ExactCIdiff: An R Package for Computing Exact Confidence Intervals for the Difference of Two Proportions


Comparing two proportions through the difference is a basic problem in statistics and has applications in many fields. More than twenty confidence intervals have been proposed. Most of them are approximate intervals with an asymptotic infimum coverage probability much less than the nominal level. In addition, large sample may be costly in practice. So exact optimal confidence intervals become critical for drawing valid statistical inference with accuracy and precision. Recently, derived the exact smallest (optimal) one-sided 1α confidence intervals for the difference of two paired or independent proportions. His intervals, however, are computer-intensive by nature. In this article, we provide an R package ExactCIdiff to implement the intervals when the sample size is not large. This would be the first available package in R to calculate the exact confidence intervals for the difference of proportions. Exact two-sided 1α interval can be easily obtained by taking the intersection of the lower and upper one-sided 1α/2 intervals. Readers may jump to Examples 1 and 2 to obtain these intervals.

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Aug. 16, 2013


Dec 21, 2012


Shan & Wang, 2013




62 - 70

1 Introduction

The comparison of two proportions through the difference is one of the basic statistical problems. One-sided confidence intervals are of interest if the goal of a study is to show superiority (or inferiority), e.g., that a treatment is better than the control. If both limits are of interest, then two-sided intervals are needed.

In practice, most available intervals, see , are approximate ones, i.e., the probability that the interval includes the difference of two proportions, the so-called coverage probability, is not always at least the nominal level although the interval aims at it. Also, even with a large sample size, the infimum coverage probability may still be much less than the nominal level and does not converge to this quantity. In fact, the Wald type interval has an infimum coverage probability zero for any sample sizes and any nominal level 1α even though it is based on asymptotic normality, as pointed out by and . See for more examples. Therefore, people may question of using large samples when such approximate intervals are employed since they cannot guarantee a correct coverage.

Exact intervals which assure an infimum coverage probability of at least 1α do not have this problem. But they are typically computer-intensive by nature. In this paper, a new R package ExactCIdiff is presented which implements the computation of such intervals as proposed in . The package is available from CRAN at http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=ExactCIdiff/. This package contains two main functions: PairedCI() and BinomCI(), where PairedCI() is for calculating lower one-sided, upper one-sided and two-sided confidence intervals for the difference of two paired proportions and BinomCI() is for the difference of two independent proportions when the sample size is small to medium. Results from ExactCIdiff are compared with those from the function ci.pd() in the R package Epi , and the PROC FREQ procedure in the software SAS .

Depending on how the data are collected, one group of three intervals is needed for the difference of two paired proportions and another group for the difference of two independent proportions. Pointed out by , an exact inference procedure may result in poor powerful analysis if an impropriate statistic is employed. Wang’s one-sided intervals , obtained through a carefully inductive construction on an order, are optimal in the sense that they are a subset of any other one-sided 1α intervals that preserve the same order, and are called the smallest intervals. See more details in the paragraph following ((6)). From the mathematical point of view, his intervals are not nested, see ; on the other hand, for three commonly used confidence levels, 0.99, 0.95, 0.9, the intervals are nested based on our numerical study.

Although R provides exact confidence intervals for one proportion, e.g., the function exactci() in the package PropCIs , the function binom.exact() in the package exactci and the function binom.test() in the package stats (Version 2.15.2), there is no exact confidence interval available in R, to the best of our knowledge, for the difference of two proportions, which is widely used in practice. ExactCIdiff is the first available R package to serve this purpose. The R package ExactNumCI claims that its function pdiffCI() generates an exact confidence interval for the difference of two independent proportions, however, pointed out by a referee, the coverage probability of a 95% confidence interval, when the numbers of trials in two independent binomial experiments are 3 and 4, respectively, is equal to 0.8734 when the two true proportions are equal to 0.3 and 0.5, respectively.

In the rest of the article, we discuss how to compute intervals for the difference of two paired proportions θP defined in ((1)), then describe the results for the difference of two independent proportions θI given in ((7)).

2 Intervals for the difference of two paired proportions

Suppose there are n independent and identical trials in an experiment, and each trial is inspected by two criteria 1 and 2. By criterion i, each trial is classified as Si (success) or Fi (failure) for i=1,2. The numbers of trials with outcomes (S1,S2), (S1,F2), (F1,S2) and (F1,F2) are the observations, and are denoted by N11,N12, N21 and N22, respectively. Thus X=(N11,N12,N21) follows a multinomial distribution with probabilities p11,p12,p21, respectively. Let pi=P(Si) be the two paired proportions. The involved quantities are displayed in Table 1.

