When the prevalence of a disease or of some other binary characteristic is small, group testing (also known as pooled testing) is frequently used to estimate the prevalence and/or to identify individuals as positive or negative. We have developed the binGroup package as the first package designed to address the estimation problem in group testing. We present functions to estimate an overall prevalence for a homogeneous population. Also, for this setting, we have functions to aid in the very important choice of the group size. When individuals come from a heterogeneous population, our group testing regression functions can be used to estimate an individual probability of disease positivity by using the group observations only. We illustrate our functions with data from a multiple vector transfer design experiment and a human infectious disease prevalence study.
Group testing, where individuals are composited into pools to screen for a binary characteristic, has a long history of successful application in areas such as human infectious disease detection, veterinary screening, drug discovery, and insect vector pathogen transmission (Tebbs and C. Bilder 2004; Ashby, J. O’Dowd, J. McPherson, B. Stalzer, L. Hightow, W. Miller, J. Eron, M. Cohen, and P. Leone 2005; Peck 2006; Remlinger, J. Hughes-Oliver, S. Young, and R. Lam 2006). Group testing works well in these settings because the prevalence is usually small and individual specimens (e.g., blood, urine, or cattle ear notches) can be composited without loss of diagnostic test accuracy. Group testing is performed often by assigning each individual to a group and testing every group for a positive or negative outcome of the binary characteristic. Using these group responses alone, estimates of overall prevalence or subject-specific probabilities of positivity can be found. When further individual identification of the binary characteristic is of interest, re-testing of specimens within positive groups can be performed to decode the individual positives from the negatives. There are other variants to how group testing is applied, and some will be discussed in this paper. A recent review of group testing for estimation and identification is found in Hughes-Oliver.
Our binGroup package
(Zhang, C. Bilder, and F. Schaarschmidt 2010) is the first dedicated to the group
testing estimation problem within homogeneous or heterogeneous
populations. We also provide functions to determine the optimal group
size based on prior knowledge of what the overall prevalence may be. All
of our functions have been written in familiar formats to those where
individual testing is used (e.g., binom.confint()
binom (Dorai-Raj 2009)
or glm()
in stats).
Group testing has been used traditionally in settings where one overall
prevalence of a binary characteristic within a homogeneous population is
of interest. Typically, one assumes that each individual is independent
and has the same probability
We have written two functions to calculate a confidence interval for
function calculates intervals for
> bgtCI(n = 24, y = 3, s = 7,
+ conf.level = 0.95,
+ alternative = "two.sided",
+ method = "Score")
95 percent Score confidence interval:
[ 0.006325, 0.05164 ]
Point estimate: 0.0189
where the score (Wilson) interval was used. While the score interval is
usually one of the best in terms of coverage (Tebbs and C. Bilder 2004),
other intervals calculated by bgtCI()
include the Clopper-Pearson, the
asymptotic second-order corrected, and the Wald. The maximum likelihood
estimate for
Group testing is applied usually with equally sized groups. When a
common group size is not used, perhaps due to physical or design
constraints, our bgtvs()
function can calculate the exact interval
proposed by Hepworth (1996). The arguments to bgtvs()
include the
following vectors: s
, the different group sizes occurring in the
design; n
, the corresponding numbers of groups for each group size;
and y
, the corresponding numbers of observed positive groups for each
group size. Note that the algorithm becomes computationally expensive
when the number of different group sizes is more than three.
One of the most important design considerations is the choice of the
group size. Choosing a group size that is too small may result in few
groups testing positive, so more tests are used than necessary. Choosing
a group size that is too large may result in almost all groups testing
positive, which leads to a poor estimate of estDesign()
function finds the optimal choice of
> estDesign(n = 24, smax = 100, p.tr = 0.0189)
group size s with minimal mse(p) = 43
$varp [1] 3.239869e-05
$mse [1] 3.2808e-05
$bias [1] 0.0006397784
$exp [1] 0.01953978
The function provides the corresponding variance, MSE, bias, and
expected value for the maximum likelihood estimator of
Our other functions for homogeneous population settings include
, which calculates a p-value for a hypothesis test involving
calculates the power of the hypothesis test.
