Solving Differential Equations in R


Although R is still predominantly applied for statistical analysis and graphical representation, it is rapidly becoming more suitable for mathematical computing. One of the fields where considerable progress has been made recently is the solution of differential equations. Here we give a brief overview of differential equations that can now be solved by R.The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

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Dec. 1, 2010


Soetaert, et al., 2010




5 - 15

1 Introduction

Differential equations describe exchanges of matter, energy, information or any other quantities, often as they vary in time and/or space. Their thorough analytical treatment forms the basis of fundamental theories in mathematics and physics, and they are increasingly applied in chemistry, life sciences and economics.

Differential equations are solved by integration, but unfortunately, for many practical applications in science and engineering, systems of differential equations cannot be integrated to give an analytical solution, but rather need to be solved numerically.

Many advanced numerical algorithms that solve differential equations are available as (open-source) computer codes, written in programming languages like FORTRAN or C and that are available from repositories like GAMS ( or NETLIB (

Depending on the problem, mathematical formalisations may consist of ordinary differential equations (ODE), partial differential equations (PDE), differential algebraic equations (DAE), or delay differential equations (DDE). In addition, a distinction is made between initial value problems (IVP) and boundary value problems (BVP).

With the introduction of R-package odesolve , it became possible to use R for solving very simple initial value problems of systems of ordinary differential equations, using the lsoda algorithm of and . However, many real-life applications, including physical transport modeling, equilibrium chemistry or the modeling of electrical circuits, could not be solved with this package.

Since odesolve, much effort has been made to improve R’s capabilities to handle differential equations, mostly by incorporating published and well tested numerical codes, such that now a much more complete repertoire of differential equations can be numerically solved.

More specifically, the following types of differential equations can now be handled with add-on packages in R:

In this short overview, we demonstrate how to solve the first four types of differential equations in R. It is beyond the scope to give an exhaustive overview about the vast number of methods to solve these differential equations and their theory, so the reader is encouraged to consult one of the numerous textbooks .

In addition, a large number of analytical and numerical methods exists for the analysis of bifurcations and stability properties of deterministic systems, the efficient simulation of stochastic differential equations or the estimation of parameters. We do not deal with these methods here.

2 Types of differential equations

Ordinary differential equations

Ordinary differential equations describe the change of a state variable y as a function f of one independent variable t (e.g., time or space), of y itself, and, optionally, a set of other variables p, often called parameters:


In many cases, solving differential equations requires the introduction of extra conditions. In the following, we concentrate on the numerical treatment of two classes of problems, namely initial value problems and boundary value problems.

Initial value problems

If the extra conditions are specified at the initial value of the independent variable, the differential equations are called initial value problems (IVP).

There exist two main classes of algorithms to numerically solve such problems, so-called Runge-Kutta formulas and linear multistep formulas . The latter contains two important families, the Adams family and the backward differentiation formulae (BDF).

Another important distinction is between explicit and implicit methods, where the latter methods can solve a particular class of equations (so-called “stiff” equations) where explicit methods have problems with stability and efficiency. Stiffness occurs for instance if a problem has components with different rates of variation according to the independent variable. Very often there will be a tradeoff between using explicit methods that require little work per integration step and implicit methods which are able to take larger integration steps, but need (much) more work for one step.

In R, initial value problems can be solved with functions from package deSolve , which implements many solvers from ODEPACK , the code vode , the differential algebraic equation solver daspk , all belonging to the linear multistep methods, and comprising Adams methods as well as backward differentiation formulae. The former methods are explicit, the latter implicit. In addition, this package contains a de-novo implementation of a rather general Runge-Kutta solver based on and using ideas from and . Finally, the implicit Runge-Kutta method radau has been added recently.

Boundary value problems

If the extra conditions are specified at different values of the independent variable, the differential equations are called boundary value problems (BVP). A standard textbook on this subject is .