Table 1: Overview of involved quantities in a matched pairs experiment.
S2 F2
S1 N11,p11 N12,p12 p1=p11+p12
F1 N21,p21 N22,p22
p2=p11+p21 i,jpij=1

The parameter of interest is the difference of p1 and p2:


To make interval construction simpler, let T=N11+N22 and pT=p11+p22. We consider intervals for θP of form [L(N12,T),U(N12,T)], where (N12,T) also follows a multinomial distribution with probabilities p12 and pT. The simplified sample space is SP={(n12,t):0n12+tn} with a reduced parameter space HP={(θP,pT):pTD(θP),1θP1}, where D(θP)={pT:0pT1|θP|}. The probability mass function of (N12,T) in terms of θP and pT is pP(n12,t;θP,pT)=n!n12!t!n21!p12n12pTtp21n21.

Suppose a lower one-sided 1α confidence interval [L(N12,T),1] for θP is available. It can be shown that [1,U(N12,T)] is an upper one-sided 1α confidence interval for θP if


and [L(N12,T),U(N12,T)] is a two-sided 12α interval for θP. Therefore, we focus on the construction of L(N12,T) only in this section. The R code will provide two (lower and upper) one-sided intervals and a two-sided interval, all are of level 1α. The first two are the smallest. The third is the intersection of the two smallest one-sided 1α/2 intervals. It may be conservative since the infimum coverage probability may be greater than 1α due to discreteness.

An inductive order on SP

Following , the construction of the smallest 1α interval [L(N12,T),1] requires a predetermined order on the sample space SP. An order is equivalent to assigning a rank to each sample point, and this rank provides an order on the confidence limits L(n12,t)’s. Here we define that a sample point with a small rank has a large value of L(n12,t), i.e., a large point has a small rank. Let R(n12,t) denote the rank of (n12,t). Intuitively, there are three natural requirements for R:

  1. R(n,0)=1,

  2. R(n12,t)R(n12,t1),

  3. R(n12,t)R(n121,t+1),

as shown in the diagram below:

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Therefore, R(n1,1)=2 and a numerical determination is needed for the rest of R(n12,t)’s. proposed an inductive method to determine all R(n12,t)’s, which is outlined below.

Step 1: Point (n,0) is the largest point. Let R1={(n,0)}={(n12,t)SP:R(n12,t)=1}.

Step k: For k>1, suppose the ranks, 1,,k, have been assigned to a set of sample points, denoted by Sk=i=1kRi, where Ri contains the ith largest point(s) with a rank of i. Thus, Sk contains the largest through kth largest points in SP. The order construction is complete if Sk0=SP for some positive integer k0, and R assumes values of 1,...,k0.

Step k+1: Now we determine Rk+1 that contains the (k+1)th largest point(s) in SP.

  1. For each point (n12,t), let N(n12,t) be the neighbor set of (n12,t) that contains the two points next to but smaller than (n12,t), see the diagram above. Let Nk be the neighbor set of Sk that contains all sets N(n12,t) for (n12,t) in Sk.

  2. To simplify the construction on R, consider a subset of Nk, called the candidate set


    from which Rk+1 is going to be selected.

  3. For each point (n12,t)Ck, consider



    (5)LP(n12,t)={1,if no solution for (4);the smallest solution of (4),otherwise.

    Then define Rk+1 to be a subset of Ck that contains point(s) with the largest value of LP. We assign a rank of k+1 to point(s) in Rk+1 and let Sk+1 be the union of R1 up to Rk+1.

Since SP is a finite set and Sk is strictly increasing in k, eventually, Sk0=SP for some positive integer k0 ((n+1)(n+2)/2) and the order construction is complete.

The computation of the rank function R(N12,T) in R

There are three issues to compute the rank function R(n12,t):

  1. compute the infimum in f(n12,t)(θP);

  2. determine the smallest solution of equation ((4));

  3. repeat this process on all points in SP.

These have to be done numerically.

Regarding i), use a two-step approach to search for the infimum when pT belongs to interval D(θP), i.e., in the first step, partition D(θP) into, for example, 30 subintervals, find the grid, say a, where the minimum is achieved; then in the second step, partition a neighborhood of a into, for example, 20 subintervals and search the minimal grid again. In total we compute about 50 (=30+20) function values. On the other hand, if one uses the traditional one-step approach, one has to compute 600 (=30×20) function values to obtain a similar result.

Regarding ii), the smallest solution is found by the bisection method with different initial upper search points and a fixed initial lower search point 1. The initial upper search point is the lower confidence limit of the previous larger point in the inductive search algorithm.

