rworldmap is a relatively new package available on CRAN for the mapping and visualisation of global data. The vision is to make the display of global data easier, to facilitate understanding and communication. The initial focus is on data referenced by country or grid due to the frequency of use of such data in global assessments. Tools to link data referenced by country (either name or code) to a map, and then to display the map are provided as are functions to map global gridded data. Country and gridded functions accept the same arguments to specify the nature of categories and colour and how legends are formatted. This package builds on the functionality of existing packages, particularly sp, maptools and fields. Example code is provided to produce maps, to link with the packages classInt, RColorBrewer and ncdf, and to plot examples of publicly available country and gridded data.
Global datasets are becoming increasingly common and are frequently seen on the web, in journal papers and in our newspapers (for example a ‘carbon atlas’ of global emissions available at At the same time there is a greater interest in global issues such as climate change, the global economy, and poverty (as for example outlined in the Millenium Development Goals, Thirdly, there is an increasing availability of software tools for visualising data in new and interesting ways. Gapminder ( has pioneered making UN statistics more available and intelligible using innovative visualisation tools and Many Eyes ( provides a very impressive interface for sharing data and creating visualisations.
World maps have become so common that they have even attracted satire. The Onion’s Atlas of the Planet Earth (The Onion 2007), contains a ‘Bono Awareness’ world map representing ‘the intensity with which artist Bono is aware of the plight and daily struggles of region’, with a categorisation ranging from ‘has heard of nation once’ through ‘moved enough by nations crisis to momentarily remove sunglasses’ to ‘cares about welfare of nation nearly as much as his own’.
There appears to be a gap in the market for free software tools that can be used across disciplinary boundaries to produce innovative, publication quality global visualisations. Within R there are great building blocks (particularly sp, maptools and fields) for spatial data but users previously had to go through a number of steps if they wanted to produce world maps of their own data. Experience has shown that difficulties with linking data and creating classifications, colour schemes and legends, currently constrains researchers’ ability to view and display global data. We aim to reduce that constraint to allow researchers to spend more time on the more important issue of what they want to display. The vision for rworldmap is to produce a package to facilitate the visualisation and mapping of global data. Because the focus is on global data, the package can be more specialised than existing packages, making world mapping easier, partly because it doesn’t have to deal with detailed local maps. Through rworldmap we aim to make it easy for R users to explore their global data and also to produce publication quality figures from their outputs.
rworldmap was partly inspired and largely funded by the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) program Quantifying Uncertainty in Earth System Science (QUEST). This program brings together scientists from a wide range of disciplines including climate modellers, hydrologists and social scientists. It was apparent that while researchers have common tools for visualisation within disciplines, they tend to use different ones across disciplines and that this limits the sharing of data and methods necessary for truly interdisciplinary research. Within the project, climate and earth system modellers tended to use IDL, ecologists ArcGIS, hydrologists and social scientists Matlab and fisheries scientists R. With the exception of R, these software products cost thousands of pounds which acts as a considerable constraint on users being able to try out techniques used by collaborators. This high cost and learning curve of adopting new software tools hinders the sharing of data and methods between disciplines. To address this, part of the vision for rworldmap was to develop a tool that can be freely used and modified across a multi-disciplinary project, to facilitate the sharing of scripts, data and outputs. Such freely available software offers greater opportunity for collaboration with research institutes in developing countries that may not be able to afford expensive licenses.
rworldmap consists of tools to visualise global data and focuses on two types of data. Firstly, data that are referenced by country codes or names and secondly, data that are referenced on a grid.
There is a wealth of global country level data available on the internet including UN population data, and many global indices for, among others: Environmental Performance, Global Hunger and Multidimensional Poverty.
Data are commonly referenced by country names as these are the most easily recognised by users, but country names have the problem that vocabularies are not well conserved and many countries have a number of subtly different alternate names (e.g. Ivory Coast and Cote d’Ivoire, Laos and People’s Democratic Republic of Lao). To address this problem there are ISO standard country codes of either 2 letters, 3 letters or numeric, and also 2 letter FIPS country codes, so there is still not one universally adopted standard. rworldmap supports all of these country codes and offers tools to help when data are referenced by names or other identifiers.
