The ‘EMD: A Package for Empirical Mode Decomposition and Hilbert Spectrum’ article from the 2009-1 issue.
The concept of empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and the Hilbert spectrum (HS) has been developed rapidly in many disciplines of science and engineering since Huang, Z. Shen, S. R. Long, M. C. Wu, H. H. Shih, Q. Zheng, N.-C. Yen, C. C. Tung, and H. H. Liu (1998) invented EMD. The key feature of EMD is to decompose a signal into so-called intrinsic mode function (IMF). Furthermore, the Hilbert spectral analysis of intrinsic mode functions provides frequency information evolving with time and quantifies the amount of variation due to oscillation at different time scales and time locations. In this article, we introduce an R package called EMD (Kim and H-S. Oh 2008) that performs one- and two- dimensional EMD and HS.
The essential step extracting an IMF is to identify an oscillation
embedded in a signal from local time scale. Consider the following
synthetic signal
The signal in Figure 1 consists of several components, which are generated through the process that a component is superimposed to each other.
An intrinsic oscillation or frequency of a component, for example,
Thus the first step to define intrinsic oscillation is to detect local
extrema or zero-crossings. The function extrema()
identifies local
extrema and zero-crossings of the signal in Figure 2.
> ### Identify extrema and zero-crossings
> ndata <- 3000
> tt <- seq(0, 9, length=ndata)
> xt <- sin(pi * tt)
> library(EMD)
> extrema(xt)
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 501 501
[2,] 1167 1167
[3,] 1834 1834
[4,] 2500 2500
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 168 168
[2,] 834 834
[3,] 1500 1501
[4,] 2167 2167
[5,] 2833 2833
[1] 9
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 1 1
[2,] 334 335
[3,] 667 668
[4,] 1000 1001
[5,] 1333 1334
[6,] 1667 1668
[7,] 2000 2001
[8,] 2333 2334
[9,] 2666 2667
[1] 9
The function extrema()
returns a list of followings.
: matrix of time index at which local minima are
attained. Each row specifies a starting and ending time index of a
local minimum.
: matrix of time index at which local maxima are
attained. Each row specifies a starting and ending time index of a
local maximum.
: the number of extrema.
: matrix of time index of zero-crossings. Each row specifies
a starting and ending time index of zero-crossings.
: the number of zero-crossings.
Once local extrema is obtained, the intrinsic mode function is derived through the sifting procedure.
Huang, Z. Shen, S. R. Long, M. C. Wu, H. H. Shih, Q. Zheng, N.-C. Yen, C. C. Tung, and H. H. Liu (1998) suggested a data-adapted algorithm extracting a sinusoidal
wave or equivalently a frequency from a given signal
Huang, Z. Shen, S. R. Long, M. C. Wu, H. H. Shih, Q. Zheng, N.-C. Yen, C. C. Tung, and H. H. Liu (1998) defined an oscillating wave as an intrinsic mode function if it satisfies two conditions 1) the number of extrema and the number of zero-crossings differs only by one and 2) the local average is zero. If the conditions of IMF are not satisfied after one iteration of aforementioned procedure, the same procedure is applied to the residue signal as in Figure 3(d), (e) and (f) until properties of IMF are satisfied.
This iterative process is called sifting. The following code produces
Figure 3, and the function extractimf()
the sifting algorithm by identifying the local extrema with the
. Note that when setting the option ‘check=TRUE’
, one must
click the plot to proceed to the next step.
> ### Generating a signal
> ndata <- 3000
> par(mfrow=c(1,1), mar=c(1,1,1,1))
> tt2 <- seq(0, 9, length=ndata)
> xt2 <- sin(pi * tt2) + sin(2* pi * tt2) +
+ sin(6 * pi * tt2) + 0.5 * tt2
> plot(tt2, xt2, xlab="", ylab="", type="l",
+ axes=FALSE); box()
> ### Extracting the first IMF by sifting process
> tryimf <- extractimf(xt2, tt2, check=TRUE)
The function extractimf()
extracts IMF’s from a given signal, and it
is controlled by the following arguments.
: observation or signal observed at time tt
: observation index or time index.
: tolerance for stopping rule.
: the maximum number of sifting.
: stopping rule.
: specifies boundary condition.
: specifies whether the sifting process is displayed. If
, click the plotting area to start the next step.
