MARSS is a package for fitting multivariate autoregressive state-space models to time-series data. The MARSS package implements state-space models in a maximum likelihood framework. The core functionality of MARSS is based on likelihood maximization using the Kalman filter/smoother, combined with an EM algorithm. To make comparisons with other packages available, parameter estimation is also permitted via direct search routines available in ‘optim’. The MARSS package allows data to contain missing values and allows a wide variety of model structures and constraints to be specified (such as fixed or shared parameters). In addition to model-fitting, the package provides bootstrap routines for simulating data and generating confidence intervals, and multiple options for calculating model selection criteria (such as AIC).
The MARSS package (Holmes et al. 2012) is an R package for fitting linear multivariate autoregressive state-space (MARSS) models with Gaussian errors to time-series data. This class of model is extremely important in the study of linear stochastic dynamical systems, and these models are used in many different fields, including economics, engineering, genetics, physics and ecology. The model class has different names in different fields; some common names are dynamic linear models (DLMs) and vector autoregressive (VAR) state-space models. There are a number of existing R packages for fitting this class of models, including sspir (Dethlefsen et al. 2009) for univariate data and dlm (Petris 2010), dse (Gilbert 2009), KFAS (Helske 2011) and FKF (Luethi et al. 2012) for multivariate data. Additional packages are available on other platforms, such as SsfPack (Durbin and Koopman 2001), EViews ( and Brodgar ( Except for Brodgar and sspir, these packages provide maximization of the likelihood surface (for maximum-likelihood parameter estimation) via quasi-Newton or Nelder-Mead type algorithms. The MARSS package was developed to provide an alternative maximization algorithm, based instead on an Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm and to provide a standardized model-specification framework for fitting different model structures.
The MARSS package was originally developed for researchers analyzing data in the natural and environmental sciences, because many of the problems often encountered in these fields are not commonly encountered in disciplines like engineering or finance. Two typical problems are high fractions of irregularly spaced missing observations and observation error variance that cannot be estimated or known a priori (Schnute 1994). Packages developed for other fields did not always allow estimation of the parameters of interest to ecologists because these parameters are always fixed in the package authors’ field or application. The MARSS package was developed to address these issues and its three main differences are summarized as follows.
First, maximum-likelihood optimization in most packages for fitting
state-space models relies on quasi-Newton or Nelder-Mead direct search
routines, such as provided in optim
dlm) or nlm
dse). Multidimensional
state-space problems often have complex, non-linear likelihood surfaces.
For certain types of multivariate state-space models, an alternative
maximization algorithm exists; though generally slower for most models,
the EM-algorithm (Shumway and Stoffer 1982; Metaxoglou and Smith 2007), is
considerably more robust than direct search routines (this is
particularly evident with large amounts of missing observations). To
date, no R package for the analysis of multivariate state-space models
has implemented the EM algorithm for maximum-likelihood parameter
estimation (sspir
implements it for univariate models). In addition, the
MARSS package implements
an EM algorithm for constrained parameter estimation (Holmes 2010) to
allow fixed and shared values within parameter matrices. To our
knowledge, this constrained EM algorithm is not implemented in any
package, although the Brodgar package implements a limited version for
dynamic factor analysis.
Second, model specification in the MARSS package has a one-to-one relationship to a MARSS model as written in matrix form on paper. Any model that can be written in MARSS form can be fitted without extra code by the user. In contrast, other packages require users to write unique functions in matrix form (a non-trivial task for many non-expert R users). For example, while dlm includes linear and polynomial univariate models, multivariate regression is not readily accessible without these custom functions; in MARSS, all models written in matrix form are fitted using the same model specification. The MARSS package also allows degenerate multivariate models to be fitted, which means that some or all observation or process variances can be set to 0. This allows users to include deterministic features in their models and to rewrite models with longer lags or moving averaged errors as a MARSS model.
Third, the MARSS package
provides algorithms for computing model selection criteria that are
specific for state-space models. Model selection criteria are used to
quantify the data support for different model and parameter structures
by balancing the ability of the model to fit the data against the
flexibility of the model. The criteria computed in the
MARSS package are based on
Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC). Models with the lowest AIC are
interpreted as receiving more data support. While AIC and its small
sample corrected version AICc are easily calculated for fixed effects
models (these are standard output for lm
and glm
, for instance),
these criteria are biased for hierarchical or state-space autoregressive
models. The MARSS package
provides an unbiased AIC criterion via innovations bootstrapping
(Stoffer and Wall 1991; Cavanaugh and Shumway 1997) and parametric bootstrapping
(Holmes 2010). The package also provides functions for approximate and
bootstrap confidence intervals, and bias correction for estimated
The package comes with an extensive user guide that introduces users to the package and walks the user through a number of case studies involving ecological data. The selection of case studies includes estimating trends with univariate and multivariate data, making inferences concerning spatial structure with multi-location data, estimating inter-species interaction strengths using multi-species data, using dynamic factor analysis to reduce the dimension of a multivariate dataset, and detecting structural breaks in data sets. Though these examples have an ecological focus, the analysis of multivariate time series models is cross-disciplinary work and researchers in other fields will likely benefit from these examples.