Regarding iii), use unique() to eliminate the repeated points in Nk and use which() to search for Rk+1 from Ck (smaller) rather than Nk.

The smallest one-sided interval under the inductive order

For any given order on a sample space the smallest one-sided 1α confidence interval for a parameter of interest can be constructed following the work by and . This interval construction is valid for any parametric model. In particular, for the rank function R(n12,t) just derived, the corresponding smallest one-sided 1α confidence interval, denoted by LP(n12,t), has a form LP(n12,t)={1,if no solution for (6);the smallest solution of (6),otherwise, where


that are similar to ((4)) and ((5)).

Two facts are worth mentioning. a) Among all one-sided 1α confidence intervals of form [L(N12,T),1] that are nondecreasing regarding the order by the rank function R, LLP. So [LP,1] is the best. b) Among all one-sided 1α confidence intervals of form [L(N12,T),1], [LP,1] is admissible by the set inclusion criterion . So [LP,1] cannot be uniformly improved. These properties make [LP,1] attractive for practice. The computation of LP is similar to that of the rank function R.

3 Intervals for the difference of two independent proportions

Suppose we observe two independent binomial random variables XBin(n1,p1) and YBin(n2,p2) and the difference


is the parameter of interest. The sample space SI={(x,y):0xn1,0yn2} consists of (n1+1)(n2+1) sample points, the parameter space in terms of (θI,p2) is HI={(θI,p2):p2DI(θI),1θI1}, where DI(θI)={p2:min{0,θI}p21max{0,θI}}. The joint probability mass function for (X,Y) is pI(x,y;θI,p2)=n1!x!(n1x)!(θI+p2)x(1θIp2)n1xn2!y!(n2y)!p2y(1p2)n2y. Exact 1α confidence intervals for θI of form [L(X,Y),1], [1,U(X,Y)], [L(X,Y),U(X,Y)] are of interest. Similar to ((2)), U(X,Y)=L(n1X,n2Y). Therefore, we only need to derive the smallest lower one-sided 1α confidence interval for θI, denoted by [LI(X,Y),1]. Then UI(X,Y)=LI(n1X,n2Y) is the upper limit for the smallest upper one-sided 1α interval.

An inductive order and the corresponding smallest interval

Following , a rank function RI(X,Y) is to be introduced on SI. This function provides an order of the smallest one-sided interval LI(x,y). In particular, a point (x,y) with a small RI(x,y) is considered a large point and has a large value of LI(x,y). Similar to the rank function R in the previous section, RI should satisfy three rules:

  1. RI(n1,0)=1,

  2. RI(x,y)RI(x,y+1),

  3. RI(x,y)RI(x1,y),

as shown in the diagram below:

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Repeating the process in the previous section, we can derive this new rank function RI on SI and the corresponding smallest one-sided 1α confidence interval [LI(X,Y),1] for θI by replacing (n12,t) by (x,y), D(θP) by DI(θI) and pP(N12,T;θP,pT) by pI(x,y;θI,p2). The only thing different is that for the case of n1=n2=n, RI generates ties. For example, RI(x,y)=RI(ny,nx) for any (x,y). However, the procedure developed is still valid for this case. Technical details were given in the Sections 2 and 3 of .

4 Examples

Example 1: Exact intervals for the difference of two paired proportions θP

We illustrate the usage of the PairedCI() function to calculate the exact smallest lower one-sided confidence interval [LP,1] for θP in ((1)) with the data from . In this study, 32 marijuana users are compared with 32 matched controls with respect to their sleeping difficulties, with n11=16,n12=9,n21=3, and n22=4. The second argument in the function is t=n11+n22=20.

Function PairedCI() has the following arguments:

PairedCI(n12, t, n21, conf.level = 0.95, CItype = "Lower", precision = 0.00001, 
         grid.one = 30, grid.two = 20)

The arguments n12, t, and n21 are the observations from the experiment. The value of conf.level is the confidence coefficient of the interval, 1α, which is equal to the infimum coverage probability here. One may change the value of CItype to obtain either an upper one-sided or a two-sided interval. The precision of the confidence interval with a default value 0.00001 is rounded to 5 decimals. The values of grid.one and grid.two are the number of grid points in the two-step approach to search the infimum. The higher the values of grid.one and grid.two, the more accurate is the solution but the longer is also the computing time. Based on our extensive numerical study, we find that grid.one = 30 and grid.two = 20 are sufficient enough for the problem.

