Currently, a part of the R statistical software is developed in order to deal with spatial models. More specifically, some available packages allow the user to analyse categorical spatial random patterns. However, only the spMC package considers a viewpoint based on transition probabilities between locations. Through the use of this package it is possible to analyse the spatial variability of data, make inference, predict and simulate the categorical classes in unobserved sites. An example is presented by analysing the well-known Swiss Jura data set.
Originally, the spMC
package (Sartore 2013) was developed with the purpose of analysing
categorical data observed in 3-D locations. It deals with stochastic
models based on Markov chains, which may be used for the analysis of
spatial random patterns in continuous multidimensional spaces
(Carle and Fogg 1997). Its results are easily interpretable and it is a
good alternative to the T-PROGS software developed by Carle (1999), which
is oriented towards modelling groundwater systems. The models considered
in the spMC package are used to analyse any categorical random
The spMC package extends the functionality of the T-PROGS software to
R users. New useful functions are included for faster modelling of
transition probability matrices, and efficient algorithms are
implemented for improving predictions and simulations of categorical
random fields. The main tasks and their functions are clearly summarised
in Table 1. Three different fitting methods were
implemented in the package. The first is based on the estimates of the
main features that characterise the process, the second focuses on the
minimisation of the discrepancies between the empirical and theoretical
transition probabilities, and the third follows the maximum entropy
approach. Once the model parameters are properly estimated, transition
probabilities are calculated through the matrix-valued exponential
function (see Higham 2008 Algorithm 10.20 in Chapter 10). These
transition probabilities are then combined to predict the category in an
unsampled position. Three algorithms are used to simulate spatial random
fields; those based on the kriging techniques (Carle and Fogg 1996), those
using fixed and random path methods (Li 2007a; Li and Zhang 2007), or those
using multinomial categorical simulation proposed by Allard et al. (2011). In
order to reduce computation time through OpenMP API [version 3.0;
OpenMP Architecture Review Board (2008)], the setCores()
function allows the user to change the
number of CPU cores, so that one can mix shared memory parallel
techniques with those based on the Message Passing Interface
(The MPI Forum 1993) as described in Smith (2000).
Tasks and functions | Techniques implemented in the spMC package |
Estimations of one-dimensional continuous lag models | |
transiogram |
Empirical transition probabilities estimation |
tpfit |
One-dimensional model parameters estimation |
tpfit_ils |
Iterated least squares method for one-dimensional model parameters estimation |
tpfit_me |
Maximum entropy method for one-dimensional model parameters estimation |
tpfit_ml |
Mean length method for one-dimensional model parameters estimation |
Estimations of multidimensional continuous lag models | |
pemt |
Pseudo-empirical multidimensional transiograms estimation |
multi_tpfit |
Multidimensional model parameters estimation |
multi_tpfit_ils |
Iterated least squares method for multidimensional model parameters estimation |
multi_tpfit_me |
Maximum entropy method for multidimensional model parameters estimation |
multi_tpfit_ml |
Mean length method for multidimensional model parameters estimation |
Categorical spatial random field simulation and prediction | |
sim |
Random field simulation |
sim_ck |
Conditional simulation based on indicator cokriging |
sim_ik |
Conditional simulation based on indicator kriging |
sim_mcs |
Multinomial categorical simulation |
sim_path |
Conditional simulation based on path algorithms |
Graphical tools | |
plot.transiogram |
Plot one-dimensional transiograms |
mixplot |
Plot of multiple one-dimensional transiograms |
contour.pemt |
Display contours with pseudo-empirical multidimensional transiograms |
image.pemt |
Images with pseudo-empirical multidimensional transiograms |
image.multi_tpfit |
Images with multidimensional transiograms |
Here, it will be shown how to perform a geostatistical analysis of the Jura data set (Goovaerts 1997) using the spMC package (version 0.3.1). The data set consists of 359 sampled spatial coordinates and their respective observed realisations of two categorical variables (related to the rock-type and the land use) and some continuous variables (corresponding to the topsoil content).