The MARSS model includes a process model and an observation model. The process component of a MARSS model is a multivariate first-order autoregressive (MAR-1) process. The multivariate process model takes the form
Written out for two state processes, the MARSS process model would be:
The initial state vector is specified at
The multivariate observation component in a MARSS model is expressed as
Written out for three observation processes and two state processes, the
MARSS observation model would be
The MARSS process and observation models are flexible and many multivariate time-series models can be rewritten in MARSS form. See textbooks on time series analysis where reformulating AR-p, ARMA-p as a MARSS model is covered (Harvey 1989; such as Tsay 2010).
The package is designed to fit MARSS models with fixed and shared elements within the parameter matrices. The following shows such a model using a mean-reverting random walk model with three observation time series as an example:
Notice that many parameter elements are fixed, while others are shared (have the same symbol).
Model specification has a one-to-one relationship to the model written
on paper in matrix form (Equation (4)). The user
passes in a list which includes an element for each parameter in the
model: B
, U
, Q
, Z
, A
, R
, x0
, V0
. The list element
specifies the form of the corresponding parameter in the model.
The most general way to specify a parameter form is to use a list matrix. The list matrix allows one to combine fixed and estimated elements in one’s parameter specification. For example, to specify the parameters in Equation (4), one would write the following list matrices:
> B1 = matrix(list("b", 0, 0, "b"), 2, 2)
> U1 = matrix(0, 2, 1)
> Q1 = matrix(c("q11", "q12", "q12", "q22"), 2, 2)
> Z1 = matrix(c(1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0), 3, 2)
> A1 = matrix(list("a1", 0, 0), 3, 1)
> R1 = matrix(list("r1", 0, 0, 0, "r2", 0,
+ 0, 0, "r2"), 3, 3)
> pi1 = matrix(0, 2, 1)
> V1 = diag(1, 2)
> model.list = list(B = B1, U = U1, Q = Q1, Z = Z1,
+ A = A1, R = R1, x0 = pi1, V0 = V1)
When printed at the R command line, each parameter matrix looks exactly like the parameters as written out in Equation (4). Numeric values are fixed and character values are names of elements to be estimated. Elements with the same character name are constrained to be equal (no sharing across parameter matrices, only within).
List matrices allow the most flexible model structures, but
MARSS also has text
shortcuts for many common model structures. The structure of the
variance-covariance matrices in the model are specified via the Q
, and V0
components, respectively. Common structures are errors
independent with one variance on the diagonal (specified with
"diagonal and equal"
) or all variances different
("diagonal and unequal"
); errors correlated with the same correlation
parameter ("equalvarcov"
) or correlated with each process having
unique correlation parameters ("unconstrained"
), or all zero
). Common structures for the matrix "identity"
); a diagonal matrix with one value on the
diagonal ("diagonal and equal"
) or all different values on the
diagonal ("diagonal and unequal"
), or all values different
). Common structures for the "equal"
); all unequal
or "unconstrained"
), or all zero ("zero"
The factor(c(1, 2, 1))
or factor(c("a", "b", "a"))
The main package function is MARSS
. This function fits a MARSS model
(Equations (1) and (3)) to a matrix of data
and returns the maximum-likelihood estimates for the MARSS
takes the form:
> MARSS(data, model = model.list)
where model.list
has the form shown in the R code above. The data must
be passed in as an
The only required argument to MARSS
is a matrix of data. The model
argument is an optional argument, although typically included, which
specifies the form of the MARSS model to be fitted (if left off, a
default form is used). Other MARSS
arguments include initial parameter
values (inits
), a non-default value for missing values (miss.value
whether or not the model should be fitted (fit
), whether or not output
should be verbose (silent
), and the method for maximum-likelihood
estimation (method
). The default method is the EM algorithm
(method = "kem"
), but the quasi-Newton method BFGS is also allowed
(method = "BFGS"
). Changes to the default fitting algorithm are
specified with control
; for example, control$minit
is used to change
the minimum number of iterations used in the maximization algorithm. Use
to see all the control
Each call to the MARSS
function returns an object of class
, an estimation object. The marssMLE
object is a list with
the following elements: the estimated parameter values (par
), Kalman
filter and smoother output (kf
), convergence diagnostics
, numIter
, errors
, logLik
), basic model selection
metrics (AIC
, AICc
), and a model object model
which contains both
the MARSS model specification and the data. Further list elements, such
as bootstrap AIC or confidence intervals, are added with functions that
take a marssMLE
object as input.
