OpenStreetMap provides freely accessible and editable geographic data. The osmar package smoothly integrates the OpenStreetMap project into the R ecosystem. The osmar package provides infrastructure to access OpenStreetMap data from different sources, to enable working with the OSM data in the familiar R idiom, and to convert the data into objects based on classes provided by existing R packages. This paper explains the package’s concept and shows how to use it. As an application we present a simple navigation device.
“OpenStreetMap creates and provides free geographic data such as street maps to anyone who wants them” announces the OpenStreetMap wiki main page (OSM Foundation 2011) – and we think R users want free geographic data. Therefore, the add-on package osmar (Schlesinger and Eugster 2012) provides extensible infrastructure for integrating the OpenStreetMap project (OSM) into the R project.
The aim of the OpenStreetMap project is to create a free editable map of the world. The project maintains a database of geographic elements (nodes, ways and relations) and features (such as streets, buildings and landmarks). These data are collected and provided by volunteers using GPS devices, aerial imagery, and local knowledge. The most prominent application is the rendering of the geographic data and features into raster images (for example, for the OSM map on the website). However, the project also provides an application programming interface (API) for fetching raw data from and saving to the OSM database.
The OpenStreetMap project provides data in the OSM XML format, which consists of three basic elements:
The basic element. It consists of the attributes latitude and longitude.
An ordered interconnection of nodes to describe a linear feature (e.g., a street). Areas (e.g., buildings) are represented as closed ways.
A grouping of elements (nodes, ways, and relations), which are somehow geographically related (e.g., bus and cycle routes).
Each element has further attributes like the element ID (unique within the corresponding element group) and timestamp. Furthermore, each element may have an arbitrary number of tags (key-value pairs) which describe the element. Ways and relations, in addition, have references to their members’ IDs.
In order to access the data, OSM provides an application programming
interface (API) over the hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) for getting
raw data from and putting it to the OSM database. The main API
(currently in version 0.6) has calls to get elements (and all other
elements referenced by it) by, among other things, their ID and a
bounding box. However, the requests are limited (e.g., currently only an
area of
For a complete introduction into the OSM project, the OSM API, and the OSM XML file format we refer to the project’s wiki available at
The aim of the package osmar is to provide extensible infrastructure to get and to represent the above described OSM data within R, to enable working with the OSM data in the familiar R idiom, and to convert the OSM data to objects based on classes provided by other packages. Figure 1 visualizes the package’s concept. This is a different idea than existing packages like OpenStreetMap (Fellows 2012), RgoogleMaps (Loecher 2012), and ggmap (Kahle and Wickham 2012) follow. Whereas these packages provide access to the already rendered data (i.e., raster images), osmar enables the usage of the raw OSM data.
In the following section we present the package’s implementation and usage. Note that we try to increase readability by only showing the relevant arguments of plot statements. We refer to the “navigator” demo in the osmar package for the actual plot statements.
We begin with defining the data source. Currently two sources, HTTP-API
and planet files, are supported. In this section we use the API of the
OSM project with the default URL
url =
> library("osmar")
Loading required package: XML
Loading required package: RCurl
Loading required package: bitops
Loading required package: gtools
Loading required package: geosphere
Loading required package: sp
Attaching package: 'osmar'
The following object(s) are masked
from 'package:utils':
> src <- osmsource_api()
We can retrieve elements by using the IDs of the elements. The IDs in these examples have been extracted by hand from the OpenStreetMap website (via its export functionality). For example, one node:
> get_osm(node(18961430), source = src)
osmar object
1 nodes, 0 ways, 0 relations
Or, one way with the way-related data only or with the data for all referenced elements (nodes and relations):
> get_osm(way(3810479), source = src)
osmar object
0 nodes, 1 ways, 0 relations
> get_osm(way(3810479), source = src, full = TRUE)
osmar object
11 nodes, 1 ways, 0 relations
The first statement retrieves the way only (because the default value of
the full
argument is FALSE
). The second statement additionally
retrieves all nodes that are members of the way (i.e., all nodes that
define the way).
