom Apply
functions which replace the original
implementations with the ability to return execution to higher level
functions without executing the ramp-down, namely code following
the Apply
(escaping). The following re-executions take place:
Probing (ramp-up): determine the level of parallelism, stop
Freezing (ramp-up): save calls from Apply
s for parallel execution,
Recovery (ramp-down): replace calls that were parallelized with stored results, continue execution
Between the freezing and recovery steps, parallel computations are performed.
Probing potentially involves several re-executions as parallelism is
determined for increasing nesting levels. For a given nesting level,
probing simply stores the number of elements passed to the Apply
at the specified nesting level and returns to the higher level. The sum
of these elements is the level of parallelism achievable at that nesting
level. If higher degree of parallelism is desired probing is repeated at
a deeper nesting level.
After a nesting level is chosen in the probing step, execution is
stopped again in Apply
calls at that nesting level. The calls that the
would generate are stored as unevaluated calls in a so-called
freezer object.
Parallel execution is controlled by a backend object. Similarly to the foreach package, several options are available to perform the actual computations (e.g. snow Tierney et al. 2013 or batch queuing systems).
During recovery, execution is stopped at the same position as in the freezing step. These time results computed during parallel execution are retrieved and returned instead of evaluating function calls. Finally the whole computation returns with the final result.
If the requested level of parallelism exceeds the available parallelism, the computation will already finish in the probing step. This is because the probing level exceeds the nesting level at some point and execution will not be stopped. In this case the computation is performed linearly (actually sub-linearly because of the repeated re-executions).
When all results have been retrieved in the recovery step, the algorithm
can switch back to probing and parallelize Apply
code sequential to
the first hierarchy of Apply
calls. If no such Apply
calls are
present probing will compute the result linearly thus not incurring a
performance penalty.
The parallelization implementation is split into a so-called front-end part which implements the algorithm described above and a backend part which performs parallel execution. Currently, there are backends for local execution (local backend) which executes linearly, parallel execution on snow clusters (snow backend), and a backend for execution on Sun Grid Engine or Open Grid Scheduler batch queuing systems (OGSremote backend). This is a similar approach to the foreach package and potentially code can be shared between the packages. Back-ends are implemented as S4-classes and we refer to the package documentation for details on how to implement new backends.
Dynamic analysis of parallelism is performed by making use of
replacements of Apply
functions similar to existing packages. In this
implementation, replacement functions have the same name as replaced
functions with an upper case first letter, referred to as Apply
functions. The new functions have exactly the same programming interface
and the same semantics (i.e. they compute the same result) as the
replaced functions, which is a difference to similar packages. One
advantage is that programs can be very quickly adapted for parallel
execution and the mechanism can be turned of by re-instating the
original function definitions for Apply
functions as done in Example
In order to perform probing, freezing and recovery Apply
maintain a global state containing the current position in the program
flow. This is defined by the nesting level and an index number counting
calls seen so far. Probing and freezing maintain additional
state, respectively. During probing, the number of elements passed to
the Apply
call under investigation is stored, during freezing,
unevaluated calls resulting from the parallelized Apply
call are
Probing and freezing need the ability to skip the ramp-down as they did
not compute any results yet. This capability is implemented using the R
exception handling mechanism defined by the functions try
/ stop
. Any
that needs to escape the ramp-down issues a call to stop
is caught by a try
call that was issued in a higher-level Apply
. As
this disrupts normal program flow, execution can later not be resumed at
the point where stop
was called, requiring re-execution of the whole
code. Figure 2 illustrates the use of exception
The freezing mechanism is defined by a reference class (LapplyFreezer
which stores unevaluated calls for parallel execution and results of
these calls. The base class simply stores unevaluated calls and results
as R objects. Subclasses that store results on disk
) or defer generation of individual calls from
calls to the parallel step (LapplyGroupingFreezer
) exist and
can be paired with appropriate backends.
R allows the use of variables in functions that are not part of the
argument list (unbound variables). Their values are resolved by lexical
scoping, i.e. a hierarchy of environments is searched for the first
definition of the variable. This implies that all environments including
the global environment would potentially have to be available when a
parallel function call is executed to guarantee resolution of variable
values. As for the snow and OGS backends execution takes place in
different processes transferring these environments often constitutes
unacceptable overhead. Therefore, if unbound variables are used with
these backends the option copy_environments
can be set to TRUE
force copying of environments. This mechanism constructs a new
environment that only contains variables unbound in parallel function
calls and computes their values using get
in the correct environment.
This is a recursive process that has to be repeated for functions called
by compute-functions and is possibly expensive (compare Example 1).