The spMC package deals with both one-dimensional and multidimensional
continuous lag models. If
is usually adopted to model the observed variability and local
anisotropy. The components of the transition rate matrix
The row sums satisfy
The column sums satisfy
The components of
In order to obtain an estimate of the transition rate matrix along the
The one-dimensional techniques related to the tpfit_ml()
functions are based on mean lengths
The first two functions estimate the stratum mean lengths for each
category through the mlen()
function. The mean lengths are computed
either with the average of the observed stratum lengths or their
expectation based on the maximum likelihood estimate by assuming that
the observed lengths are independent realisations of a log-normal random
variable. In order to verify the distributional assumption on the
lengths, the function getlen()
estimates stratum lengths of embedded
Markov chains along a chosen direction, while other functions such as
, density.lengths()
, hist.lengths()
are used for
graphical diagnostics.
The tpfit_ml()
function computes the transition frequencies of
embedded occurrences as an average through the function embed_MC()
The maximum entropy method, adopted by the tpfit_me()
calculates the transition frequencies of embedded occurrences through
the iterative proportion fitting (Goodman 1968). The algorithm may be
summarised as follows:
Repeat the second and the third step until convergence.
Both tpfit_ml()
and tpfit_me()
functions estimate the autotransition
rates as
The tpfit_ils()
function estimates the transition rate matrix by
minimising the sum of the squared discrepancies between the empirical
probabilities given by the transiogram()
function and theoretical
probabilities given by the model. The bound-constrained Lagrangian
method (Conn et al. 1991) is performed in order to have a proper
transition rate matrix, which satisfies the transition rate properties.
The multidimensional approach is computationally efficient. In fact a
generic entry of the matrix
The multi_tpfit_ml()
, multi_tpfit_me()
and the multi_tpfit_ils()
functions automatically perform the estimation of
Several methods were developed to predict or simulate the category in an
unobserved location
Usually such a probability is approximated through
Kriging- and Cokriging-based methods, implemented in the sim_ik()
and sim_ck()
Fixed or random path algorithms, available in sim_path()
Multinomial categorical simulation procedure, sim_mcs()
The approximation proposed by Carle and Fogg (1996) is implemented in the
functions sim_ik()
and sim_ck()
. Both of them use some variant of
the following
This approximation does not satisfy the probability axioms, because such
probabilities might lie outside the interval
To improve the computational efficiency of the algorithm, the
For the approximation adopted in the sim_path()
function, conditional
independence is assumed in order to approximate the conditional
probability as in the analysis of a Pickard random field
(Pickard 1980). This method, as described in Li (2007b), considers
The method proposed by Allard et al. (2011) is implemented in the sim_mcs()
function. It was introduced to improve the computational efficiency of
the Bayesian maximum entropy approach proposed by Bogaert (2002). Here,
the approximation of the conditional probability is
Once the conditional probabilities are computed, the prediction is given by the highest probable category, while the simulation is given by randomly selecting one category according to the computed probabilities.
After the first simulation is drawn, the sim_ik()
and sim_ck()
functions execute an optimisation phase in order to avoid “artifact
discontinuities”, wherein the simulated patterns do not collimate with
the conditioning data (Carle 1997). The user can then choose to perform
simulated annealing or apply a genetic algorithm in order to reduce the
The data set consists of spatial coordinates and the observed values of both categorical and continuous random variables collected at 359 locations in the Jura region in Switzerland. In particular, we will deal with the rock-type categorical variable of the geological map created by Goovaerts (1997, see Figure 4), which consists of 5957 sites. The aim of these analyses is related to the parameters estimation of the model in (1), and its interpretation through graphical methods. These analyses are useful to check the model assumptions and to ensure the accuracy of the predictions.
First, the spMC package and the Jura data set in the gstat package are loaded as follows:
data(jura, package = "gstat")
If the package is compiled with the OpenMP API, the number of CPU cores to use can be set by
otherwise a message will be displayed and only one core can be internally used by the spMC package.
