frailtyHL: A Package for Fitting Frailty Models with H-likelihood


We present the frailtyHL package for fitting semi-parametric frailty models using h-likelihood. This package allows lognormal or gamma frailties for random-effect distribution, and it fits shared or multilevel frailty models for correlated survival data. Functions are provided to format and summarize the frailtyHL results. The estimates of fixed effects and frailty parameters and their standard errors are calculated. We illustrate the use of our package with three well-known data sets and compare our results with various alternative R-procedures.

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Dec. 1, 2012


Ha, et al., 2012




28 - 37

1 Introduction

Frailty models with a non-parametric baseline hazard have been widely adopted for the analysis of survival data . The frailtyHL package implements h-likelihood procedures for frailty models. The package fits Cox proportional hazards models (PHMs) with random effects, or frailties. The lognormal or gamma distribution can be adopted as the frailty distribution, corresponding to the normal or log-gamma distribution for the log frailties. H-likelihood obviates the need for marginalization over the frailty distribution, thereby providing a statistically efficient procedure for various random-effect models .

The main function is frailtyHL(). For instance,

> frailtyHL(Surv(time, status) ~ x + (1|id),
+           RandDist = "Normal", 
+           mord = 0, dord = 1,
+           Maxiter = 200, convergence = 10^-6,
+           varfixed = FALSE, varinit = 0.1)

fits a lognormal frailty model. The first argument is a formula object, with the response on the left of a ~ operator, and the terms for the fixed and random effects on the right. The response is a survival object as returned by the Surv function . Here, time and status denote survival time and censoring indicator taking value 1 or 0 for uncensored or censored observations, respectively; x denotes a fixed covariate and id denotes the subject identifier. The expression (1|id) specifies a random intercept model ((x|id) would specify a random intercept, random slope model). The parameters mord and dord are the orders of Laplace approximations to fit the mean parameters (mord = 0 or 1) and the dispersion parameters (dord = 1 or 2), respectively. The Maxiter parameter specifies the maximum number of iterations and convergence specifies the tolerance of the convergence criterion. If varfixed is specified as TRUE (or FALSE), the value of one or more of the variance terms for the frailties is fixed (or estimated) with starting value (e.g. 0.1) given by varinit.

Previously, frailty models have been implemented in several R functions such as the coxph() function in the survival package and the coxme() function in the coxme package , based on penalized partial likelihood (PPL), the phmm() function in the phmm package , based on a Monte Carlo EM (MCEM) method, and the frailtyPenal() function in the frailtypack package , based on penalized marginal likelihood. The phmm package fits one-component frailty models, although it does allow multivariate frailties. The coxme() function can fit the multi-component model as shown in Example 2. Results from frailtyHL are compared with those from survival, coxme and phmm.

Recently, the h-likelihood procedures of for fitting hierarchical generalized linear models (HGLMs) have been implemented using the hglm() function in the hglm package , the HGLMfit() function in the HGLMMM package and the dhglmfit() function in the dhglm package . The frailtyHL package is for fitting frailty models with a non-parametric baseline hazard, providing estimates of fixed effects, random effects, and variance components as well as their standard errors. In addition, it provides a statistical test for the variance components of frailties and also three AIC criteria for the model selection.

2 Frailty models

The frailtyHL package makes it possible to

  1. fit models with log-normal and gamma frailty distributions and

  2. estimate variance components when the frailty structure is shared or nested.

For illustration, we present two models below and show how to fit these models using frailtyHL() in the Examples section.

One-component frailty models

Suppose that data consist of right censored time-to-event observations from q subjects (or clusters), with ni observations each; i=1,,q. Let Tij be the survival time for the jth observation of the ith subject; j=1,,ni. Here, n=ini is the total sample size and ni is the cluster size. Let Cij be the corresponding censoring time and let yij=min{Tij,Cij} and δij=I(TijCij) be the observable random variables, where I() is the indicator function.

Given the common unobserved frailty for the ith subject ui, the conditional hazard function of Tij is of the form


where λ0() is an unspecified baseline hazard function and β=(β1,,βp)T is a vector of regression parameters for the fixed covariates xij. Here, the term xijTβ does not include an intercept term because of identifiability. Assume that the frailties ui are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d) random variables with a frailty parameter α; the gamma and lognormal frailty models assume gamma and lognormal distributions for ui, respectively. That is, our package allows

The model represented by (1) is known as a shared or one-component frailty model .