The sifting process stops when the replication of sifting procedure
exceed the predefined maximum number by max.sift
or satisfies the
properties of IMF by stopping rule. The stopping rule stoprule
has two
options – "type1"
and "type2"
. The option stoprule = "type1"
makes the sifting process stop when the absolute values of the candidate
IMF tol
for all stoprule = "type2"
, the sifting process
stops when the variation of consecutive candidate IMF’s is within the
tolerance level,
To eliminate the boundary effect of a signal, it is necessary to adjust
a signal at the boundary. Huang, Z. Shen, S. R. Long, M. C. Wu, H. H. Shih, Q. Zheng, N.-C. Yen, C. C. Tung, and H. H. Liu (1998) extended the original signal by
adding artificial waves repeatedly on both sides of the boundaries. The
waves called characteristic waves are constructed by repeating the
implicit mode formed from extreme values nearest to boundary. The
argument boundary
specifies the adjusting method of the boundary. The
argument boundary = "wave"
constructs a wave which is defined by two
consecutive extrema at either boundary, and adds four waves at either
end. Typical adjusting method extends a signal assuming that a signal is
symmetric or periodic. The option boundary = "symmetric"
boundary = "periodic"
extends both boundaries symmetrically or
Zeng and M-X. He (2004) considered two extended signals by adding a signal in a
symmetric way and reflexive way called even extension and odd extension,
respectively. Even extension and odd extension produce the extended
signals so that its average is zero. This boundary condition can be
specified by boundary = "evenodd"
. For each extended signal, upper and
lower envelopes are constructed and envelope mean of the extended
signals is defined by the average of four envelopes. Then, the envelope
mean outside the time scale of the original signal is close to zero,
while the envelope mean within the time scale of the original signal is
almost the same as the envelope mean of the original signal. On the
other hand, the option boundary = "none"
performs no boundary
Once the highest frequency is removed from a signal, the same procedure is applied on the residue signal to identify next highest frequency. The residue is considered a new signal to decompose.
Suppose that we have a signal from model ((1)). The
signal in Figure 1 is composed of 4 components from
. If the remaining signal is still compound of
components with several frequencies as in the left panel in
Figure 4, then the next IMF is obtained by taking the
residue signal as a new signal in the right panel in
Figure 4. The number of extrema will decrease as the
procedure continues, so that the signal is sequently decomposed into the
highest frequency component
The above-mentioned decomposition process is implemented by the function
that utilizes the functions extractimf()
and extrema()
. The
final decomposition result by the following code is illustrated in
Figure 5.
> ### Empirical Mode Decomposition
> par(mfrow=c(3,1), mar=c(2,1,2,1))
> try <- emd(xt2, tt2, boundary="wave")
> ### Ploting the IMF's
> par(mfrow=c(3,1), mar=c(2,1,2,1))
> par(mfrow=c(try$nimf+1, 1), mar=c(2,1,2,1))
> rangeimf <- range(try$imf)
> for(i in 1:try$nimf) {
+ plot(tt2, try$imf[,i], type="l", xlab="",
+ ylab="", ylim=rangeimf, main=
+ paste(i, "-th IMF", sep="")); abline(h=0)}
> plot(tt2, try$residue, xlab="", ylab="",
+ main="residue", type="l")
The arguments of emd()
are similar to those of extractimf()
. The
additional arguments are
: the maximum number of IMF’s.
: specifies whether each IMF is displayed. If
, click the plotting area to start the next step.
Up to now we have focused on artificial signals without any measurement error. A typical signal in the real world is corrupted by noise, which is not the component of interest and contains no interpretable information. A remedy to smooth out the noise is to apply smoothing technique not interpolation during the sifting process. Then the first IMF might capture the entire noise effectively. As an alternative, Kim and Oh (Kim and H-S. Oh 2006) proposed an efficient smoothing method for IMF’s by combining the conventional cross-validation and thresholding approach. By thresholding, noisy signal can be denoised while the distinct localized feature of a signal can be kept.
Huang, Z. Shen, S. R. Long, M. C. Wu, H. H. Shih, Q. Zheng, N.-C. Yen, C. C. Tung, and H. H. Liu (1998; Huang, M. C. Wu, S. R. Long, S. Shen, W. Qu, P. Gloerson, and K. L. Fan 2003) pointed out that intermittence raises mode mixing, which means that different modes of oscillations coexist in a single IMF. Since EMD traces the highest frequency embedded in a given signal locally, when intermittence occurs, the shape of resulting IMF is abruptly changed and this effect distorts procedures thereafter.