Global datasets are frequently spatially referenced on a grid, because such gridded or raster data formats offer advantages in efficiency of data storage and processing. Remotely sensed data and other values calculated from it are most frequently available in gridded formats. These can include terrestrial or marine data or both.
There are many gridded data formats, here I will concentrate on two: ESRI GridAscii and netCDF.
ESRI GridAscii files are an efficient way of storing and transferring gridded data. They are straightforward text files so can be opened by any text editor. They have a short header defining the structure of the file (e.g. number, size and position of rows and columns), followed by a single row specifying the value at each grid cell. Thus they use much less space than if the coordinates for each cell had to be specified.
Example start of gridAscii file for a half degree global grid:
ncols 720
nrows 360
xllcorner -180
yllcorner -90
cellsize 0.5
NODATA_value -999
-999 1 0 1 1 ... [all 259200 cell values]
NetCDF is a data storage file format commonly used by climate scientists
and oceanographers. NetCDF files can be multi-dimensional, e.g. holding
rworldmap has three core functions outlined below and others that are described later.
joins user country data referenced by
country names or codes to a map to enable plotting
plots a map of country data
plots a map of gridded data
To join the data to a map use joinCountryData2Map
. You will need to
specify the name of column containing your country identifiers
) and the type of code used (joinCode
) e.g. "ISO3"
for ISO 3 letter codes or "UN" for numeric country codes.
sPDF <- joinCountryData2Map( countryExData
,joinCode = "ISO3"
,nameJoinColumn = "ISO3V10")
This code outputs, to the R console, a summary of how many countries are
successfully joined. You can specify verbose=TRUE
to get a full list
of countries. The object returned (named sPDF in this case) is of type
from the package
sp. This object is required
for the next step, displaying the map.
If you only have country names rather than codes in your data, use
; you can expect more mismatches due to the greater
variation within country names mentioned previously. To address this you
can use the identifyCountries()
function described below, and change
any country names in your data that do not exactly match those in the
internal map.
To plot anything other than the default map, mapCountryData
an object of class "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame"
and a specification of
the name of the column containing the data to plot:
sPDF <- joinCountryData2Map( countryExData
,joinCode = "ISO3"
,nameJoinColumn = "ISO3V10")
mapDevice() #create world map shaped window
The mapGriddedData
function can accept either
an object of type "SpatialGridDataFrame"
, as defined in the
package sp
the name of an ESRI GridAscii file as a character string
a 2D R matrix or array (rows by columns)
rworldmap contains a
example that can be accessed and mapped as
shown in the code and figure below.
mapDevice() #create world map shaped window
rworldmap plotting functions are set up to work with few parameters specified (usually just those identifying the data) and in such cases, default values will be used. However, there is considerable flexibility to modify the appearance of plots by specifying values for arguments. Details of argument options are provided in the help files but here are a selection of the main arguments:
determines how the data values are put into categories
(then colourPalette
determines the colours for those categories).
Options for catMethod
are: "pretty"
, "fixedWidth"
, "logfixedWidth"
, "quantiles"
, "categorical"
, or
a numeric vector defining the breaks between categories. Works with
the next argument (numCats
) , although numCats
is not used for
, where the data are not modified, or if the user
specifies a numeric vector, where the number of categories will be a
specifies the favoured number of categories for the data.