One of the most commonly used model selection tools in the
maximum-likelihood framework is Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC) or
the small sample variant (AICc). Both versions are returned with the
call to MARSS
. A state-space specific model selection metric, AICb
(Stoffer and Wall 1991; Cavanaugh and Shumway 1997), can be added to a marssMLE
object using the function MARSSaic
The function MARSSparamCIs
is used to add confidence intervals and
bias estimates to a marssMLE
object. Confidence intervals may be
computed by resampling the Kalman innovations if all data are present
(innovations bootstrapping) or implementing a parametric bootstrap if
some data are missing (parametric bootstraping). All bootstrapping in
the MARSS package is done
with the lower-level function MARSSboot
. Because bootstrapping can be
time-consuming, MARSSparamCIs
also allows approximate confidence
intervals to be calculated with a numerically estimated Hessian matrix.
If bootstrapping is used to generate confidence intervals,
will also return a bootstrap estimate of parameter bias.
In addition to outputting the maximum-likelihood estimates of the model
parameters, the MARSS
call will also output the maximum-likelihood
estimates of the state trajectories (the states
element in the marssMLE
object output from a MARSS
call. The standard errors of the state
estimates are in element
of the marssMLE
object. For
example, if a MARSS model with one state (fit
, the state estimates and
> plot(fit$states, type = "l", lwd = 2)
> lines(fit$states - 2*fit$
> lines(fit$states + 2*fit$
To demonstrate the MARSS package functionality, we show a series of short examples based on a few of the case studies in the MARSS User Guide. The user guide includes much more extensive analysis and includes many other case studies. All the case studies are based on analysis of ecological data, as this was the original motivation for the package.
A commonly used model in ecology describing the dynamics of a population experiencing density-dependent growth is the Gompertz model (Reddingius and Boer 1989; Dennis and Taper 1994). The population dynamics are stochastic and driven by the combined effects of environmental variation and random demographic variation.
The log-population sizes from this model can be described by an AR-1
This model with graywhales
dataset included in the
MARSS package. This data
set consists of 24 abundance estimates of eastern North Pacific gray
whales (Gerber et al. 1999). This population was depleted by commercial
whaling prior to 1900 and has steadily increased since the first
abundance estimates were made in the 1950s (Gerber et al. 1999). The
dataset consists of 24 annual observations over 39 years, 1952–1997;
years without an estimate are denoted as NA
. The time step between
observations is one year and the goal is to estimate the annual rate of
increase (or decrease).
After log-transforming the data, maximum-likelihood parameter estimates
can be calculated using MARSS
> data(graywhales)
> years = graywhales[,1]
> loggraywhales = log(graywhales[,2])
> kem = MARSS(loggraywhales)
wrapper returns an object of class "marssMLE"
, which
contains the parameter estimates (kem$par
), state estimates
) and their standard errors (kem$
). The state
estimates can be plotted with
In population surveys, censuses are often taken at multiple sites and those sites may or may not be connected through dispersal. Adjacent sites with high exchange rates of individuals will synchronize subpopulations (making them behave as a single subpopulation), while sites with low mixing rates will behave more independently as discrete subpopulations. We can use MARSS models and model selection to test hypotheses concerning the spatial structure of a population (Hinrichsen 2009; Hinrichsen and Holmes 2009; Ward et al. 2010).
For the multi-site application, model
argument for the MARSS
function, we could specify this as
Z = as.factor(c(1, 2, 3, 3))
. The
The dataset harborSeal
in the
MARSS package contains
survey data for harbor seals on the west coast of the United States. We
can test the hypothesis that the four survey sites in Puget Sound
(Washington state) are better described by one panmictic population
measured at four sites versus four independent subpopulations.
> dat = t(log(harborSeal[,4:7]))
> harbor1 = MARSS(dat,
+ model = list(Z = factor(rep(1, 4))))
> harbor2 = MARSS(dat,
+ model = list(Z = factor(1:4)))
The default model settings of Q = "diagonal and unequal"
R = "diagonal and equal"
, and B = "identity"
are used for this
example. The AICc value for the one subpopulation surveyed at four sites
is considerably smaller than the four subpopulations model. This
suggests that these four sites are within one subpopulation (which is
what one would expect given their proximity and lack of geographic
> harbor1$AICc
[1] -280.0486
> harbor2$AICc
[1] -254.8166
We can add a bootstrapped AIC using the function MARSSaic
> harbor1 = MARSSaic(harbor1,
+ output = c("AICbp"))
We can add a confidence intervals to the estimated parameters using the
function MARSSparamCIs
> harbor1 = MARSSparamCIs(harbor1)
default is to compute approximate confidence intervals using
a numerically estimated Hessian matrix. Two full model selection
exercises can be found in the MARSS User Guide.