The second possibility to retrieve elements is to specify a bounding box
by defining the left, bottom, right, and top coordinates
), or the center point and width and height in meters
> bb <- center_bbox(174.76778, -36.85056, 700, 700)
> ua <- get_osm(bb, source = src)
> ua
osmar object
2427 nodes, 428 ways, 70 relations
The use of planet files via Osmosis as source works analogously. The
source is specified by the function osmsource_osmosis()
. The
function’s two arguments are the path to the planet file (file
) and
the path to the osmosis
tool (osmosis = "osmosis"
). Note that per
default it is assumed that the Osmosis executable is in your PATH
environment variable. The navigator example demonstrates the usage of
planet files.
The retrieved osmar
object is a list with the three elements nodes
, and relations
. Each element again is a list containing
s for the attributes (the attrs
list element) and
meta-data (the tags
list element) of the OSM elements. Ways and
relations additionally have a data.frame
containing their members (the
list element).
For each element nodes
, ways
, and relations
of an osmar
an individual summary method is available. The overall summary method
for an osmar
object shows the three individual summaries all at once.
> summary(ua$nodes)
osmar$nodes object
2427 nodes, 771 tags
..$attrs data.frame:
id, lat, lon, user, uid, visible, version,
changeset, timestamp
..$tags data.frame:
id, k, v
Bounding box:
lat lon
min -36.85661 174.7627
max -36.84472 174.7753
Key-Value contingency table:
Key Value Freq
1 addr:city Auckland 101
2 addr:street Queen Street 61
3 addr:country NZ 40
4 addr:postcode 1010 39
5 comment Determined via Keypa... 29
6 addr:street Symonds Street 27
7 highway traffic_signals 23
8 addr:street Lorne Street 19
9 highway bus_stop 15
10 amenity cafe 11
In the case of the summary for nodes
, the number of elements and tags,
as well as the available variables for each corresponding data.frame
are shown. The bounding box of the coordinates and a contingency table
of the top ten most frequently available key-value pairs are printed.
The summaries for the other two elements ways
and relations
similar. Note that these methods in fact return the contingency table of
all available key-value pairs and, in addition, further information
which is not printed but may be useful for a descriptive analysis. We
refer to the help pages (e.g., ?summary.nodes
) for a detailed
description of the return values.
In order to find specific elements within the osmar
object, the
function allows the object to be queried with a given
condition. As the basis of osmar
objects are data.frame
s, the
condition principally is a logical expression indicating the rows to
keep. In addition, one has to specify to which element (nodes, node()
ways, way()
; or relations, relation()
) and to which data
(attributes, attrs()
; meta-data, tags()
; or members, refs()
) the
condition applies.
If, for example, we want to find all traffic signal nodes, we know from
the object’s summary that the corresponding value in the
attrs data.frame
is "traffic_signals"
. We can express this condition
as follows:
> ts_ids <- find(ua, node(tags(v == "traffic_signals")))
> ts_ids
[1] 25769635 25769637 25769641 ...
The result is a vector with node IDs (in this case 25 traffic signal
nodes) or NA
. If the correct spelling is unknown, the defined binary
operators %agrep%
for approximate matches (see ?agrep
) and %grep%
for pattern matches (see ?grepl
) can be used:
> bs_ids <- find(ua, node(tags(v %agrep% "busstop")))
> bs_ids
[1] 678301119 737159091 1318401034 ...
This returns ua
We use the functions find_down()
and find_up()
to find all related
elements for given element IDs. The OSM basic elements define a
on a node returns all related
nodes, ways, and relations; find_down()
on a node returns only the
node itself. On the other hand, find_up()
on a relation returns only
the relation itself; find_down()
on a relation returns the relation
and all related ways and nodes.
> hw_ids <- find(ua, way(tags(k == "highway")))
> hw_ids <- find_down(ua, way(hw_ids))
In this example we find all ways that have a tag with the k
set to "highway"
. These contain hardened and recognised land routes
between two places used by motorised vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists,
etc. The return value of find_down()
and find_up()
is a list
containing the element IDs:
> str(hw_ids)
List of 3
$ node_ids : num [1:1321] 25769641 ...
$ way_ids : num [1:253] 4309608 ...