Potentially, these variables could be part of expressions that are
evaluated lazily, i.e. values of these expressions should only be
computed later when the expression is assigned to a variable. Code
relying on the semantics of lazy evaluation could therefore work
A way to avoid copying of environments is to not use unbound variables
in compute-functions. Functions called from compute-functions are
allowed to contain unbound variables as long as they are bound by any
calling function. The copy_environments
option helps to minimize code
changes to achieve parallelization but its use is not recommended in
general (see discussion of Example 1 below).
The copy_environments
option can be used to ensure that function
definitions are available in the parallel jobs. However, this mechanism
avoids copying functions defined in packages as packages might contain
initialization code containing side-effects upon which these functions
could depend. Instead, required packages have to be specified either as
an element in the configuration list passed to parallelize_initialize
or as the libraries
argument of parallelize_initialize
. Similarly,
the sourceFiles
component of the configuration list or the
argument of parallelize_initialize
specify R scripts to
be sourced prior to computing the parallel job.
We continue Example 1 by extending it for use with package
Parallelization is initialized by a call to parallelize_initialize
The following code has to replace the call to subsetRegression
Example 1.
Parallelize_config <- list(
libraries = 'sets',
backends = list(snow = list(localNodes = 8, stateDir = tempdir()))
backend = 'snow',
parallel_count = 32,
copy_environments = TRUE
It is good practice to put the definition of Parallelize_config
into a
separate file and describe all resources available to the user there.
This file can then be sourced into new scripts and the call to
can quickly switch between available resources
by specifying the appropriate backend.
Backend | #Parallel jobs | Time | Speed-up |
OGSremote | 3 | 9129 sec | 1.00 |
OGSremote | 15 | 6073 sec | 1.50 |
OGSremote | 50 | 6206 sec | 1.47 |
The example is benchmarked on a four-core machine (Intel Core i7)
running the Open Grid Scheduler [OGS;
Open Grid Scheduler Development Team (2013)]. In this example,
we investigate the influence of varying the number of parallel jobs
generated. Results are listed in Table 1 and times
include all waiting times induced by polling job-statuses and wait times
induced by OGS (on average each job waits 15 seconds before being
started). The number of parallel jobs reflects parallelism in the
program. For three jobs, each of the response levels is analyzed in
parallel. Fifteen is the number of subsets of the covariates so that in
this scenario the second level is parallelized (Sapply
over the
subsets). Fifty exceeds the number of subset-scenarios (45 subsets in
total) so that the Sapply
within permute
is parallelized. Note, that
in the last scenario execution is truly dynamic as the number of
permutations depends on the generalized linear model (glm) computed on
each subset. This implies that this glm is repeatedly computed during
the re-executions, creating additional overhead. Choosing 15 jobs
instead of three makes better use of the processing power so that
speed-up is expected, a job count of 50 results in about the same wait
Increasing job counts beyond the number of parallel resources can increase speed if the parallel jobs differ in size and the overall computation depends on a single, long critical path. This path can potentially be shortened by splitting up the computation into more pieces. In this example, we could not benefit from such an effect. On the other hand, should we run the computation on a computer cluster with hundreds of available cores, we could easily create a similar amount of jobs to accommodate the new situation.
For the sake of demonstrating that the package can handle code with
almost no modification, we allowed for unbound, global variables (
i.e. functions use globally defined variables that are not passed as
arguments). This forced us to use the copy_environments = TRUE
that makes the package look for such variables and include their
definition into the job that is later executed. It is better practice in
terms of using this package but also in terms of producing reproducible
code in general to pass data and parameters needed for a computation
explicitly as arguments to a function performing a specific analysis
(analysis-function). We could also define all needed functions called
from the analysis-function in separate files and list these under the
key in the Parallelize_config
variable. The package can
then establish a valid compute environment by sourcing the specified
files, loading listed libraries and transferring arguments of the
analysis-function in which case we would not have to use the
copy_environments = TRUE
option. As a convenience measure the
definition of the analysis-function itself is always copied by the
The second example mimics the situation in Figure 1. It is more or less purely artificial and is meant to illustrate the overhead induced by the parallelization process.