Another application of state-space modeling is identification of true
movement paths of tagged animals from noisy satellite data. Using the
MARSS package to analyze
movement data assumes that the observations are equally spaced in time,
or that enough NA
s are included to make the observations spaced
accordingly. The MARSS
package includes the satellite tracks from eight tagged sea turtles,
which can be used to demonstrate estimation of location from noisy data.
The data consist of daily longitude and latitude for each turtle. The
true location is the underlying state
Ecologists are often interested in inferring species interactions from multi-species datasets. For example, Ives et al. (2003) analyzed four time series of predator (zooplankton) and prey (phytoplankton) abundance estimates collected weekly from a freshwater lake over seven years. The goal of their analysis was to estimate the per-capita effects of each species on every other species (predation, competition), as well as the per-capita effect of each species on itself (density dependence). These types of interactions can be modeled with a multivariate Gompertz model:
The first step is to log-transform and de-mean the data:
> plank.dat = t(log(ivesDataByWeek[,c("Large Phyto",
+ "Small Phyto","Daphnia","Non-daphnia")]))
> d.plank.dat = (plank.dat - apply(plank.dat, 1,
+ mean, na.rm = TRUE))
Second, we specify the MARSS model structure. We assume that the process
variances of the two phytoplankton species are the same and that the
process variances for the two zooplankton are the same. But we assume
that the abundance of each species is an independent process. Because
the data have been demeaned, the parameter
> Z = factor(rownames(d.plank.dat))
> U = "zero"
> A = "zero"
> B = "unconstrained"
> Q = matrix(list(0), 4, 4)
> diag(Q) = c("Phyto", "Phyto", "Zoo", "Zoo")
> R = diag(c(0.04, 0.04, 0.16, 0.16))
> plank.model = list(Z = Z, U = U, Q = Q,
+ R = R, B = B, A = A, tinitx=1)
We do not specify x0
or V0
since we assume the default behavior
which is that the initial states are treated as estimated parameters
with 0 variance.
We can fit this model using MARSS
> kem.plank = MARSS(d.plank.dat,
+ model = plank.model)
> B.est = matrix(kem.plank$par$B, 4, 4)
> rownames(B.est) = colnames(B.est) =
+ c("LP", "SP", "D", "ND")
> print(B.est, digits = 2)
LP 0.549 -0.23 0.096 0.085
SP -0.058 0.52 0.059 0.014
D 0.045 0.27 0.619 0.455
ND -0.097 0.44 -0.152 0.909
where "LP"
and "SP"
represent large and small phytoplankton,
respectively, and "D"
and "ND"
represent the two zooplankton
species, “Daphinia” and “Non-Daphnia”, respectively.
Elements on the diagonal of
In the previous examples, each observed time series was representative
of a single underlying state process, though multiple time series may be
observations of the same state process. This is not a requirement for a
MARSS model, however. Dynamic factor analysis (DFA) also uses MARSS
models but treats each observed time series as a linear combination of
multiple state processes. DFA has been applied in a number of fields
(e.g. Harvey 1989) and can be thought of as a principal components
analysis for time-series data (Zuur et al. 2003a,b). In a
DFA, the objective is to estimate the number of underlying state
To illustrate, we show results from a DFA analysis for six time series
of plankton from Lake Washington (Hampton et al. 2006). Using model
selection with models using
Figure 3 shows the fitted data with the four state trajectories superimposed.
The benefit of reducing the data with DFA is that we can reduce a larger
dataset into a smaller set of underlying trends and we can use factor
analysis to identify whether some time series fall into clusters
represented by similar trend weightings. A more detailed description of
dynamic factor analysis, including the use of factor rotation to
intrepret the
We hope this package will provide scientists in a variety of disciplines some useful tools for the analysis of noisy univariate and multivariate time-series data, and tools to evaluate data support for different model structures for time-series observations. Future development will include Bayesian estimation and constructing non-linear time-series models.
MARSS, sspir, dlm, dse, KFAS, FKF
Bayesian, Environmetrics, Finance, TimeSeries
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Holmes, et al., "MARSS: Multivariate Autoregressive State-space Models for Analyzing Time-series Data", The R Journal, 2012
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2012-002, author = {Holmes, Elizabeth E. and Ward, Eric J. and Wills, Kellie}, title = {MARSS: Multivariate Autoregressive State-space Models for Analyzing Time-series Data}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2012}, note = {}, volume = {4}, issue = {1}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {11-19} }