Package bvpSolve implements three methods to solve boundary value problems. The simplest solution method is the single shooting method, which combines initial value problem integration with a nonlinear root finding algorithm . Two more stable solution methods implement a mono implicit Runge-Kutta (MIRK) code, based on the FORTRAN code twpbvpC , and the collocation method, based on the FORTRAN code colnew . Some boundary value problems can also be solved with functions from packages ReacTran and rootSolve (see below).

Partial differential equations

In contrast to ODEs where there is only one independent variable, partial differential equations (PDE) contain partial derivatives with respect to more than one independent variable, for instance t (time) and x (a spatial dimension). To distinguish this type of equations from ODEs, the derivatives are represented with the symbol, e.g. yt=f(t,x,y,yx,p) Partial differential equations can be solved by subdividing one or more of the continuous independent variables in a number of grid cells, and replacing the derivatives by discrete, algebraic approximate equations, so-called finite differences .

For time-varying cases, it is customary to discretise the spatial coordinate(s) only, while time is left in continuous form. This is called the method-of-lines, and in this way, one PDE is translated into a large number of coupled ordinary differential equations, that can be solved with the usual initial value problem solvers . This applies to parabolic PDEs such as the heat equation, and to hyperbolic PDEs such as the wave equation.

For time-invariant problems, usually all independent variables are discretised, and the derivatives approximated by algebraic equations, which are solved by root-finding techniques. This technique applies to elliptic PDEs.

R-package ReacTran provides functions to generate finite differences on a structured grid. After that, the resulting time-varying cases can be solved with specially-designed functions from package deSolve, while time-invariant cases can be solved with root-solving methods from package rootSolve .

Differential algebraic equations

Differential-algebraic equations (DAE) contain a mixture of differential (f) and algebraic equations (g), the latter e.g. for maintaining mass-balance conditions: y=f(t,y,p)0=g(t,y,p) Important for the solution of a DAE is its index. The index of a DAE is the number of differentiations needed until a system consisting only of ODEs is obtained.

Function daspk from package deSolve solves (relatively simple) DAEs of index at most 1, while function radau solves DAEs of index up to 3.

3 Implementation details

The implemented solver functions are explained by means of the ode-function, used for the solution of initial value problems. The interfaces to the other solvers have an analogous definition:

 ode(y, times, func, parms, method = c("lsoda", 
     "lsode", "lsodes", "lsodar", 
     "vode", "daspk", "euler", "rk4", 
     "ode23", "ode45", "radau", "bdf", 
     "bdf_d", "adams", "impAdams", 
     "impAdams_d"), ...)

To use this, the system of differential equations can be defined as an R-function (func) that computes derivatives in the ODE system (the model definition) according to the independent variable (e.g. time t). func can also be a function in a dynamically loaded shared library and, in addition, some solvers support also the supply of an analytically derived function of partial derivatives (Jacobian matrix).

If func is an R-function, it must be defined as:

func <- function(t, y, parms, ...)

where t is the actual value of the independent variable (e.g. the current time point in the integration), y is the current estimate of the variables in the ODE system, parms is the parameter vector and ... can be used to pass additional arguments to the function.

The return value of func should be a list, whose first element is a vector containing the derivatives of y with respect to t, and whose next elements are optional global values that can be recorded at each point in times. The derivatives must be specified in the same order as the state variables y.

Depending on the algorithm specified in argument method, numerical simulation proceeds either exactly at the time steps specified in times, or using time steps that are independent from times and where the output is generated by interpolation. With the exception of method euler and several fixed-step Runge-Kutta methods all algorithms have automatic time stepping, which can be controlled by setting accuracy requirements (see below) or by using optional arguments like hini (initial time step), hmin (minimal time step) and hmax (maximum time step). Specific details, e.g. about the applied interpolation methods can be found in the manual pages and the original literature cited there.

4 Numerical accuracy

Numerical solution of a system of differential equations is an approximation and therefore prone to numerical errors, originating from several sources:

  1. time step and accuracy order of the solver,

  2. floating point arithmetics,

  3. properties of the differential system and stability of the solution algorithm.