The number of categories used may be different if the number
requested is not possible for the chosen catMethod
(e.g. for
if there are only 2 values in the data it is not
possible to have more than 2 categories).
specifies a colour palette to use from:
for the current palette
a vector of valid colours, e.g. c("red", "white", "blue")
output from
a string defining one of the internal rworldmap palettes from:
, "diverging"
, "white2Black"
, "black2White"
, "rainbow"
, "terrain"
, "negpos8"
, "negpos9"
set to TRUE
for a default legend, if set to FALSE
the function addMapLegend
or addMapLegendBoxes
can be used to
create a more flexible legend.
a region to zoom in on, can be set to a country name
from getMap()$NAME
or one of "eurasia"
, "africa"
"latin america"
, "uk"
, "oceania"
, "asia"
Another option for displaying data is to use the mapBubbles
which allows flexible creation of bubble plots on global maps. You can
specify data columns that will determine the sizing and colouring of the
bubbles (using nameZSize
and nameZColour
). The function also accepts
other spatialDataFrame objects or data frames containing columns
specifying the x and y coordinates. If you wish to represent more
attribute values per location there are also the newer mapBars()
functions to produce bar and pie charts respectively (noting
that pie charts may not be the best way of presenting data when there
are more than a few categories).
mapDevice() #create world map shaped window
The interactive function identifyCountries()
allows the user to click
on the current map and, provided the cursor is sufficiently close to
country centroid, will add the country name to the map. Optionally, the
name of an attribute variable can also be passed to the function to
cause the value of the attribute to be added to the label. e.g. ‘Cape
Verde 506807’ will be printed on the map if the code below is entered
and the mouse clicked over those islands (if you know where they are!).
rworldmap offers options for aggregating half degree gridded data to countries, and in turn for aggregating country level data to regions. In both of these options a range of aggregation options are available including mean, minimum, maximum and variance.
takes a gridded input file, aggregates
to a country level and plots the map. It accepts most of the same
arguments as mapCountryData()
Country level data can be aggregated to global regions specified by
in country2Region()
which outputs as text, and
which produces a map plot. The regional classifications
available include SRES (The Special Report on Emissions Scenarios of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) ), GEO3(Global Earth
Observation), Stern and GBD (Global Burden of Disease).
Outputs this text:
Australasia 56.92000
Caribbean 65.20000
Central America 76.11250
Central Asia 56.18000
East Asia 69.18462
Europe 73.87619
North Africa 71.00000
North America 62.70000
South America 77.01818
South Asia 77.22000
South+E Africa 75.79474
West Africa 78.68421
West Asia 49.62000
mapDevice() #create world map shaped window
Produces this map:
The identity of which countries are in which regions are stored in the
data frame countryRegions
. This also identifies which countries are
currently classed by the UN as Least Developed Countries (LDC), Small
Island Developing states (SID) and Landlocked Developing Countries
(LLDC). To map just the Least Developed Countries the code below could
be used:
sPDF <- joinCountryData2Map( countryRegions
,joinCode = "ISO3"
,nameJoinColumn = "ISO3")
mapDevice() #create world map shaped window
While rworldmap sets many defaults internally there are also options to use other packages to have greater flexibility. In the example below classInt is used to create the classification and RColorBrewer to specify the colours.
#getting smallexample data and joining to a map
sPDF <- joinCountryData2Map(countryExData
,joinCode = "ISO3"
,nameJoinColumn = "ISO3V10"
,mapResolution = "coarse")
#getting class intervals
classInt <- classIntervals( sPDF[["EPI"]]
,n=5, style = "jenks")
catMethod = classInt[["brks"]]
#getting colours
colourPalette <- brewer.pal(5,'RdPu')
#plot map
mapDevice() #create world map shaped window
mapParams <- mapCountryData(sPDF
,catMethod = catMethod
,colourPalette=colourPalette )
#adding legend
,legendMar = 2))
The Happy Planet Index or HPI ( combines country by country estimates of life expectancy, life satisfaction and ecological footprint to create an index of sustainable well-being that makes much more sense than GDP for assessing how countries are doing (Marks 2010).
An Excel file containing the data (hpi-2-0-results.xls
) can be
downloaded from the HPI website at:
I copied the country data from the sheet ‘All Data’ and pasted into a
file so that the header row was at the top of the file and the
summary statistics at the bottom were left off. I then edited some of
the column names to make them appropriate R variable names
(e.g. changing ‘Life Sat (0-10)’ to ‘LifeSat’).