In order to study the spatial variability of the data and interpret the transitions from a geometrical viewpoint, the empirical transition probabilities along the main axes are calculated. These probabilities point out the persistence of a category according to the lag between two points. They also provide juxtapositional and asymmetrical features of the process, which are not detected by adopting indicator cross-variograms (Carle and Fogg 1996). Therefore, all couples of points along axial directions are chosen such that their lag-length is less than three. After, we calculate the empirical transition probabilities for twenty points within the maximum distance. This can be conducted with the execution of the following code:
data <- jura.grid[, 4]
coords <- jura.grid[, 1:2]
Trg <- list()
Trg[[1]] <- transiogram(data, coords, max.dist = 3, mpoints = 20,
direction = c(1, 0))
Trg[[2]] <- transiogram(data, coords, max.dist = 3, mpoints = 20,
direction = c(0, 1))
If we want to compare these probabilities with the theoretical one, we first need to estimate two transition rate matrices, i.e. the model coefficients, along the axial directions. Three estimation methods are available in the spMC package (see Table 1), but only those based on mean lengths and maximum entropy are shown, even though the iterated least squares may be similarly applied. The code to estimate the transition rates through the mean lengths method is written as follows:
RTm <- list()
RTm[[1]] <- tpfit_ml(data, coords, direction = c(1, 0))
RTm[[2]] <- tpfit_ml(data, coords, direction = c(0, 1))
In this case, the mean lengths are calculated through the average of the stratum lengths along the chosen directions. On the other hand, to estimate the transition rate matrices through the maximum entropy approach, the following code must be executed:
ETm <- list()
ETm[[1]] <- tpfit_me(data, coords, direction = c(1, 0))
ETm[[2]] <- tpfit_me(data, coords, direction = c(0, 1))
Given the model coefficients, the transition probabilities for some specific lags are calculated as in (1). This is done as follows:
RTr <- list()
ETr <- list()
for (i in 1:2) {
RTr[[i]] <- predict(RTm[[i]], lags = Trg[[i]]$lags)
ETr[[i]] <- predict(ETm[[i]], lags = Trg[[i]]$lags)
Since these probabilities are calculated with respect to some fixed
directions, i.e. by considering a one-dimensional perspective, they can
be graphically compared. By the use of the mixplot()
function, several
transition probability diagrams (transiograms) can be superposed in a
unique graphic, e.g.
for (i in 1:2)
mixplot(list(Trg[[i]], RTr[[i]], ETr[[i]]), type = c("p", "l", "l"), pch = "+",
col = c(3, 1, 2), legend = FALSE, main = paste(
"One-dimensional transiograms", c("(X-axis)", "(Y-axis)")[i]))
By looking at the graphics in Figure 1, one can see how well the estimated models fit the observed probabilities (green points). This kind of graphic may be interpreted as a transition probability matrix; in fact it shows the probability dynamic related to one-dimensional lags along the specified direction. For example, let us consider the first horizontal line of graphics in Figure 1 on the left. They denote the transition probabilities at each lag from the Argovian state to one of the five categories.
These graphics are mainly used to investigate the stationarity of the
stochastic process. In particular, the process is weakly stationary if
the expected probabilities are not dependent on the location points,
The comparison can also be made between two or more transiograms drawn for different directions. In so doing, it is possible to check if the process is anisotropic. This happens when there is directional dependence in the data. From a probabilistic point of view, the transiogram may show different dynamics when it approaches the limit probability matrix along different directions. In our case, the behaviours of the empirical transition probabilities along the axial directions do not match. Although those based on the estimated model are more regular than the empirical, they are not similar. This means that the Jura data set is anisotropic.
The function pemt()
can be considered as another tool to check the
anisotropy of the process. It estimates the transition rate matrix for
each multidimensional lag direction and computes the transition
probabilities as in (1). At the same time the function
calculates other probabilities through the transition rates computed as
in (2). Then the probabilities are drawn by use of the
function image.pemt()
(see Figure 2). If
probabilities at the same level (those with the same colour) are placed
on ellipses, the process is characterised by geometrical anisotropy.