For methods with automatic stepsize selection, accuracy of the computation can be adjusted using the non-negative arguments atol (absolute tolerance) and rtol (relative tolerance), which control the local errors of the integration.

Like R itself, all solvers use double-precision floating-point arithmetics according to , which means that it can represent numbers between approx. ±2.25 10308 to approx. ±1.8 10308 and with 16 significant digits. It is therefore not advisable to set rtol below 1016, except setting it to zero with the intention to use absolute tolerance exclusively.

The solvers provided by the packages presented below have proven to be quite robust in most practical cases, however users should always be aware about the problems and limitations of numerical methods and carefully check results for plausibility. The section “Troubleshooting” in the package vignette should be consulted as a first source for solving typical problems.

5 Examples

An initial value ODE

Consider the famous van der Pol equation , that describes a non-conservative oscillator with non-linear damping and which was originally developed for electrical circuits employing vacuum tubes. The oscillation is described by means of a 2nd order ODE: zμ(1z2)z+z=0 Such a system can be routinely rewritten as a system of two 1st order ODEs, if we substitute z with y1 and z with y2: y1=y2y2=μ(1y12)y2y1

There is one parameter, μ, and two differential variables, y1 and y2 with initial values (at t=0): y1(t=0)=2y2(t=0)=0

The van der Pol equation is often used as a test problem for ODE solvers, as, for large μ, its dynamics consists of parts where the solution changes very slowly, alternating with regions of very sharp changes. This “stiffness” makes the equation quite challenging to solve.

In R, this model is implemented as a function (vdpol) whose inputs are the current time (t), the values of the state variables (y), and the parameters (mu); the function returns a list with as first element the derivatives, concatenated.

 vdpol <- function (t, y, mu) {
     mu * (1 - y[1]^2) * y[2] - y[1]

After defining the initial condition of the state variables (yini), the model is solved, and output written at selected time points (times), using deSolve’s integration function ode. The default routine lsoda, which is invoked by ode automatically switches between stiff and non-stiff methods, depending on the problem .

We run the model for a typically stiff (mu = 1000) and nonstiff (mu = 1) situation:

 yini <- c(y1 = 2, y2 = 0)
 stiff <- ode(y = yini, func = vdpol, 
     times = 0:3000, parms = 1000)
 nonstiff <- ode(y = yini, func = vdpol, 
     times = seq(0, 30, by = 0.01), 
     parms = 1)

The model returns a matrix, of class deSolve, with in its first column the time values, followed by the values of the state variables:

 head(stiff, n = 3)
     time       y1            y2
[1,]    0 2.000000  0.0000000000
[2,]    1 1.999333 -0.0006670373
[3,]    2 1.998666 -0.0006674088

Figures are generated using the S3 plot method for objects of class deSolve:

 plot(stiff, type = "l", which = "y1",
   lwd = 2, ylab = "y",
   main = "IVP ODE, stiff")
 plot(nonstiff, type = "l", which = "y1",
   lwd = 2, ylab = "y",
   main = "IVP ODE, nonstiff")
graphic without alt text
Figure 1: Solution of the van der Pol equation, an initial value ordinary differential equation, stiff case, μ = 1000.
graphic without alt text
Figure 2: Solution of the van der Pol equation, an initial value ordinary differential equation, non-stiff case, μ = 1.
Table 1: Comparison of solvers for a stiff and a non-stiff parametrisation of the van der Pol equation (time in seconds, mean values of ten simulations on an AMD AM2 X2 3000 CPU).
solver non-stiff stiff
ode23 0.37 271.19
lsoda 0.26 0.23
adams 0.13 616.13
bdf 0.15 0.22
radau 0.53 0.72

A comparison of timings for two explicit solvers, the Runge-Kutta method (ode23) and the adams method, with the implicit multistep solver (bdf, backward differentiation formula) shows a clear advantage for the latter in the stiff case (Figure 1). The default solver (lsoda) is not necessarily the fastest, but shows robust behavior due to automatic stiffness detection. It uses the explicit multistep Adams method for the non-stiff case and the BDF method for the stiff case. The accuracy is comparable for all solvers with atol=rtol=106, the default.