This data can then be read in easily using read.csv()
inFile <- 'hpi2_0edited2.csv'
dF <- read.csv(inFile,header=TRUE,
sPDF <- joinCountryData2Map(dF
, joinCode='NAME'
, nameJoinColumn='country'
, verbose='TRUE')
Unfortunately, but in common with many global country level datasets,
the countries are specified by name alone rather than by ISO country
codes. The verbose=TRUE
option in joinCountryData2Map()
can be used
to show the names of the 10 countries that don’t join due to their names
being slightly different in the data than rworldmap. The names of the
countries that failed to join can be edited in the csv to be the same as
those in getMap()[[’NAME’]]
, and then they will join. A selection is
shown below.
name in HPI name in rworldmap
Iran Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Korea Korea, Republic of
Laos Lao People's Democratic Republic
Moldova Republic of Moldova
Syria Syrian Arab Republic
Tanzania United Republic of Tanzania
Vietnam Viet Nam
United States of America United States
The map of the HPI on the website is interesting in that the colours applied to countries are not determined by the value of the HPI for that country, but instead by the values of the three component indices for Life Expectancy, Life Satisfaction and Ecological Footprint. Therefore I needed to add some extra R code to be able to recreate the HPI map.
#categorise component indices
dF$LifeSatcolour <-
ifelse(dF$LifeSat < 5.5,'red'
,ifelse(dF$LifeSat > 7.0,'green'
,'amber' ))
dF$LifeExpcolour <-
ifelse(dF$LifeExp < 60,'red'
,ifelse(dF$LifeExp > 75,'green'
,'amber' ))
dF$HLYcolour <-
ifelse(dF$HLY < 33,'red'
,ifelse(dF$HLY > 52.5,'green'
,'amber' ))
dF$Footprintcolour <-
ifelse(dF$Footprint > 8.4,'blood red'
,ifelse(dF$Footprint > 4.2,'red'
,ifelse(dF$Footprint < 2.1,'green'
,'amber' )))
#count red, amber , greens per country
#calculate HPI colour per country
dF$HPIcolour <-
ifelse(dF$Footprintcolour=='blood red'
| numReds>1,6
,ifelse(numGreens==1 & numAmbers==2,3
,ifelse(numGreens==2 & numAmbers==1,2
#join data to map
sPDF <- joinCountryData2Map(dF
#set colours
colourPalette <- c('palegreen'
#plot map
mapDevice() #create world map shaped window
mapParams <- mapCountryData(sPDF
,mapTitle='Happy Planet Index')
#changing legendText
mapParams$legendText <-
c('2 good, 1 middle'
,'1 good, 2 middle'
,'3 middle'
,'1 poor'
,'2 poor or footprint v.poor')
#add legend addMapLegendBoxes
, c(mapParams
,title="HPI colour"))
‘Koeppen Geiger’ is a published classification dividing the world into 30 climatic zones. The GIS files for a Koeppen Geiger gridded climatic regions map are freely available from The code below shows how to read in and plot an ascii file downloaded from that site.