Comparisons made by the use of contour.pemt()
are more evident,
because contour lines are displayed for both the pseudo-empirical and
the theoretical probabilities in a unique graphic.
The following R code can be executed to obtain Figure 2:
psEmpTr <- pemt(data, coords, 40, max.dist = c(.5, .5))
mycol <- rev(heat.colors(500))
image(psEmpTr, col = mycol, useRaster = TRUE, breaks = c(0:500) / 500)
From a computational point of view, the model based on the ellipsoidal
interpolation of transition rate matrices is the most efficient way to
calculate transition probabilities given multidimensional lags. In these
cases, the model coefficients can be separately estimated by a unique R
function. Hence, the functions multi_tpfit_ml()
and multi_tpfit_me()
provide methods to estimate transition rate matrices along axial
directions. These functions implement algorithms based on the mean
lengths and the maximum entropy respectively (see
Table 1).
MTr <- list()
MTr$average <- multi_tpfit_ml(data, coords)
MTr$entropy <- multi_tpfit_me(data, coords)
With the output of these functions, we can draw the theoretical transition probability maps as follows:
image(MTr$average, 40, max.dist = 0.25, col = mycol, nlevels = 5,
breaks = 0:500 / 500)
image(MTr$entropy, 40, max.dist = 0.25, col = mycol, nlevels = 5,
breaks = 0:500 / 500)
Both graphics in Figure 3 denote transition probability maps. The way to read these graphics is almost the same as for one-dimensional transiograms. Each image in this kind of graphic represents a 2-D transition probability section; this means that the probability level is given by the colour of the points. Each point is located to a specific “bidimensional” lag.
The transition probabilities obtained through maximum entropy rates (see Figure 3 on the right) are too regular for the process. If we look at the transiogram in Figure 1 on the left, we note that the red lines are not so close to the empirical transition probabilities and this may create some forecast problems when we consider the multidimensional lags. In fact, since the model was developed for stationary processes, its use is suitable when the stochastic process might be considered stationary.
Once the best fitting mdoel is chosen, we can predict the category in the unknown points or simulate a random field. In any case, we need to consider that the approximation of the simulation probabilities is affected by further variability due to the ellipsoidal interpolation of the transition rates. This means that the real transition rates for a non-axial direction can be overestimated or underestimated with a bigger error than the axial directions.
In this example, 100 observations are sampled from the original geological map and, instead of re-estimating transition rates, we are going to predict the category in the original locations through the already estimated rates. From a computational viewpoint, this allows us to compare the prediction accuracy of the procedures exposed in Table 1.
In real applications, all data may be used to estimate the parameters of the model and get better predictions. Simulations should be used only for drawing scenarios for non-observed locations. Obviously, the most probable category in a location is the best prediction.
The following lines of code are executed to plot the Jura geological map (see Figure 4):
X <- jura.grid$X
Y <- jura.grid$Y
brwCol <- brewer.pal(nlevels(data), "Accent")
par(mfrow = c(1, 1), mar = c(5, 4, 4, 2))
plot(X, Y, col = brwCol[data], pch = 15, main = "Swiss Jura geological map")
legend("topleft", legend = levels(data), col = brwCol, pch = 15)
One hundred observations are randomly selected as follows:
smp <- sample(length(data):1, 100)
and they are plotted by the following code:
plot(X, Y, type = "n", main = "Sample of 100 observations", xlab = "X", ylab = "Y")
points(X[smp], Y[smp], pch = 19, col = brwCol[data[smp]])
legend("topleft", legend = levels(data), col = brwCol, pch = 15)
Usually, before performing the simulation, a grid of points is generated
by the use of the well-known expand.grid()
function. In this example,
the simulation grid is set as
grid <- jura.grid[, 1:2]
The kriging algorithm will approximate the conditional probabilities by considering the twelve nearest neighbours for all points in the simulation grid. Since only predictions will be presented here, the optimisation phase used to adjust the simulations will be skipped.