$ relation_ids: NULL
The return value of the find functions then can be used to create
subsets of osmar
objects. The subset()
method for osmar
takes element IDs and returns the corresponding data as osmar
For example, the two subsets based on the traffic signal and bus stop
element IDs are:
> ts <- subset(ua, node_ids = ts_ids)
> ts
osmar object
25 nodes, 0 ways, 0 relations
> bs <- subset(ua, node_ids = bs_ids)
> bs
osmar object
15 nodes, 0 ways, 0 relations
The subset based on the highway element IDs is:
> hw <- subset(ua, ids = hw_ids)
> hw
osmar object
1321 nodes, 253 ways, 0 relations
Note that the subsetting of osmar
objects is divided into the two
steps “finding” and “subsetting” to have more flexibility in handling
the related elements (here with using find_down()
and find_up()
, but
more sophisticated routines can be imagined).
The visualization of osmar
objects is possible if nodes are available
in the object (as only these OSM elements contain latitude and longitude
information). The functions plot_nodes()
and plot_ways()
plot the
available nodes as dots and ways as lines, respectively. The plot()
method combines these two function calls. Note that this is a plot of
the raw data and no projection is done (see the following section for a
projected visualization).
> plot(ua)
> plot_ways(hw, add = TRUE, col = "green")
> plot_nodes(ts, add = TRUE, col = "red")
> plot_nodes(bs, add = TRUE, col = "blue")
In order to use the complete power of R on OpenStreetMap data, it is
essential to be able to convert osmar
objects into commonly used
objects based on classes provided by other packages. Currently, osmar
provides two converters – into the
sp (Bivand et al. 2008) and the
igraph (Csardi 2011)
packages. In this section we show the conversion to sp
objects, the
navigation device example shows the conversion to igraph
The sp package provides special data structures and utility functions
for spatial data. Spatial data classes are available for points, lines,
and polygons and others (see Bivand et al. 2008). The osmar package provides the
> args(as_sp)
function(obj, what = c("points", "lines", "polygons"),
crs = osm_crs(), simplify = TRUE)
to convert an osmar
object into the corresponding classes for points,
lines, and polygons in the sp package (given the required data are
available). Note that the appropriate WGS84 coordinate reference system
(CRS) for OpenStreetMap data is used (cf. osm_crs()
Polygons are used to represent areas, which OpenStreetMap represents as
closed ways. Buildings, for example, are closed ways and can be
converted to an sp
polygon object:
> bg_ids <- find(ua, way(tags(k == "building")))
> bg_ids <- find_down(ua, way(bg_ids))
> bg <- subset(ua, ids = bg_ids)
> bg
osmar object
991 nodes, 110 ways, 0 relations
> bg_poly <- as_sp(bg, "polygons")
The result is a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
with the osmar
attributes (the attrs
element) as its data. Functionality provided by
the sp package can now be used to analyze the OSM data; e.g., the
method or the spplot()
method—the latter one, for
example, to see how often each building was modified:
> spplot(bg_poly, c("version"))
Meta-data (the tags
element) and members (the refs
element) are not
automatically converted to a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
’s data.
The conversion of lines and points works similarly:
> hw_line <- as_sp(hw, "lines")
> bs_points <- as_sp(bs, "points")
The results are SpatialLinesDataFrame
and SpatialPointsDataFrame
objects, respectively.
In order to finalize the University of Auckland example we create a bus
route map and visualize the available bus routes belonging to the bus
stops. Therefore, we find all bus
relations available in the object,
retrieve the corresponding data from the OSM API, and convert the data
into lines (note that this computation takes some time):
> bus_ids <- find(ua, relation(tags(v == "bus")))
> bus <- lapply(bus_ids,
+ function(i) {
+ raw <- get_osm(relation(i), full = TRUE)
+ as_sp(raw, "lines")
+ })
We use the argument full = TRUE
to retrieve the relation itself and
all related members. In detail, this means we retrieve all nodes, ways,
and relations that are members of the specified relation; and,
recursively, all nodes that are members of the retrieved ways.