inFile1 <- 'Koeppen-Geiger-ASCII.txt'
#read in data which is as lon,lat,catID
#convert to sp SpatialPointsDataFrame
coordinates(dF) = c("Lon", "Lat")
# promote to SpatialPixelsDataFrame
gridded(dF) <- TRUE
# promote to SpatialGridDataFrame
sGDF = as(dF, "SpatialGridDataFrame")
#plotting map
mapDevice() #create world map shaped window
mapParams <- mapGriddedData(sGDF
#adding formatted legend
,title='Koeppen-Geiger Climate Zones'))
This produces a map that looks a lot different from the published map
because it is using a different colour palette. The default "heat"
colour palette is not the best for this categorical data and one of the
palettes from
RColorBrewer more
suitable for categorical data could be used. However it would be good to
retain the palette created by the authors of the data. The ascii file
does not contain any colour information, however the authors also
provide ESRI and Google Earth compatible files that do have colour
information. It appeared to be impossible to extract the palette from
the ESRI files, but by opening the .kmz
file in Google Earth, saving
to .kml
and some fiddly text editing in R the colours could be
extracted as a single column then saved to a .csv
file, the first few
lines of which are:
Plotting the map in the original colours can then be achieved relatively simply by:
#reading in colour palette stops conversion to factors
#which otherwise messes up colours
tst <- read.csv('paletteSaved.csv',
#plotting map
mapDevice() #create world map shaped window
#tst$x passes the palette as a vector
mapParams <- mapGriddedData(sGDF
#adding legend
,title='Koeppen-Geiger Climate Zones'))
netCDF is a common file format used in meteorology and oceanography, it
is both multi-dimensional and self documented. The package
ncdf allows netCDF files to
be opened, queried and data extracted directly to R. Data extracted from
netCDF files in this way can then be converted to
sp objects and plotted using
rworldmap. In the
example below the netCDF file (
This particular file was accessed from:
The ’lon180’
option was chosen to get a file with longitude values
#the downloaded file
inFile <-
memory.limit(4000) #set memory limit to max
nc = open.ncdf(inFile, write=FALSE)
prints to console a description of the file contents which
includes the information shown below (edited slightly for brevity).
file ... has 4 dimensions:
time Size: 12
latitude Size: 73
longitude Size: 96
bounds Size: 2
file ... has 4 variables
float climatological_bounds[bounds,time]
float latitude_bounds[bounds,latitude]
float longitude_bounds[bounds,longitude]
After the netCDF file has been opened in this way, selected variables
can be read into R using get.var.ncdf()
, converted to a
and plotted using the
rworldmap function
. The code below first creates a grid from the
parameters in netCDF file, and is written to be generic so that it
should work on other similar netCDF files. Then it creates a standard
classification and colour scheme for all of the plots based on having
looked at the values in each months data first. Finally it loops through
all months reads in the data for that month, creates a
spatialGridDataFrame for each, plots it and saves it as a .png
ncArray =
# creating gridTopology from the netCDF metadata
offset = c(min(nc$dim$longitude$vals)
cellsize = c( abs(diff(nc$dim$longitude$vals[1:2]))
, abs(diff(nc$dim$latitude$vals[1:2])))
# add cellsize/2 to offset
# to convert from lower left referencing to centre
offset = offset + cellsize/2
cells.dim = c(nc$dim$longitude$len
,nc$dim$latitude$len )
gt <- GridTopology(cellcentre.offset = offset
, cellsize = cellsize
, cells.dim = cells.dim )
#creating a vector to classify the data
#creating a colourPalette for all plots
#-ve blue, 0 white, +ve yellow to red
#looping for each month
for( zDim in 1 : nc$dim$time$len ){
#reading the values for this month
ncMatrix <- ncArray[,,zDim]
#to get the image up the right way
#this reverses the y values but not the x ones
ncMatrix2 <-ncMatrix[ ,nc$dim$latitude$len:1 ]
gridVals <-data.frame(att=as.vector(ncMatrix2))
#creating a spatialGridDataFrame
sGDF <-SpatialGridDataFrame(gt, data=gridVals)
#plotting the map and getting params for legend
mapParams <- mapGriddedData( sGDF
,addLegend=FALSE )
#adding formatted legend
,legendMar = 3))
title(paste('month :',zDim))#adding brief title
outputPlotType = 'png'
} #end of month loop
close.ncdf(nc) #closing the ncdf file
rworldmap is a new package to facilitate the display of global data, referenced by grid, country or region. It is available on CRAN at rworldmap aims to provide tools to improve the communication and understanding of world datasets. If you have any comments or suggestions or would like to contribute code please get in touch. The source code and development versions are available from I plan to extend this work by making datasets, including those used in this paper, more easily accessible, perhaps through a package called rworldmapData. We are also working on visualisations to communicate more information than by maps alone. For more help on rworldmap there is a vignette available at and an FAQ at
This work was funded by NERC through the QUEST Data Initiative (QESDI) and QUEST Global Systems Impacts (GSI) projects. Thanks to Pru Foster and Sarah Cornell at QUEST and Graham Pilling at Cefas without whose enthusiasm this would not have happened. Thanks to Martin Juckes for understanding project management, Barry Rowlingson and Roger Bivand for their contributions at a startup workshop and after, and to Nick Dulvy, Joe Scutt-Phillips and Elisabeth Simelton for inspiration on global vulnerability analyses and colour.