In the data by , the researchers wish to see how much more help the marijuana use provides for sleeping by using a lower one-sided 95% confidence interval [LP(n12,t),1] for θP=p1p2 at (n12,t)=(9,20), where p1 is the proportion of marijuana users who have sleeping improved, and p2 is the proportion in the controls. Given that the package ExactCIdiff is installed to the local computer, type the following:

> library(ExactCIdiff)
> lciall <- PairedCI(9, 20, 3, conf.level = 0.95) # store relevant quantities
> lciall                 # print lciall
[1] 0.95                 # confidence level
[1] "Lower"              # lower one-sided interval
[1] 0.1875               # the mle of p1 - p2
[1] 0.00613 1.00000      # the lower one-sided 95% interval 
> lci <- lciall$ExactCI  # extracting the lower one-sided 95% interval 
> lci                    # print lci
[1] 0.00613 1.00000

The use of marijuana helps sleeping because the interval [0.00613,1] for θP is positive.

The upper one-sided 95% interval and the two-sided 95% interval for θP are given below for illustration purpose.

> uci <- PairedCI(9, 20, 3, conf.level = 0.95, CItype = "Upper")$ExactCI
> uci                    # the upper one-sided 95% interval
[1] -1.00000  0.36234
> u975 <- PairedCI(9, 20, 3, conf.level = 0.975, CItype = "Upper")$ExactCI
> u975                   # the upper one-sided 97.5% interval
[1] -1.00000  0.39521
> l975 <- PairedCI(9, 20, 3, conf.level = 0.975, CItype = "Lower")$ExactCI
> l975                   # the lower one-sided 97.5% interval
[1] -0.03564  1.00000
> ci95 <- PairedCI(9, 20, 3, conf.level = 0.95)$ExactCI
> ci95
[1] -0.03564  0.39521    # the two-sided 95% interval 
                         # it is equal to the intersection of two one-sided intervals

In summary, three 95% confidence intervals, [0.00613,1], [1,0.36234] and [0.03564,0.39521], are computed for θP. also provided R code to compute these three intervals, but the calculation time is about 60 times longer.

Example 2: Exact intervals for the difference of two independent proportions θI

The second data set is from a two-arm randomized clinical trial for testing the effect of tobacco smoking on mice . In the treatment (smoking) group, the number of mice is n1=23, and the number of mice which developed tumor is x=21; in the control group, n2=32 and y=19. The function BinomCI() computes exact confidence intervals for θI in ((7)), the difference of proportions between two groups.

Function BinomCI() has the following arguments:

BinomCI(n1, n2, x, y, conf.level = 0.05, CItype = "Lower", precision = 0.00001, 
        grid.one = 30, grid.two = 20)  

The arguments n1, n2, x and y are the observations from the experiment. The rest of the arguments are the same as in function PairedCI().

In this clinical trial, the maximum likelihood estimate for the difference between two tumor rates θI is calculated as θ^I=xn1yn2=0.319293. The lower confidence interval [L(X,Y),1] for θI is needed if one wants to see that the treatment (smoking) increases the risk of tumor. Compute the interval by typing:

> lciall <- BinomCI(23, 32, 21, 19, CItype = "Lower")
> lciall                 # print lciall
[1] 0.95                 # confidence level
[1] "Lower"
[1] 0.319293             # the mle of p1 - p2
[1] 0.133 1.00000        # the lower one-sided 95% interval 
> lci <- lciall$ExactCI  # extracting the lower one-sided 95% interval
> lci
[1] 0.133 1.00000

The lower one-sided 95% confidence interval for θI is [0.133,1]. Therefore, the tumor rate in the smoking group is higher than that of the control group.

The following code is for the upper one-sided and two-sided 95% confidence intervals.

> uci <- BinomCI(23, 32, 21, 19, conf.level = 0.95, CItype = "Upper")$ExactCI
> uci                    # the upper one-sided 95% interval
[1] -1.00000  0.48595
> u975 <- BinomCI(23, 32, 21, 19, conf.level = 0.975, CItype = "Upper")$ExactCI
> u975                   # the upper one-sided 97.5% interval 
[1] -1.00000  0.51259
> l975 <- BinomCI(23, 32, 21, 19, conf.level = 0.975, CItype = "Lower")$ExactCI
> l975                   # the lower one-sided 97.5% interval
[1] 0.09468 1.00000
> ci95 <- BinomCI(23, 32, 21, 19)$ExactCI
> ci95
[1] 0.09468  0.51259     # the two-sided 95% interval
                         # it is equal to the intersection of two one-sided intervals

They are equal to [1,0.48595] and [0.09468,0.51259], respectively.

5 Comparison of results with existing methods

Our smallest exact one-sided confidence interval [1,UI] for θI is first compared to an existing asymptotic interval using the coverage probability. The coverage of an upper confidence interval [1,U(X,Y)] as a function of θI is defined as: Coverage(θI)=infp2DI(θI)P(θIU(X,Y);θI,p2). Ideally, a 1α interval requires that Coverage(θI) is always greater than or equal to 1α for all the possible values of θI.