We then use the sp plot methods to create the final bus route map:
> plot(bg_poly, col = "gray")
> plot(hw_line, add = TRUE, col = "green")
> plot(bs_points, add = TRUE, col = "blue")
> for ( i in seq(along = bus) ) {
+ plot(bus[[i]], add = TRUE, col = "blue")
+ }
We always wanted to know how a navigation device works. Now with osmar, R provides the necessary components and this serves as nice example on how to use osmar. The general idea is to (1) get the data, (2) extract all highways, (3) create a graph of all highway nodes with the distance between the highway nodes as edge weights, (4) compute the shortest path on the graph, and (5) trace the path on the highways.
We use a planet file from Munich as the data source and use Osmosis
(Henderson 2011) to process the data. Note that osmosis
has to be in your
environment variable.
> library("osmar")
> url <- ""
> file <- "muenchen.osm.gz"
> download.file(sprintf("%s%s", url, file), file)
> system("gzip -d muenchen.osm.gz")
Get the center of Munich with a
> src <- osmsource_osmosis(file = "muenchen.osm")
> muc_bbox <- center_bbox(11.575278, 48.137222, 3000, 3000)
> muc <- get_osm(muc_bbox, src)
> muc
osmar object
13713 nodes, 3156 ways, 76 relations
For the navigation device we only need streets. This means, we have to
find all ways that are tagged as highways and have a name tag, then find
the associated nodes, and finally subset the full osmar
> hways_muc <- subset(muc, way_ids = find(muc, way(tags(k == "highway"))))
> hways <- find(hways_muc, way(tags(k == "name")))
> hways <- find_down(muc, way(hways))
> hways_muc <- subset(muc, ids = hways)
> hways_muc
osmar object
3889 nodes, 995 ways, 0 relations
Suppose we want to start our route at the “Sendlinger Tor”. This means we first have to find a node that is tagged with the name “Sendlinger Tor” and then the nearest highway node:
> hway_start_node <- local({
+ id <- find(muc, node(tags(v == "Sendlinger Tor")))[1]
+ find_nearest_node(muc, id, way(tags(k == "highway")))
+ })
> hway_start <- subset(muc, node(hway_start_node))
For a given node (by its ID), the function find_nearest_node()
the nearest node with the specified conditions (the package
(Hijmans et al. 2011) is used to compute the distances). The end of the route
should be in the northeast part of Munich; so we find nodes that are in
the northeast and take one highway node:
> hway_end_node <- local({
+ id <- find(muc, node(attrs(lon > 11.59 & lat > 48.150)))[1]
+ find_nearest_node(muc, id, way(tags(k == "highway")))
+ })
> hway_end <- subset(muc, node(hway_end_node))
Finally, we visualize the initial situation:
> plot_nodes(muc, col = "gray")
> plot_ways(hways_muc, add = TRUE)
> plot_nodes(hways_muc, add = TRUE, col = "black")
> plot_nodes(hway_start, add = TRUE, col = "red")
> plot_nodes(hway_end, add = TRUE, col = "blue")
The gray nodes are all nodes available in the full osmar
object, the
black nodes and lines are the road networks available in the
object, the red and blue dots denote the starting and
ending nodes of the searched route.
In order to compute the shortest route between the defined starting and
ending nodes, we convert the highway-osmar
object into a graph. R
provides a set of packages to work with graphs, we decided to use
> library("igraph0")
> gr_muc <- as_igraph(hways_muc)
> summary(gr_muc)
Vertices: 2381
Edges: 2888
Directed: TRUE
No graph attributes.
Vertex attributes: name.
Edge attributes: weight, name.
The osmar
object nodes define the nodes of the graph (node IDs are
used as graph node names). The osmar
object ways define the edges (way
IDs are used as edge names), and the weights of the edges are the
geographical distance between the nodes.