A boundary value ODE

The webpage of Jeff Cash contains many test cases, including their analytical solution (see below), that BVP solvers should be able to solve. We use equation no. 14 from this webpage as an example: ξyy=(ξπ2+1)cos(πx) on the interval [1,1], and subject to the boundary conditions: y(x=1)=0y(x=+1)=0 The second-order equation first is rewritten as two first-order equations: y1=y2y2=1/ξ(y1(ξπ2+1)cos(πx)) It is implemented in R as:

 Prob14 <- function(x, y, xi)  {
     1/xi * (y[1] - (xi*pi*pi+1) * cos(pi*x))

With decreasing values of ξ, this problem becomes increasingly difficult to solve. We use three values of ξ, and solve the problem with the shooting, the MIRK and the collocation method .

Note how the initial conditions yini and the conditions at the end of the integration interval yend are specified, where NA denotes that the value is not known. The independent variable is called x here (rather than times in ode).

 x <- seq(-1, 1, by = 0.01)
 shoot <- bvpshoot(yini = c(0, NA), 
     yend = c(0, NA), x = x, parms = 0.01, 
     func = Prob14)
 twp <- bvptwp(yini = c(0, NA), yend = c(0, 
     NA), x = x, parms = 0.0025, 
     func = Prob14)
 coll <- bvpcol(yini = c(0, NA), 
     yend = c(0, NA), x = x, parms = 1e-04, 
     func = Prob14)

The numerical approximation generated by bvptwp is very close to the analytical solution, e.g. for ξ=0.0025:

 xi <- 0.0025
 analytic <- cos(pi * x) + exp((x - 
     1)/sqrt(xi)) + exp(-(x + 1)/sqrt(xi))
 max(abs(analytic - twp[, 2]))
[1] 7.788209e-10

A similar low discrepancy (41011) is noted for the ξ=0.0001 as solved by bvpcol; the shooting method is considerably less precise (1.4105), although the same tolerance (atol=108) was used for all runs.

The plot shows how the shape of the solution is affected by the parameter ξ, becoming more and more steep near the boundaries, and therefore more and more difficult to solve, as ξ gets smaller.

 plot(shoot[, 1], shoot[, 2], type = "l", lwd = 2,
   ylim = c(-1, 1), col = "blue",
   xlab = "x", ylab = "y", main = "BVP ODE")
 lines(twp[, 1], twp[, 2], col = "red", lwd = 2)
 lines(coll[, 1], coll[, 2], col = "green", lwd = 2)
 legend("topright", legend = c("0.01", "0.0025",
   "0.0001"), col = c("blue", "red", "green"),
   title = expression(xi), lwd = 2)
graphic without alt text
Figure 3: Solution of the BVP ODE problem, for different values of parameter ξ.

Differential algebraic equations

The so called “Rober problem” describes an autocatalytic reaction between three chemical species, y1, y2 and y3. The problem can be formulated either as an ODE , or as a DAE: y1=0.04y1+104y2y3y2=0.04y1104y2y33107y221=y1+y2+y3

where the first two equations are differential equations that specify the dynamics of chemical species y1 and y2, while the third algebraic equation ensures that the summed concentration of the three species remains 1.

The DAE has to be specified by the residual function instead of the rates of change (as in ODEs). r1=y10.04y1+104y2y3r2=y2+0.04y1104y2y33 107y22r3=1+y1+y2+y3

Implemented in R this becomes:

 daefun<-function(t, y, dy, parms) {
     res1 <- - dy[1] - 0.04 * y[1] +
               1e4 * y[2] * y[3]
     res2 <- - dy[2] + 0.04 * y[1] -
               1e4 * y[2] * y[3] - 3e7 * y[2]^2
     res3 <- y[1] + y[2] + y[3] - 1
     list(c(res1, res2, res3),
          error = as.vector(y[1] + y[2] + y[3]) - 1)
 yini  <- c(y1 = 1, y2 = 0, y3 = 0)
 dyini <- c(-0.04, 0.04, 0)
 times <- 10 ^ seq(-6,6,0.1)

The input arguments of function daefun are the current time (t), the values of the state variables and their derivatives (y, dy) and the parameters (parms). It returns the residuals, concatenated and an output variable, the error in the algebraic equation. The latter is added to check upon the accuracy of the results.