Multi-component frailty models

We can fit a multi-component model as below :


X is the n×p model matrix, Z(r) (r=1,2,,k) are the n×qr model matrices corresponding to the qr×1 frailties v(r), and v(r) and v(l) are independent for rl.

For example, the CGD data have a multilevel structure in which patients nested within centers have recurrent infection times.

Later, we analyze these data using model (2) with k=2. Here, the frailty structures are:

v(1): center frailty N(0,α1A1),

v(2): patient frailty N(0,α2A2),

where Ar=Ir (r=1,2) are the qr×qr identity matrices, and q1 and q2 are the number of centers and patients, respectively. Notice that the corresponding Z(1) to v(1) (or Z(2) to v(2)) is, respectively, a matrix of indicator variables such that Zst(1)=1 (or Zst(2)=1) if observation s is a member of center (or patient) t and 0 otherwise . This is called the multilevel frailty model .

3 H-likelihood theory

The h-likelihood h for frailty model (1) is defined by


where 0=ijlogf(yij,δij|ui;β,λ0)=ijδij{logλ0(yij)+ηij}ijΛ0(yij)exp(ηij) is the sum of conditional log densities for yij and δij given ui, and 1=ilogf(vi;α) is the sum of log densities for vi=logui with parameter α. Here, ηij=xijTβ+vi is the linear predictor for the hazards, and Λ0(t)=0tλ0(k)dk is the baseline cumulative hazard function.

The functional form of λ0(t) in (1) is unknown; following , we consider Λ0(t) to be a step function with jumps at the observed event times: Λ0(t)=k:y(k)tλ0k where y(k) is the kth (k=1,,l) smallest distinct event time among the yij’s, and λ0k=λ0(y(k)). However, the dimension of λ0=(λ01,,λ0l)T increases with the sample size n. For inference, proposed the use of the profile h-likelihood with λ0 eliminated, hh|λ0=λ^0, given by


where 0=ijlogf(yij,δij|ui;β)=ijf(yij,δij|ui;β,λ^0) does not depend on λ0, and

(5)λ^0k(β,v)=d(k) (i,j)R(k)exp(ηij), are solutions of the estimating equations, h/λ0k=0, for k=1,,l. Here, d(k) is the number of events at y(k) and R(k)=R(y(k))={(i,j):yijy(k)} is the risk set at y(k). and proposed an h-likelihood (3), while using the partial likelihood for 0. They call it the penalized partial likelihood (PPL) hp, defined by hp(β,v,α)=ijδijηijkd(k)log{ ijR(k) exp(ηij)}+1. Furthermore, and have shown that h is proportional to the PPL hp because h=kd(k)logλ^0k+ijδijηijkd(k) + 1=hp+kd(k){logd(k)1}, where kd(k){logd(k)1} is a constant that does not depend upon unknown parameters. Notice here that PPL hp does not depend on nuisance parameters λ0. Thus, Lee and Nelder’s h-likelihood procedure for HGLMs can be directly used to fit frailty models based on hp .

Review of estimation procedures

have proposed the use of the Laplace approximation based on the h-likelihood when the marginal likelihood, m=log{exp(h)dv}, is hard to obtain. To reduce the bias in small cluster sizes higher-order approximations for the mean (β) and the frailty variance (α) have been developed. The lower-order approximation is computationally efficient, but could have large biases when cluster sizes are small .

The h-likelihood procedures use the Breslow method for handling tied event times, while the PPL procedures allow the Efron method. For estimating β, the h-likelihood methods allow the Laplace approximation pv(hp) to a marginal partial likelihood mp=log{exp(hp)dv}, but the PPL procedures do not. For estimating α, the PPL methods use adjusted profile h-likelihoods pv(hp) and pβ,v(hp) which give maximum partial likelihood (MPL) and restricted maximum partial likelihood (REMPL) estimators, respectively. In contrast, the h-likelihood method uses the restricted partial likelihood (based upon the first-order Laplace approximation pβ,v(hp) or the second-order Laplace approximation sβ,v(hp)) for REMPL estimators. Here pv(hp) and pβ,v(hp) are defined as follows: pv(hp)=[hp12logdet{D(hp,v)/(2π)}]|v=v^, where D(hp,v)=2hp/v2 and v^ solves hp/v=0, which is the first-order Laplace approximation of mp, and pβ,v(hp)=[hp12logdet{D(hp,(β,v))2π}]|β=β^,v=v^, where D(hp,(β,v))=2hp/(β,v)2 and (β^,v^) solves hp/(β,v)=0, which becomes the adjusted profile marginal likelihood, eliminating fixed effects β by conditioning their asymptotic sufficient statistics β^, in addition to eliminating random effects v by the first-order Laplace approximation . The corresponding second-order approximation is sβ,v(hp)=pβ,v(hp){F(hp)/24}, with F(hp)=tr[{34hpv4+53hpv3D(hp,v)13hpv3}×D(hp,v)2]|v=v^. To reduce the computational burden used F(h) instead of F(hp).