The igraph package provides different shortest path algorithms (e.g.,
Dijkstra and Bellman-Ford) via the function get.shortest.paths()
. The
shortest route (not necessarily unique) is:
> route <- get.shortest.paths(gr_muc,
+ from = as.character(hway_start_node),
+ to = as.character(hway_end_node))[[1]]
> route_nodes <- as.numeric(V(gr_muc)[route]$name)
We construct a new osmar
object containing only elements related to
the nodes defining the route:
> route_ids <- find_up(hways_muc, node(route_nodes))
> route_muc <- subset(hways_muc, ids = route_ids)
> route_muc
osmar object
101 nodes, 83 ways, 0 relations
And add the route to the highway map of Munich center in Figure 5:
> plot_nodes(route_muc, add = TRUE, col = "green")
> plot_ways(route_muc, add = TRUE, col = "green")
In order to present route details like street names, distances, and
directions we have to work directly on the internals of the osmar
We start by extracting the route’s node IDs (which are in the correct order) and the way IDs (which we have to order) where the nodes are members:
> node_ids <- route_muc$nodes$attrs$id
> way_ids <- local({
+ w <- match(node_ids, route_muc$ways$refs$ref)
+ route_muc$ways$refs$id[w]
+ })
Then we extract the names of the ways in the correct order:
> way_names <- local({
+ n <- subset(route_muc$ways$tags, k == "name")
+ n[match(way_ids, n$id), "v"]
+ })
The next step is to extract the nodes’ coordinates,
> node_coords <- route_muc$nodes$attrs[, c("lon", "lat")]
and to compute the distances (meters) and the bearings (degrees) between successive nodes (using the package geosphere):
> node_dirs <- local({
+ n <- nrow(node_coords)
+ from <- 1:(n-1)
+ to <- 2:n
+ cbind(dist = c(0,
+ distHaversine(node_coords[from, ], node_coords[to, ])),
+ bear = c(0,
+ bearing(node_coords[from, ],
+ node_coords[to, ])))
+ })
Finally, we pack together all the information, and additionally compute
the cumulative distance and a 16-point compass rose direction (the
function is available in the “navigator” demo from the
osmar package):
> route_details <- data.frame(way_names, node_dirs)
> route_details$cdist <- cumsum(route_details$dist)
> route_details$dir <- compass(route_details$bear)
The result is a data.frame
with a row for each node of the route. The
row shows the name of the associated way, the distance (meters) and
bearing (degrees and compass rose) to the successive node of the route,
and the cumulative distance:
> head(route_details)
way_names dist bear cdist dir
1 Sendlinger-Tor-Platz 0 0 0 N
2 Wallstraße 65 62 65 ENE
3 Herzog-Wilhelm-Straße 29 75 94 ENE
4 Oberanger 10 78 104 ENE
5 Oberanger 69 94 173 E
6 Nikolaus-Gradl-Weg 25 76 198 ENE
Needless to say that this navigation device can be made much more sophisticated. The osmar package contains the complete source code of the basic navigation device as a demo and we invite everybody to improve R as a navigator.
The osmar package extends the R ecosystem with infrastructure to work
together with the OpenStreetMap project. So far, functionality is
available to get data from different sources (e.g., planet file and API
v0.6), to consolidate the data as an R osmar
object, to work with the
object (e.g., subsetting and plotting), and to convert it to
objects based on classes provided by other packages (e.g., to igraph
and sp
Future work includes the implementation of further converters; e.g., a
converter from osmar
objects to raster image objects via the
OpenStreetMap package. We are also interested in implementing
converters from objects provided by other R packages to osmar
and in saving these objects in different OpenStreetMap sources via a
function. This would be, in fact, the completion of the
osmar concept illustrated in Figure 1 with
arrows from the right to the left blocks.
Furthermore, we would like to incorporate tools originated in the OpenStreetMap ecosystem. One idea is the implementation of a rule-based rendering tool for generating SVG images of OSM data along the lines of Osmarender (Topf 2011). Another interesting project is Osmium, a fast and flexible C++ and Javascript toolkit and framework for working with OSM data (Topf 2012). An R interface [potentially via Rcpp modules; Eddelbuettel and François (2011)] would provide a very fast and flexible way to work with large OSM data sets.
The authors thank two anonymous reviewers and Joe Sakshaug for their constructive comments to improve the manuscript.
osmar, OpenStreetMap, RgoogleMaps, ggmap, sp, igraph, geosphere, Rcpp
GraphicalModels, HighPerformanceComputing, NumericalMathematics, Optimization, Spatial, SpatioTemporal, WebTechnologies
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Eugster & Schlesinger, "osmar: OpenStreetMap and R", The R Journal, 2013
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2013-005, author = {Eugster, Manuel J. A. and Schlesinger, Thomas}, title = {osmar: OpenStreetMap and R}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2013}, note = {}, volume = {5}, issue = {1}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {53-63} }