Corresponding to bgtPower()
, the nDesign()
and sDesign()
calculate the power with increasing plot.bgtDesign()
providing a plot. These functions allow researchers
to design their own experiment in a similar manner to that described in
Schaarschmidt (2007).
When covariates for individuals are available, we can model the probability of positivity as with any binary regression model. However, the complicating aspect here is that only the group responses may be available. Also, if both group responses and responses from re-tests are available, the correlation between these responses makes the analysis more difficult. Vansteelandt, E. Goetghebeur, and T. Verstraeten (2000) and Xie (2001) have both proposed ways to fit these models. Vansteelandt, E. Goetghebeur, and T. Verstraeten (2000) use a likelihood function written in terms of the initial group responses and maximize it to obtain the maximum likelihood estimates of the model parameters. This fitting procedure can not be used when re-tests are available. Xie (2001) writes the likelihood function in terms of the unobserved individual responses and uses the EM algorithm for estimation. This approach has an advantage over Vansteelandt, E. Goetghebeur, and T. Verstraeten (2000) because it can be used in more complicated settings such as when re-tests are available or when individuals appear in multiple groups (e.g., matrix or array-based pooling). However, while Xie’s fitting procedure is more general, it can be very slow to converge for some group testing protocols.
The gtreg()
function fits group testing regression models in
situations where individuals appear in only one group and no re-tests
are performed. The function call is very similar to that of glm()
the stats package. Additional arguments include sensitivity and
specificity of the group test; group numbers for the individuals, and
specification of either the Vansteelandt or Xie fitting methods. Both
model-fitting methods will produce approximately the same estimates and
corresponding standard errors.
We illustrate the gtreg()
function with data from
Vansteelandt, E. Goetghebeur, and T. Verstraeten (2000). The data were obtained through a HIV surveillance
study of pregnant women in rural parts of Kenya. For this example, we
model the probability that a women is HIV positive using the covariates
age and highest attained education level (treated as ordinal). The data
structure is
> data(hivsurv)
> tail(hivsurv[,c(3,5,6:8)], n = 7)
AGE EDUC HIV gnum groupres
422 29 3 1 85 1
423 17 2 0 85 1
424 18 2 0 85 1
425 18 2 0 85 1
426 22 3 0 86 0
427 30 2 0 86 0
428 34 3 0 86 0
Each individual within a group (gnum
is the group number) is given the
same group response (groupres
) within the data set. For example,
individual #422 is positive (1) for HIV, and this leads to all
individuals within group #85 to have a positive group response. Note
that the individual HIV responses are known here because the purpose of
the original study was to show group testing works as well as individual
testing (Verstraeten, B. Farah, L. Duchateau, and R. Matu 1998). Continuing, the gtreg()
function fits
the model and the fit is summarized with summary()
> fit1 <- gtreg(formula = groupres ~ AGE + EDUC,
+ data = hivsurv, groupn = gnum, sens = 0.99,
+ spec = 0.95, linkf = "logit",
+ method = "Vansteelandt")
> summary(fit1)
Call: gtreg(formula = groupres ~ AGE + EDUC,
data = hivsurv, groupn = gnum, sens = 0.99,
spec = 0.95, linkf = "logit",
method = "Vansteelandt")
Deviance Residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-1.1811 -0.9384 -0.8219 1.3299 1.6696
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -2.99039 1.59911 -1.870 0.0615 .
AGE -0.05163 0.06748 -0.765 0.4443
EDUC 0.73621 0.43885 1.678 0.0934 .
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*'
0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Null deviance: 191.4 on 427 degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 109.4 on 425 degrees of freedom
AIC: 115.4
Number of iterations in optim(): 138
The results from gtreg()
are stored in fit1
here, which has a "gt"
class type. The estimated model can be written as
where summary.gt()
function, method functions to find residuals and
predicted values are available.
We have also written a function sim.g()
that simulates group test
responses for a given binary regression model. The options within it
allow for a user-specified set of covariates or one covariate that is
simulated from a gamma distribution. Individuals are randomly put into
groups of a specified size by the user. The function can also be used to
simulate group testing data from a homogeneous population by specifying
zero coefficients for covariates.