Table 1: Estimation criteria for h-likelihood (HL(mord, dord)), PPL (coxph(), coxme()) and marginal likelihood ( phmm()) for lognormal (LN) and gamma frailty models (FM)
Criterion Literature
Method β α
HL(0,1) hp pβ,v(hp)
HL(0,2) hp sβ,v(hp)
HL(1,1) pv(hp) pβ,v(hp)
HL(1,2) pv(hp) sβ,v(hp)
coxph() hp pβ,v(hp)
for LN FM
coxph() hp m
for gamma FM
coxme() hp pv(hp)
for LN FM
phmm() m m
for LN FM

Table 1 shows historical developments of estimating criteria for frailty models. The frailtyHL() function provides estimators based on the h-likelihood. As the orders in mord and dord increase, the bias of estimator is reduced, but the calculation becomes computationally intensive due to the extra terms. We recommend the use of HL(1,1) for the lognormal frailty and of HL(1,2) for the gamma frailty. However, HL(0,1) for the lognormal frailty and HL(0,2) for the gamma frailty often perform well if α is not large. Note that the variance matrices of τ^=(β^,v^) and α^ are directly obtained from the Hessian matrices, {2hp/τ2}1 and {2pβ,v(hp)/α2}1, respectively; the frailtyHL package provides the standard errors (SEs) of α^ as well as β^. For the use of standard errors of v^v, see , and .

Based on the PPL methods, the coxph() and coxme() functions, respectively, implement REMPL and MPL estimators for α in the lognormal frailty model, and the coxph() function the maximum likelihood (ML) estimators, maximizing the marginal likelihood m, for α in the gamma frailty model. For comparison, we present the Breslow and Efron methods for handling ties in survival times in the coxph() and coxme() functions; recommended the Efron method. For the lognormal frailty the ML estimator maximizing m is available via the phmm() function, but care must be taken to ensure that the MCEM algorithm has converged . However, the ML estimator can be biased when the number of nuisance parameters increases with the sample size .

Furthermore, for the lognormal frailty the coxph() function uses the existing codes in linear mixed models so that it misses the v^/α term in solving the score equation pβ,v(hp)/α=0; this can lead to an underestimation of the parameters, especially when the number of subjects q is large or censoring is high . To overcome this problem, in gamma frailty models develop the code for the ML estimator for α.

Fitting algorithm

Suppose that HL(0,1) is used. The fitting algorithm is as follows:

Step 1:

Take (0,0,0.1) as initial estimates of components of .

Step 2:

Given α^, new estimates (β^,v^) are obtained by solving the joint estimating equations hp/(β,v)={h/(β,v)}|λ0=λ^0=0; then, given (β^,v^), new estimates ^ are obtained by solving pβ,v(hp)/α=0.

Step 3:

Repeat Step 2 until the maximum absolute difference between the previous and current estimates for (β,v) and α is less than 106.

After convergence, we compute the estimates of the standard errors of β^ and α^.

Illustration: kidney infection data

To demonstrate differences of various estimation methods in small cluster size ni2, we use the kidney infection data . The data consist of times until the first and second recurrences (ni2 ) of kidney infection in 38 (q=38) patients using a portable dialysis machine. Each survival time (time) is the time until infection since the insertion of the catheter. The survival times for the same patient are likely to be related because of a shared frailty describing the common patient’s effect. The catheter is later removed if infection occurs and can be removed for other reasons, which we regard as censoring; about 24% of the data were censored.

We fit frailty models with two covariates, the sex (1 = male; 2 = female) and age of each patient, using the functions (frailtyHL(), coxph() , coxme() and phmm()) in the four packages. The results are summarized in Table 2.