For DAEs solved with daspk, both the state variables and their derivatives need to be initialised (y and dy). Here we make sure that the initial conditions for y obey the algebraic constraint, while also the initial condition of the derivatives is consistent with the dynamics.

 print(system.time(out <-daspk(y = yini,
   dy = dyini, times = times, res = daefun,
   parms = NULL)))
   user  system elapsed 
   0.07    0.00    0.11 

An S3 plot method can be used to plot all variables at once:

 plot(out, ylab = "conc.", xlab = "time",
   type = "l", lwd = 2, log = "x")
 mtext("IVP DAE", side = 3, outer = TRUE,
   line = -1)

There is a very fast initial change in concentrations, mainly due to the quick reaction between y1 and y2 and amongst y2. After that, the slow reaction of y1 with y2 causes the system to change much more smoothly. This is typical for stiff problems.

graphic without alt text
Figure 4: Solution of the DAE problem for the substances y1,y2, y3; mass balance error: deviation of total sum from one.

Partial differential equations

In partial differential equations (PDE), the function has several independent variables (e.g. time and depth) and contains their partial derivatives.

Many partial differential equations can be solved by numerical approximation (finite differencing) after rewriting them as a set of ODEs .

Functions tran.1D, tran.2D, and tran.3D from R package ReacTran implement finite difference approximations of the diffusive-advective transport equation which, for the 1-D case, is: 1Ax[xAx(DCx)x(AxuC)] Here D is the “diffusion coefficient”, u is the “advection rate”, and Ax is some property (e.g. surface area) that depends on the independent variable, x.

It should be noted that the accuracy of the finite difference approximations can not be specified in the ReacTran functions. It is up to the user to make sure that the solutions are sufficiently accurate, e.g. by including more grid points.

One dimensional PDE

Diffusion-reaction models are a fundamental class of models which describe how concentration of matter, energy, information, etc. evolves in space and time under the influence of diffusive transport and transformation .

As an example, consider the 1-D diffusion-reaction model in [0,10]: Ct=x(DCx)Q with C the concentration, t the time, x the distance from the origin, Q, the consumption rate, and with boundary conditions (values at the model edges): Cxx=0=0Cx=10=Cext To solve this model in R, first the 1-D model Grid is defined; it divides 10 cm (L) into 1000 boxes (N).

 Grid <- setup.grid.1D(N = 1000, L = 10)

The model equation includes a transport term, approximated by ReacTran function tran.1D and a consumption term (Q). The downstream boundary condition, prescribed as a concentration (C.down) needs to be specified, the zero-gradient at the upstream boundary is the default:

 pde1D <-function(t, C, parms)  {
   tran <- tran.1D(C = C, D = D,
                   C.down = Cext, dx = Grid)$dC
   list(tran - Q)  # return value: rate of change

The model parameters are:

 D    <- 1    # diffusion constant
 Q    <- 1    # uptake rate
 Cext <- 20

In a first application, the model is solved to steady-state, which retrieves the condition where the concentrations are invariant: 0=x(DCx)Q In R, steady-state conditions can be estimated using functions from package rootSolve which implement amongst others a Newton-Raphson algorithm . For 1-dimensional models, steady.1D is most efficient. The initial “guess” of the steady-state solution (y) is unimportant; here we take simply N random numbers. Argument nspec = 1 informs the solver that only one component is described.