Exact method Asymptotic method
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Figure 1: Coverage probability of upper confidence intervals for θI when n1 = n2 = 10 and α = 0.05.

The coverage for the exact upper 95% confidence interval [1,UI] and the asymptotic upper confidence interval based on the tenth method of , which is the winner of his eleven discussed intervals, is shown in Figure 1. The two intervals are calculated by BinomCI() and the function ci.pd() in the package Epi. The left plot of Figure 1 shows the coverage against θI[1,1] based on our exact method. As expected, it is always at least 95%. However, the coverage for the asymptotic interval may be much less than 95% as seen in the right plot of Figure 1. The coverage of the majority of θI values is below 95% and the infimum is as low as 78.8% for a nominal level of 95%. The similar results are observed for the asymptotic confidence intervals based on other methods, including the one proposed by .

In light of the unsatisfied coverage for the asymptotic approaches, we next compare our exact intervals to the exact intervals by the PROC FREQ procedure in the software SAS. First revisit Example 2, where SAS provides a wider exact two-sided 95% interval [0.0503,0.5530] for θI using the EXACT RISKDIFF statement within PROC FREQ. This is the SAS default. The other exact 95% interval in SAS using METHOD = FMSCORE is [0.0627,0.5292], which is narrower than the default but is wider than our two-sided interval. Also SAS does not compute exact intervals for θP at all.

Two exact upper intervals produced by BinomCI() in the R package ExactCIdiff and the PROC FREQ procedure in SAS are shown in Figure 2. The smaller upper confidence interval is preferred due to the higher precision. Almost all the points in the figure are below the diagonal line, which confirms a better performance of the interval by BinomCI(). The average lengths of the two-sided interval for n1=n2=10 and α=0.1 are 0.636 and 0.712, respectively, for our method and the SAS default procedure. The newly developed exact confidence intervals have better performance than other asymptotic or exact intervals due to their guarantee on the coverage or because of their shorter length.

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Figure 2: Exact upper confidence intervals for θI by BinomCI() and PROC FREQ when n1=n2=10 and α=0.05.

6 Summary

A group of three exact confidence intervals (lower one-sided, upper one-sided, and two-sided) are computed efficiently with the R package ExactCIdiff for each of the differences of two proportions: θP and θI. Each one-sided interval is admissible under the set inclusion criterion and is the smallest in a certain class of intervals that preserve the same order of the computed interval. Unlike asymptotic intervals, these intervals assure that the coverage probability is always not smaller than the nominal level.

A practical issue for ExactCIdiff is the computation time that depends on the sample size n=n12+t+n21 for PairedCI() (n=n1+n2 for BinomCI()) and the location of observations (n12,t,n21) ((x,y) for BinomCI()), e.g., PairedCI(30, 40, 30) = [-0.15916, 0.15916], with a sample size of 100, takes about a hour to complete on an HP laptop with Intel(R) Core(TM) i5=2520M GHz and 8 GB RAM, and PairedCI(300, 10, 10, CItype = "Lower") = [0.86563, 1.00000], with a sample size of 320, takes less than one minute. Our exact interval is constructed by an inductive method. By nature, when there are many sample points, i.e., the sample size is large, deriving an order on all sample points is very time consuming. Thus the confidence limit on a sample point, which is located at the beginning (ending) part of the order, needs a short (long) time to calculate. Roughly speaking, when the sample size is more than 100, one would expect a long computation time for a two-sided interval. More details may be found at: http://www.wright.edu/~weizhen.wang/software/ExactTwoProp/examples.pdf.

7 Acknowledgments

Wang’s research is partially supported by NSF grant DMS-0906858. The authors are grateful to three anonymous referees and the Editor for their constructive suggestions.

CRAN packages used

ExactCIdiff, Epi, PropCIs, exactci

CRAN Task Views implied by cited packages

Epidemiology, Survival


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    For attribution, please cite this work as

    Shan & Wang, "ExactCIdiff: An R Package for Computing Exact Confidence Intervals for the Difference of Two Proportions", The R Journal, 2013

    BibTeX citation

      author = {Shan, Guogen and Wang, Weizhen},
      title = {ExactCIdiff: An R Package for Computing Exact Confidence Intervals for the Difference of Two Proportions},
      journal = {The R Journal},
      year = {2013},
      note = {https://rjournal.github.io/},
      volume = {5},
      issue = {2},
      issn = {2073-4859},
      pages = {62-70}