One of the most important innovations in group testing is the development of matrix or array-based pooling (Phatarfod and A. Sudbury 1994; Kim, M. Hudgens, J. Dreyfuss, D. Westreich, and C. Pilcher 2007). In this setting, specimens are placed into a matrix-like grid so that they can be pooled within each row and within each column. Potentially positive individuals occur at the intersection of positive rows and columns. If identification of these positive individuals is of interest, individual re-testing can be done on specimens at these intersections. With the advent of high-throughput screening, matrix pooling has become easier to perform because pooling and testing is done with minimal human intervention.
The gtreg.mp()
function fits a group testing regression model in a
matrix pooling setting. The row and column group responses can be used
alone to fit the model. If individual re-testing is performed on the
positive row and column intersections, these re-tests can be included
when fitting the model. Note that the speed of model convergence can be
improved by including re-tests. Within gtreg.mp()
, we implement the EM
algorithm given by Xie (2001) for matrix pooling settings where
individual re-tests may or may not be performed. Due to the complicated
response nature of matrix pooling, this algorithm involves using Gibbs
sampling for the E-step in order to approximate the conditional expected
values of a positive individual response.
Through personal communication with Minge Xie, we discovered that while
he suggested the model fitting procedure could be used for matrix
pooling, he had not implemented it; therefore, to our knowledge, this is
the first time group testing regression models for a matrix pooling
setting have been put into practice. Zhang and C. Bilder provide a
technical report on the model fitting details. We hope that the
function will encourage researchers to include covariates
when performing matrix pooling rather than assume one common
The sim.mp()
function simulates matrix pooling data. In order to
simulate the data for a
> set.seed(9128)
> sa1a <- sim.mp(par = c(-7,0.1), n.row = c(5,4),
+ linkf = "logit", n.col = c(6,5), sens = 0.95,
+ spec = 0.95)
> sa1 <- sa1a$dframe
> head(sa1)
x col.resp row.resp coln rown arrayn retest
1 29.961 0 0 1 1 1 NA
2 61.282 0 1 1 2 1 NA
3 34.273 0 1 1 3 1 NA
4 46.190 0 0 1 4 1 NA
5 39.438 0 1 1 5 1 NA
6 45.880 1 0 2 1 1 NA
where sa1
contains the column, row, and re-test responses along with
one covariate x
. The coln
, rown
, and arrayn
variables are the
column, row, and array numbers, respectively, for the responses. The
covariate is simulated using the default gamma distribution with shape
parameter 20 and scale parameter 2 (a user-specified matrix of
covariates can also be used with the function). The par
argument gives
the coefficients in the model of
> fit1mp <- gtreg.mp(formula = cbind(col.resp,
+ row.resp) ~ x, data = sa1, coln = coln,
+ rown = rown, arrayn = arrayn, sens = 0.95,
+ spec = 0.95, linkf = "logit", n.gibbs = 2000)
> coef(fit1mp)
(Intercept) x
-6.23982684 0.08659878
The coefficients are similar to the ones used to simulate the data. Methods to summarize the model’s fit and to perform predictions are also available.
Group testing is used in a vast number of applications where a binary
characteristic is of interest and individual specimens can be
composited. Our package combines together the most often used and
recommended confidence intervals for
We see the current form of the binGroup package as a beginning rather
than an end to meeting researcher needs. There are many additions that
would be further helpful to researchers. For example, there are a number
of re-testing protocols, such as halving (Gastwirth and W. Johnson 1994) or
sub-dividing positive groups of any size (Kim, M. Hudgens, J. Dreyfuss, D. Westreich, and C. Pilcher 2007), that could be
implemented, but would involve a large amount of new programming due to
the complex nature of the re-testing. Also, the binGroup package does
not have any functions solely for individual identification of a binary
characteristic. For example, the optimal group size to use for
identification alone is usually different to the optimal group size to
use when estimating
This research is supported in part by Grant R01 AI067373 from the National Institutes of Health.
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Bilder, et al., "binGroup: A Package for Group Testing", The R Journal, 2010
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2010-016, author = {Bilder, Christopher R. and Zhang, Boan and Schaarschmidt, Frank and Tebbs, Joshua M.}, title = {binGroup: A Package for Group Testing}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2010}, note = {https://rjournal.github.io/}, volume = {2}, issue = {2}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {56-60} }