Although a system of 1000 equations needs to be solved, this takes only a fraction of a second:

 std   <- steady.1D(y = runif(Grid$N),
   func = pde1D, parms = NULL, nspec = 1)
   user  system elapsed 
   0.02    0.00    0.02 

The values of the state-variables (y) are plotted against the distance, in the middle of the grid cells (Grid$x.mid).

 plot (Grid$x.mid, std$y, type = "l",
   lwd = 2, main = "steady-state PDE",
   xlab = "x", ylab = "C", col = "red")
graphic without alt text
Figure 5: Steady-state solution of the 1-D diffusion-reaction model.

The analytical solution compares well with the numerical approximation:

 analytical <- Q/2/D*(Grid$x.mid^2 - 10^2) + Cext
 max(abs(analytical - std$y))
[1] 1.250003e-05

Next the model is run dynamically for 100 time units using deSolve function ode.1D, and starting with a uniform concentration:

 times <- seq(0, 100, by = 1)
   out <- ode.1D(y = rep(1, Grid$N),
     times = times, func = pde1D,
     parms = NULL, nspec = 1)
   user  system elapsed 
   0.61    0.02    0.63 

Here, out is a matrix, whose 1st column contains the output times, and the next columns the values of the state variables in the different boxes; we print the first columns of the last three rows of this matrix:

 tail(out[, 1:4], n = 3)
       time         1         2         3
[99,]    98 -27.55783 -27.55773 -27.55754
[100,]   99 -27.61735 -27.61725 -27.61706
[101,]  100 -27.67542 -27.67532 -27.67513

We plot the result using a blue-yellow-red color scheme, and using deSolve’s S3 method image. Figure 6 shows that, as time proceeds, gradients develop from the uniform distribution, until the system almost reaches steady-state at the end of the simulation.

 image(out, xlab = "time, days",
       ylab = "Distance, cm",
       main = "PDE", add.contour = TRUE)
graphic without alt text
Figure 6: Dynamic solution of the 1-D diffusion-reaction model.

It should be noted that the steady-state model is effectively a boundary value problem, while the transient model is a prototype of a “parabolic” partial differential equation .

Whereas R can also solve the other two main classes of PDEs, i.e. of the “hyperbolic” and “elliptic” type, it is well beyond the scope of this paper to elaborate on that.

6 Discussion

Although R is still predominantly applied for statistical analysis and graphical representation, it is more and more suitable for mathematical computing, e.g. in the field of matrix algebra . Thanks to the differential equation solvers, R is also emerging as a powerful environment for dynamic simulations .

The new package deSolve has retained all the funtionalities of its predecessor odesolve , such as the potential to define models both in R code, or in compiled languages. However, compared to odesolve, it includes a more complete set of integrators, and a more extensive set of options to tune the integration routines, it provides more complete output, and has extended the applicability domain to include also DDEs, DAEs and PDEs.

Thanks to the DAE solvers daspk and radau it is now also possible to model electronic circuits or equilibrium chemical systems. These problems are often of index 1. In many mechanical systems, physical constraints lead to DAEs of index up to 3, and these more complex problems can be solved with radau.

The inclusion of BVP and PDE solvers have opened up the application area to the field of reactive transport modelling , such that R can now be used to describe quantities that change not only in time, but also along one or more spatial axes. We use it to model how ecosystems change along rivers, or in sediments, but it could equally serve to model the growth of a tumor in human brains, or the dispersion of toxicants in human tissues.

The open source matrix language R has great potential for dynamic modelling, and the tools currently available are suitable for solving a wide variety of practical and scientific problems. The performance is sufficient even for larger systems, especially when models can be formulated using matrix algebra or are implemented in compiled languages like C or Fortran . Indeed, there is emerging interest in performing statistical analysis on differential equations, e.g. in package nlmeODE for fitting non-linear mixed-effects models using differential equations, package FME for sensitivity analysis, parameter estimation and Markov chain Monte-Carlo analysis or package ccems for combinatorially complex equilibrium model selection .