Table 2: Comparison of different estimation methods for the kidney infection data
Sex Age Patient
Method β^1 (SE) β^2 (SE) α^ (SE)
lognormal model
HL(0,1) -1.380 0.005 0.535
(0.431) (0.012) (0.338)
HL(1,1) -1.414 0.005 0.545
(0.432) (0.012) (0.340)
coxph() -1.388 0.005 0.551
(Breslow) (0.441) (0.012) ( – )
coxph() -1.411 0.005 0.569
(Efron) (0.445) (0.013) ( – )
coxme() -1.332 0.005 0.440
(Breslow) (0.414) (0.012) ( – )
coxme() -1.355 0.004 0.456
(Efron) (0.417) (0.012) ( – )
phmm() -1.329 0.004 0.378
(0.452) (0.012) ( – )
gamma model
HL(0,2) -1.691 0.007 0.561
(0.483) (0.013) (0.280)
HL(1,2) -1.730 0.007 0.570
(0.485) (0.013) (0.281)
coxph() -1.557 0.005 0.398
(Breslow) (0.456) (0.012) ( – )
coxph() -1.587 0.005 0.412
(Efron) (0.461) (0.012) ( – )

In PPL procedures (coxph() and coxme()), the Breslow method provides slightly smaller estimate for α than the Efron method. In the lognormal frailty, REMPL procedures (fraityHL() and coxph()) give larger estimates for α than ML (phmm()) and MPL (coxme()) procedures. However, both ML and MPL estimates from phmm() and coxme() are somewhat different when cluster size is small, ni2 for all i. For the gamma frailty, coxph() uses the ML procedure, but it still gives smaller estimate for α than the REMPL (h-likelihood) procedures. Compared with the h-likelihood methods, PPL methods are computationally more efficient, but could have larger biases .

Potential future developments

The current version of the frailtyHL package allows multi-component (multilevel) frailties. Allowance for correlation between random effects, for example correlations between random center effect and random treatment effect, is currently in progress. Other developments include dispersion frailty models based on double HGLMs , which allow fixed and random effects in dispersion parts (i.e. variance of random effects) of the model as well as the hazard functions, and joint modelling of HGLMs and frailty models.

4 Examples

Example 1: Lognormal and gamma frailty models on rat data

The data set presented by is based on a tumorigenesis study of 50 (q=50) litters of female rats. For each litter, one rat was selected to receive the drug and the other two rats were placebo-treated controls (ni3). Here each litter is treated as a cluster. The survival time (time) is the time to development of tumor, measured in weeks. Death before occurrence of tumor yields a right-censored observation; forty rats developed a tumor, leading to censoring of about 73%. The survival times for rats in a given litter may be correlated due to a random effect representing shared genetic or environmental effects.

We fit frailty models with one covariate, rx (1 = drug; 0 = placebo), using frailtyHL(). Below, we present the code and results for the lognormal frailty model with HL(1,1). The output from the R code shows that the effect of rx is significant (t-value = 2.823 with p-value = 0.005). That is, the rx group has a significantly higher risk than in control group. Here, the variance estimate of the frailty is α^=0.427 (with SE = 0.423).

Note that although we report the SE of α, one should not use it for testing the absence of frailty α=0 . Such a null hypothesis is on the boundary of the parameter space, so that the critical value of an asymptotic (χ02+χ12)/2 distribution is 2.71 at 5% significant level . The difference in deviance (based on REMPL) 2pβ,v(hp) between the Cox model without frailty and the lognormal frailty model is 364.15362.56=1.59(<2.71), indicating that the frailty effect is non-significant, i.e. α=0. Here, the results from fitting the Cox model without frailty are available by adding the two arguments varfixed = TRUE and varinit = 0 in the frailtyHL(): see below.