parallel8 <- function(e) log(1:e) %*% log(1:e)
parallel2 <- function(e) rep(e, e) %*% 1:e * 1:e
parallel1 <- function(e) Lapply(rep(e, 15), parallel2)
parallel0 <- function() {
r <- sapply(Lapply(1:50, parallel1), function(e) sum(as.vector(unlist(e))))
r0 <- Lapply(1:49, parallel8)
parallelize_initialize(Lapply_config, backend = 'local')
r <- parallelize(parallel0)
Backend | #Parallel jobs | Time | |
off | 24 | 0.01 sec | |
local | 24 | 0.14 sec | |
snow | 24 | 19.80 sec | |
OGSremote | 24 | 29.07 sec |
Again, a call to parallelize_initialize
defines parameters of the
parallelization and determines the backend. Function parallelize
executes the parallelization. Arguments to parallelize
are the
function to parallelize together with arguments to be passed to that
function. Results from benchmark runs are shown in
Table 2 and again absolute clock times are listed,
i.e. time measured from starting the computation until the result was
printed. snow and OGSremote backends were run on an eight core
machine with Sun Grid Engine 6.2 installed with default settings.
was configured to produce 24 parallel jobs. off in
Table 2 denotes time for running without any
parallelization. This can always be achieved by calling
before parallelize
which replaces the
functions by their native versions and parallelize
by a
function that directly calls its argument. The local backend performs
parallelization but executes jobs linearly, thereby allowing to measure
overhead. In this example overhead is
Using the parallelize.dynamic package, existing code can be made to run in parallel with minimal effort. Certain workflows do not fit the computational model assumed here. Most notably the cost of the ramp-up determines the overhead generated by this package and might render a given computation unsuitable for this approach. In many cases re-factoring of the code should help to mitigate such overhead, however, this would render the point of convenience moot. It should also be pointed out that for a given computation for which time can be invested into choosing the code point at which to parallelize carefully and subsequently using packages like parallel or foreach should result in a more efficient solution.
One way to reduce the cost of ramp-ups is to pull out code from nested loops and pre-compute their values, if possible. To help automate such a step, static code analysis can be used to separate computational steps from ramp-ups by analyzing code dependencies. Another option would be to extent the R language with an option to manipulate the “program counter”, which would allow to resume code execution after a parallelization step in a very efficient manner. Such a change seems not straightforward but could also benefit debugging mechanisms.
All parallelization packages rely on function calls that are executed in parallel not to have side-effects themselves or to depend on such. It would be impractical to formally enforce this with the language features offered by R. Again, a language extension could enforce functional behavior efficiently, i.e. only the current environment (stack frame) may be manipulated by a function. For now, some care has to be taken by the user, however, this does not seem to be a big problem in practice. For most “statistical” applications such as simulations, bootstrapping, permutations or stochastic integration a reasonable implementation should naturally lead to side-effect free code.
Is a fully transparent solution possible? Replacing native apply
functions directly with parallelization ones would have the benefit of
requiring no modifications of the code at all. The current
implementation would certainly suffer from too great an overhead,
however, it is conceivable that profiling techniques (measuring
computing time of individual function calls) could be used to gather
prior knowledge on computational behavior of “typical” code allowing to
exclude certain apply
calls from the parallelization process. This
seems a very challenging approach and requires extensive further
In the author’s experience, most standard statistical workloads can easily be adapted to this parallelization approach and subsequently scale from the local machine to mid-size and big clusters without code modifications. Once standard configurations for the use of a local batch queuing system at a given site are created, this package can potentially dramatically broaden the audience that can make use of high performance computing.
As a final note, R is sometimes criticized for being an inefficient programming language which can be attributed to highly dynamic language features. The current implementation makes liberal use of many such features most notably introspection features to create unevaluated calls and perform their remote execution. The roughly 1000 lines of implementation (split roughly evenly between front-end and backend) demonstrate that these features are powerful and allow to execute a project such as this with a small code base. Also, the functional programming paradigm implemented in R allows for a natural attacking point of parallelization. This can be exploited to gain computational speed in a highly automatized way, a mechanism that is hard to imitate in procedural languages which traditionally have stakes in high performance computing.
In many practical situations it is straightforward to parallelize R
code. This article presents an implementation that reduces user
intervention to a minimum and allows us to parallelize code by passing a
given function call to the parallelize_call
function. The major
disadvantage of this implementation is the induced overhead which can
often be reduced to a minimum. Advantages include that potentially
little technical knowledge is required, computations can become more
efficient by better control over the amount of parallelization, and
finally that programs can be easily scaled to available resources.
Future work is needed to reduce computational overhead and to complement
this dynamic with a static analysis.
Rsge, foreach, boot, snow, parallelize.dynamic
Econometrics, HighPerformanceComputing, Optimization, Survival, TimeSeries
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Böhringer, "Dynamic Parallelization of R Functions", The R Journal, 2013
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2013-029, author = {Böhringer, Stefan}, title = {Dynamic Parallelization of R Functions}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2013}, note = {https://rjournal.github.io/}, volume = {5}, issue = {2}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {88-96} }