However, there is ample room for extensions and improvements. For instance, the PDE solvers are quite memory intensive, and could benefit from the implementation of sparse matrix solvers that are more efficient in this respectfor instance, the “preconditioned Krylov” part of the daspk method is not yet supported. In addition, the methods implemented in ReacTran handle equations defined on very simple shapes only. Extending the PDE approach to finite elements would open up the application domain of R to any irregular geometry. Other spatial discretisation schemes could be added, e.g. for use in fluid dynamics.

Our models are often applied to derive unknown parameters by fitting them against data; this relies on the availability of apt parameter fitting algorithms.

Discussion of these items is highly welcomed, in the new special interest group about dynamic models in R.

Table 2: Summary of the main functions that solve differential equations.
Function Package Description
ode deSolve IVP of ODEs, full, banded or arbitrary sparse Jacobian
ode.1D deSolve IVP of ODEs resulting from 1-D reaction-transport problems
ode.2D deSolve IVP of ODEs resulting from 2-D reaction-transport problems
ode.3D deSolve IVP of ODEs resulting from 3-D reaction-transport problems
daspk deSolve IVP of DAEs of index 1, full or banded Jacobian
radau deSolve IVP of DAEs of index 3, full or banded Jacobian
dde PBSddesolve IVP of delay differential equations, based on Runge-Kutta formulae
dede deSolve IVP of delay differential equations, based on Adams and BDF formulae
bvpshoot bvpSolve BVP of ODEs; the shooting method
bvptwp bvpSolve BVP of ODEs; mono-implicit Runge-Kutta formula
bvpcol bvpSolve BVP of ODEs; collocation formula
steady rootSolve steady-state of ODEs; full, banded or arbitrary sparse Jacobian
steady.1D rootSolve steady-state of ODEs resulting from 1-D reaction-transport problems
steady.2D rootSolve steady-state of ODEs resulting from 2-D reaction-transport problems
steady.3D rootSolve steady-state of ODEs resulting from 3-D reaction-transport problems
tran.1D ReacTran numerical approximation of 1-D advective-diffusive transport problems
tran.2D ReacTran numerical approximation of 2-D advective-diffusive transport problems
tran.3D ReacTran numerical approximation of 3-D advective-diffusive transport problems
Table 3: Summary of the auxilliary functions that solve differential equations.
Function Package Description
lsoda deSolve IVP ODEs, full or banded Jacobian, automatic choice for stiff or non-stiff method
lsodar deSolve same as lsoda, but includes a root-solving procedure.
lsode, vode deSolve IVP ODEs, full or banded Jacobian, user specifies if stiff or non-stiff
lsodes deSolve IVP ODEs, arbitrary sparse Jacobian, stiff method
rk4, rk, euler deSolve IVP ODEs, using Runge-Kutta and Euler methods
zvode deSolve IVP ODEs, same as vode, but for complex variables
runsteady rootSolve steady-state ODEs by dynamically running, full or banded Jacobian
stode rootSolve steady-state ODEs by Newton-Raphson method, full or banded Jacobian
stodes rootSolve steady-state ODEs by Newton-Raphson method, arbitrary sparse Jacobian

CRAN packages used

limSolve, rootSolve, deSolve, bvpSolve, ReacTran, PBSddesolve, sde, pomp, odesolve, nlmeODE, FME, ccems

CRAN Task Views implied by cited packages

Bayesian, DifferentialEquations, Epidemiology, Finance, NumericalMathematics, Optimization, TimeSeries


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  1. The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency[↩]
  2. for instance, the “preconditioned Krylov” part of the daspk method is not yet supported[↩]


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Soetaert, et al., "Solving Differential Equations in R", The R Journal, 2010

BibTeX citation

  author = {Soetaert, Karline and Petzoldt, Thomas and Setzer, R. Woodrow},
  title = {Solving Differential Equations in R},
  journal = {The R Journal},
  year = {2010},
  note = {},
  volume = {2},
  issue = {2},
  issn = {2073-4859},
  pages = {5-15}