> library(survival)
> data(rats)
> frailtyHL(Surv(time,status) ~ rx + (1|litter), 
+           data = rats,
+           varfixed = TRUE, varinit = 0)
iteration :
convergence :
[1] "converged"
[1] "Results from the Cox model"
[1] "Number of data : "
[1] 150
[1] "Number of event : "
[1] 40
[1] "Model for conditional hazard : "
Surv(time, status) ~ rx + (1 | litter)
[1] "Method : HL(0,1)"
[1] "Estimates from the mean model"
   Estimate Std. Error t-value  p-value
rx   0.8982     0.3174    2.83 0.004655
[1] "Estimates from the dispersion model"
       Estimate Std. Error
litter "0"      "NULL"
       -2h0  -2*hp -2*p_b,v(hp)
[1,] 363.69 363.69   364.15
       cAIC   mAIC   rAIC
[1,] 365.69 365.69 364.15
> frailtyHL(Surv(time,status) ~ rx + (1|litter),
+           data = rats, RandDist = "Normal", 
+           mord = 1, dord = 1)
iteration :
convergence :
[1] "converged"
[1] "Results from the log-normal frailty model"
[1] "Number of data : "
[1] 150
[1] "Number of event : "
[1] 40
[1] "Model for conditional hazard : "
Surv(time, status) ~ rx + (1 | litter)
[1] "Method : HL(1,1)"
[1] "Estimates from the mean model"
   Estimate Std. Error t-value  p-value
rx   0.9107     0.3226   2.823 0.004754
[1] "Estimates from the dispersion model"
       Estimate Std. Error
litter   0.4272     0.4232
       -2h0  -2*hp -2*p_v(hp) -2*p_b,v(hp)
[1,] 335.97 397.36     362.14    362.56
       cAIC   mAIC   rAIC
[1,] 362.22 366.14 364.56

The code and results for the gamma frailty model with HL(1,2) are presented below. The output shows that these results are similar to those of the lognormal frailty, particularly for estimation of β. The deviance difference (based on REMPL) between the Cox model and gamma frailty model using the second-order approximation 2sβ,v(hp) is 364.15362.12=2.03(<2.71), again indicating the absence of frailty effect (i.e. α=0) as evident in the lognormal frailty model.

> frailtyHL(Surv(time,status) ~ rx + (1|litter),
+           data = rats, RandDist = "Gamma", 
+           mord = 1, dord = 2)
iteration :
convergence :
[1] "converged"
[1] "Results from the gamma frailty model"
[1] "Number of data : "
[1] 150
[1] "Number of event : "
[1] 40
[1] "Model for conditional hazard : "
Surv(time, status) ~ rx + (1 | litter)
[1] "Method : HL(1,2)"
[1] "Estimates from the mean model"
   Estimate Std. Error t-value  p-value
rx   0.9126     0.3236    2.82 0.004806
[1] "Estimates from the dispersion model"
       Estimate Std. Error
litter   0.5757     0.5977
     -2h0  -2*hp  -2*p_v(hp) -2*s_v(hp)
[1,] 331.60 413.85   365.35   361.71
     -2*p_b,v(hp) -2*s_b,v(hp)
      365.77      362.12
      cAIC   mAIC   rAIC
[1,] 365.30 365.71 364.12

For the selection of a model among nested or non-nested models such as lognormal and gamma frailty models, we may use three Akaike information criteria (AIC) based on conditional likelihood, marginal likelihood and restricted likelihood, respectively, defined by cAIC=2h0+2dfc,mAIC=2pv(hp)+2dfm,rAIC=2pβ,v(hp)+2dfr, where h0=0 in (4), and dfc=trace{D1(hp,(β,v))D(h0,(β,v))} is an ‘effective degrees of freedom adjustment’ for estimating the fixed and random effects, computed using the Hessian matrices D(hp,(β,v))=2hp/(β,v)2 and D(h0,(β,v))=2h0/(β,v)2. Note here that dfm is the number of fixed parameters and dfr is the number of dispersion parameters . For calculation of the mAIC and rAIC of gamma frailty model using HL(0,2) or HL(1,2), we use the corresponding second-order approximations, defined by mAIC=2sv(hp)+2dfm and rAIC=2sβ,v(hp)+2dfr. We select a model to minimize the AIC values among models. If the AIC difference is larger than 1 the choice can be made . However, if the difference is less than 1 a simpler model can be selected by a parsimony principle .

In the data set, in the Cox model cAIC=365.69, mAIC=365.69 and rAIC=364.15, and in the lognormal frailty model cAIC=362.22, mAIC=366.14 and rAIC=364.56, and in the gamma frailty model cAIC=365.30, mAIC=365.71 and rAIC=364.12. The likelihood tests based upon the REMPL showed the absence of frailty effect (α=0), so that mAIC and rAIC of all the three models are similar. Thus, we may choose the parsimonious Cox model. However, the cAIC selects the lognormal model, indicating that this model could give better prediction.