Here I show a brief comparison between using
rworldmap and not. It
is not my intention to set up a straw-man that demonstrates how superior
my package is to others. Other packages have different objectives, by
focusing on world maps I can afford to ignore certain details. It is
only by building on the great work in other packages that I have been
able to get this far. Those caveats aside here is the comparison using
some data on alcohol consumption per adult by country, downloaded as an
Excel file from the gapminder website at and saved as a .csv
. Reading in the
data is common to both approaches:
inFile <- 'indicatoralcoholconsumption20100830.csv'
dF <- read.csv(inFile)
sPDF <- joinCountryData2Map(dF,
, joinCode = "NAME"
, nameJoinColumn = "X"
, nameCountryColumn = "X"
, verbose = TRUE)
## get map
data(wrld_simpl) #from package maptools
## joining
#first identify failures
matchPosnsInLookup <- match(
failedCodes <- dF$X[]
numFailedCodes <- length(failedCodes)
#printing info to console
,"countries failed to join to the map\n")
#find match positions in the data
matchPosnsInData <- match(
# join data to the map
wrld_simpl@data <- cbind(wrld_simpl@data
, dF[matchPosnsInData,])
#sizing window to a good shape for the world,height=4.5)
#so that maps extends to edge of window
oldpar <- par(mai=c(0,0,0.2,0))
#categorising the data
numCats <- 7
quantileProbs <- seq(0,1,1/numCats)
quantileBreaks <- quantile(wrld_simpl$X2005
wrld_simpl$toPlot <- cut( wrld_simpl$X2005
, breaks=quantileBreaks
, labels=F )
#plotting map
#adding legend using the fields package
zlim <- range(quantileBreaks,na.rm=TRUE)
par(oldpar) #reset graphics settings
Slight differences in country naming, and an absence of country codes,
causes 9 countries not to to join in both approaches.
outputs the identities of these countries. This
means that in the maps it incorrectly looks like alcohol consumption is
zero in both the UK and USA. To correct this the country names need to
be renamed prior to joining, either in the .csv
or in the dataframe.
In the R dataframe the countries could be renamed by:
n1<-'United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland'
n2<-'United Kingdom'
levels(dF$X)[which(levels(dF$X)==n1)] <- n2
The objective for rworldmap is to make world mapping easier, based on difficulties experienced by the author and project collaborators. Of course, there is still a learning curve associated with being able to use rworldmap itself. All of the operations shown in this paper can be accomplished by accomplished R programmers without the need for rworldmap, however in an inter-disciplinary project rworldmap made it easier for scientists who are new to R to start producing outputs, and encouraged them to extend their R learning further. There are repetitive data manipulation routines that are tricky to implement, rworldmap reduces the time spent on these so that more time can be spent on the important task of communicating what the data say.
rworldmap, sp, maptools, fields, classInt, RColorBrewer, ncdf, rworldmapData
OfficialStatistics, Spatial, SpatioTemporal
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For attribution, please cite this work as
South, "rworldmap: A New R package for Mapping Global Data", The R Journal, 2011
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2011-006, author = {South, Andy}, title = {rworldmap: A New R package for Mapping Global Data}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2011}, note = {}, volume = {3}, issue = {1}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {35-43} }