iks <- sim_ik(MTr$average, data = data[smp], coords = coords[smp, ],
grid, knn = 12, = 0)
Both fixed and random path simulation methods are performed by considering those nearest points along the axial directions within a radius of length one.
fpth <- sim_path(MTr$average, data = data[smp], coords = coords[smp, ],
grid, radius = 1, TRUE)
rpth <- sim_path(MTr$average, data = data[smp], coords = coords[smp, ],
grid, radius = 1)
The multinomial categorical simulation method will approximate the prediction probabilities by considering all sample points.
mcs <- sim_mcs(MTr$average, data = data[smp], coords = coords[smp, ], grid)
All these functions returns a “data.frame
” object as output. It
contains the coordinates, predictions, simulations and the approximated
probability vector for each point in the simulation grid. Through these
quantities we can plot the prediction maps by the use of the following R
posCol <- as.integer(iks$Prediction)
plot(X, Y, pch = 15, col = brwCol[posCol], main = "Kriging prediction map")
legend("topleft", legend = levels(data), col = brwCol, pch = 15)
posCol <- as.integer(fpth$Prediction)
plot(X, Y, pch = 15, col = brwCol[posCol], main = "Fixed path prediction map")
legend("topleft", legend = levels(data), col = brwCol, pch = 15)
posCol <- as.integer(rpth$Prediction)
plot(X, Y, pch = 15, col = brwCol[posCol], main = "Random path prediction map")
legend("topleft", legend = levels(data), col = brwCol, pch = 15)
posCol <- as.integer(mcs$Prediction)
plot(X, Y, pch = 15, col = brwCol[posCol],
main = "Multinomial categorical prediction map")
legend("topleft", legend = levels(data), col = brwCol, pch = 15)
By looking at the graphics in Figures 5 and 6, we can have an idea of the prediction heterogeneity of these methods. In order to establish which is the best predictor, one should perform these simulations more than once. At each time, another 100 observations must be randomly selected. However, this is beyond the aim of this example.
Using only 2% of the original data, we can obtain the results in Table 2 by checking how many predictions match with the observed categories. Since the data are used in the computations of the probabilities, the prediction accuracy improves under particular conditions. Essentially, the sample size should increase while the spatial domain, wherein the observations are taken, is fixed and bounded. In this example, we can have more accurate predictions by increasing the number of the random selected observations and keeping the number of points in the simulation grid fixed.
In order to compute the number of matches, we calculate the contingency table as follows:
ikTb <- table(data, iks$Prediction)
fpTb <- table(data, fpth$Prediction)
rpTb <- table(data, rpth$Prediction)
mcTb <- table(data, mcs$Prediction)
The relative frequencies of matches are given by the following code:
ikPr <- sum(diag(ikTb)) / length(data)
fpPr <- sum(diag(fpTb)) / length(data)
rpPr <- sum(diag(rpTb)) / length(data)
mcPr <- sum(diag(mcTb)) / length(data)
This allows us to obtain the values in Table 2.
Probability of coverage | |
Kriging | 0.65452 |
Fixed path | 0.54709 |
Random path | 0.58922 |
Multinomial | 0.60047 |
Although there exist other approaches to study categorical random fields, the spMC package is a powerful tool for modelling continuous lag Markov chains. In particular, the user is allowed to deal with categorical response variables based on spatial stochastic processes without specifying a variogram model for the spatial dependence structure.
Several functions were developed to investigate graphically the properties of the process (e.g. stationarity and anisotropies), while others are useful to estimate the parameters, to predict and simulate the categorical values on unsampled locations. All of the functions in the package were designed in order to achieve good results in a reasonable time, as well as for large data sets.
I would like to thank the reviewers for providing useful comments and suggestions.
spMC, gstat, geoRglm, RandomFields
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Sartore, "spMC: Modelling Spatial Random Fields with Continuous Lag Markov Chains", The R Journal, 2013
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2013-022, author = {Sartore, Luca}, title = {spMC: Modelling Spatial Random Fields with Continuous Lag Markov Chains}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2013}, note = {}, volume = {5}, issue = {2}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {16-28} }