Example 2: Multilevel frailty models on CGD infection data

The CGD data set presented by consists of a placebo-controlled randomized trial of gamma interferon (rIFN-g) in the treatment of chronic granulomatous disease (CGD). 128 patients (id) from 13 centers (q1=13,q2=128) were tracked for around 1 year. The number (i.e. cluster size) of patients per center ranged from 4 to 26. The survival times (tstop-tstart) are the recurrent infection times of each patient from the different centers. Censoring occurred at the last observation for all patients, except one, who experienced a serious infection on the day he left the study; in the CGD study about 63% of the data were censored. The recurrent infection times for a given patient are likely to be correlated. However, each patient belongs to one of the 13 centers; hence, the correlation may also be attributed to a center effect.

Ignoring important random components may render invalid many of the traditional statistical analysis techniques. We fit a multilevel lognormal frailty model with two frailties and a single covariate, treat (rIFN-g, placebo), using frailtyHL(). Here, the two frailties are random center and patient effects. The code and results using HL(1,1) are provided below. The output shows that the effect of treatment is significant (t-value = -3.476 with p-value < 0.001), indicating that rIFN-g significantly reduces the rate of serious infection in CGD patients. The estimate of variance of patient frailty (α^2=1.002) is considerably larger than variance of center frailty (α^1=0.030), indicating that the random-patient effect is more heterogeneous.

> library(survival)
> data(cgd)
> frailtyHL(Surv(tstop-tstart,status) ~ treat + 
+             (1|center) + (1|id), 
+           data = cgd,
+           RandDist = "Normal", mord = 1, dord = 1)
iteration :
convergence :
[1] "converged"
[1] "Results from the log-normal frailty model"
[1] "Number of data : "
[1] 203
[1] "Number of event : "
[1] 76
[1] "Model for conditional hazard : "
[1] "Method : HL(1,1)"
[1] "Estimates from the mean model"
            Estimate Std. Error t-value   p-value
treatrIFN-g   -1.184     0.3407  -3.476 0.0005085
[1] "Estimates from the dispersion model"
       Estimate Std. Error
center  0.02986     0.1572
id      1.00235     0.5089
       -2h0  -2*hp -2*p_v(hp) -2*p_b,v(hp)
[1,] 603.30 853.66     692.63       692.95
       cAIC   mAIC   rAIC
[1,] 684.92 698.63 696.95

For testing the absence of a random component (α1=0 or α2=0), we use the deviance based on REMPL, 2pβ,v(hp), and fit the following four models including the Cox model and three lognormal frailty models using HL(1,1) method,


Cox model without frailty (α1=0,α2=0) has 2pβ,v(hp)=707.48,


model without patient effect (α1>0,α2=0) has 2pβ,v(hp)=703.66,


model without center effect (α1=0,α2>0) has 2pβ,v(hp)=692.99, and


multilevel model above requiring both patient and center effects (α1>0,α2>0) has 2pβ,v(hp)=692.95.

The deviance difference between M3 and M4 is 692.99692.95=0.04 , which is not significant at a 5% level (χ1,0.102=2.71), indicating the absence of the random-center effects, i.e. α1=0. The deviance difference between M2 and M4 is 703.66-692.95=10.71, indicating that the random-patient effects are necessary, i.e. α2>0. In addition, the deviance difference between M1 and M3 is 707.48-692.99=14.49, indicating that the random-patient effects are indeed necessary with or without random-center effects.

Let us choose a final model using information criteria. For M1 we have cAIC=708.68, mAIC=708.68 and rAIC=707.48; for M2 cAIC=702.96, mAIC=706.88 and rAIC=705.66; for M3 cAIC=684.84, mAIC=696.68 and rAIC=694.99; for M4 cAIC=684.92, mAIC=698.63 and rAIC=696.95. All of the three criteria choose M3 in the CGD data set.

Comparison of results with alternative procedures

Using the examples in the previous section, we compare the outcomes from frailtyHL and other packages. We consider the three functions ( coxph(), coxme() and phmm()) for the lognormal frailty model and the coxph() function for the gamma frailty model.

Example 1: Rat data The codes of coxph(), coxme() and phmm() for fitting lognormal frailty model are, respectively, as follows:

>coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ rx + 
+         frailty(litter, dist = "gauss"),
+      method = "breslow", rats)

> coxme(Surv(time, status) ~ rx + (1|litter),
+       ties = "breslow", rats)

> phmm(Surv(time, status) ~ rx + (1|litter),
+      data = rats, Gbs = 2000, Gbsvar = 3000, 
+      VARSTART = 1, NINIT = 10, 
+      MAXSTEP = 200, CONVERG=90)

Table 3 summarizes the estimation results. Even though cluster size ni3 is not large, the results are similar. For example, MPL and ML estimates for α from coxme() and phmm() are somewhat different in Table 2 when ni2, while they become similar in Table 3.

Next, the code of coxph() for fitting the gamma frailty model is below:

> coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ rx + 
+           frailty(litter, dist = "gamma"),
+       method = "breslow", rats)

The results of frailtyHL() (HL(0,2), HL(1,2)) and coxph() for gamma frailty are also presented in Table 3. For the estimation of β both results from frailtyHL() and coxph() are similar, but for α they are somewhat different. That is, our REMPL estimates from frailtyHL() (α^=0.575 with HL(0,2) and α^=0.576 with HL(1,2)) are somewhat larger than the ML estimates from coxph() (α^=0.474 with Breslow method and α^=0.499 with Efron method).

Table 3: Comparison of different estimation methods for the rat data
Rx Litter
Method β^ (SE) α^ (SE)
lognormal model
HL(0,1) 0.906 (0.323) 0.427 (0.423)
HL(1,1) 0.911 (0.323) 0.427 (0.423)
coxph() 0.905 (0.322) 0.395 ( – )
coxph() 0.913 (0.323) 0.412 ( – )
coxme() 0.905 (0.322) 0.406 ( – )
coxme() 0.913 (0.323) 0.426 ( – )
phmm() 0.920 (0.326) 0.449 ( – )
gamma model
HL(0,2) 0.908 (0.324) 0.575 (0.598)
HL(1,2) 0.913 (0.324) 0.576 (0.598)
coxph() 0.906 (0.323) 0.474 ( – )
coxph() 0.914 (0.323) 0.499 ( – )

Example 2: CGD data The code of the coxme() function for fitting multilevel lognormal frailty model is as follows:

> coxme(Surv(tstop - tstart,status) ~
+       treat + (1|center) + (1|id), 
+       ties = "breslow", cgd)

The results of frailtyHL()(HL(0,1), HL(1,1)) and coxme() are summarized in Table 4. The results from HL and PPL methods for frailty parameters become more similar because the cluster sizes (the number of patients from different centers) are somewhat large, ranging from 4 to 26.

Table 4: Comparison of different estimation methods for the CGD data
Treat Center Patient
Method β^ (SE) α^1 (SE) α^2 (SE)
lognormal model
HL(0,1) -1.074 0.026 0.982
(0.335) (0.153) (0.501)
HL(1,1) -1.184 0.030 1.002
(0.341) (0.157) (0.509)
coxme() -1.074 0.033 0.939
(Breslow) (0.333) ( – ) ( – )
coxme() -1.074 0.032 0.947
(Efron) (0.333) ( – ) ( – )

5 Summary

The h-likelihood method offers novel possibilities to fit various models with random effects. The frailtyHL package for frailty models eliminates the nuisance parameters λ0 in the h-likelihood (3) by profiling. Such models have important applications in multi-center clinical study , meta analysis , and genetic analysis . Therefore, this package can be potentially adopted by statisticians in several different fields.

6 Acknowledgements

This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (No. 2009-0088978, No. 2010-0021165 and No. 2010-0011372).

CRAN packages used

frailtyHL, survival, coxme, phmm, frailtypack, hglm, HGLMMM, dhglm

CRAN Task Views implied by cited packages

Agriculture, ClinicalTrials, Econometrics, MixedModels, Spatial, Survival


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    For attribution, please cite this work as

    Ha, et al., "frailtyHL: A Package for Fitting Frailty Models with H-likelihood", The R Journal, 2012

    BibTeX citation

      author = {Ha, Il Do and Noh, Maengseok and Lee, Youngjo},
      title = {frailtyHL: A Package for Fitting Frailty Models with H-likelihood},
      journal = {The R Journal},
      year = {2012},
      note = {},
      volume = {4},
      issue = {2},
      issn = {2073-4859},
      pages = {28-37}