Huang, M. C. Wu, S. R. Long, S. Shen, W. Qu, P. Gloerson, and K. L. Fan (2003) attacked this phenomenon by restricting the size of
frequency. To be specific, the distance limit of the successive maxima
(minima) in an IMF is introduced. Thus, IMF composes of only sinusoidal
waves whose length of successive maxima (minima) are shorter than their
limit. Equivalently, we may employ the length of the zero-crossings to
overcome the intermittence problem. Consider a signal
Figure 6 illustrates the signal
> ### Mode mixing
> tt <- seq(0, 0.1, length = 2001)[1:2000]
> f1 <- 1776; f2 <- 1000
> xt <- sin(2*pi*f1*tt) * (tt <= 0.033 |
+ tt >= 0.067) + sin(2*pi*f2*tt)
> ### EMD
> interm1 <- emd(xt, tt, boundary="wave",
+ max.imf=2, plot.imf=FALSE)
> par(mfrow=c(3, 1), mar=c(3,2,2,1))
> plot(tt, xt, main="Signal", type="l")
> rangeimf <- range(interm1$imf)
> plot(tt, interm1$imf[,1], type="l", xlab="",
+ ylab="", ylim=rangeimf, main="IMF 1")
> plot(tt, interm1$imf[,2], type="l", xlab="",
+ ylab="", ylim=rangeimf, main="IMF 2")
By following the approach of Huang, Z. Shen, S. R. Long, M. C. Wu, H. H. Shih, Q. Zheng, N.-C. Yen, C. C. Tung, and H. H. Liu (1998; Huang, M. C. Wu, S. R. Long, S. Shen, W. Qu, P. Gloerson, and K. L. Fan 2003), we can remove waves whose empirical period represented by the distance of other zero-crossings is larger than 0.0007 in the first IMF. The period information obtained by histogram in Figure 7 can be used to choose an appropriate distance. We eliminate the waves with lower frequency in the first IMF with the histogram of other zero-crossings.
> ### Histogram of empirical period
> par(mfrow=c(1,1), mar=c(2,4,1,1))
> tmpinterm <- extrema(interm1$imf[,1])
> zerocross <-
+ as.numeric(round(apply(tmpinterm$cross, 1, mean)))
> hist(diff(tt[zerocross[seq(1, length(zerocross),
+ by=2)]]), freq=FALSE, xlab="", main="")
Figure 8 shows the resulting IMF’s after treating
intermittence properly. The argument interm
of the function emd()
specifies a vector of periods to be excluded from the IMF’s.
> ### Treating intermittence
> interm2 <- emd(xt, tt, boundary="wave",
+ max.imf=2, plot.imf=FALSE, interm=0.0007)
> ### Plot of each imf
> par(mfrow=c(2,1), mar=c(2,2,3,1), oma=c(0,0,0,0))
> rangeimf <- range(interm2$imf)
> plot(tt,interm2$imf[,1], type="l",
+ main="IMF 1 after treating intermittence",
+ xlab="", ylab="", ylim=rangeimf)
> plot(tt,interm2$imf[,2], type="l",
+ main="IMF 2 after treating intermittence",
+ xlab="", ylab="", ylim=rangeimf)
When a signal is subject to non-stationarity so that the frequency and
amplitude change over time, it is necessary to have a more flexible and
extended notion of frequency. Huang, Z. Shen, S. R. Long, M. C. Wu, H. H. Shih, Q. Zheng, N.-C. Yen, C. C. Tung, and H. H. Liu (1998) used the concept of
instantaneous frequency through the Hilbert transform. For a
comprehensive explanation of the Hilbert transform, refer to Cohen (1995).
For a real signal
> ### Spectrogram : X - Time, Y - frequency,
> ### Z (Image) - Amplitude
> test1 <- hilbertspec(interm1$imf)
> spectrogram(test1$amplitude[,1],
+ test1$instantfreq[,1])
> test2 <- hilbertspec(interm2$imf, tt=tt)
> spectrogram(test2$amplitude[,1],
+ test2$instantfreq[,1])
For multiple signals, the function hilbertspec()
calculates the
amplitudes and instantaneous frequency using Hilbert transform. The
function has the following arguments,
: matrix of multiple signals. Each column represents a signal.
: observation index or time index.
The function hilbertspec()
returns a matrix of amplitudes and
instantaneous frequencies for multiple signals. The function
produces an image of amplitude by time index and
instantaneous frequency. The horizontal axis represents time, the
vertical axis is instantaneous frequency, and the color of each point in
the image represents amplitude of a particular frequency at a particular
time. It has arguments as
: vector or matrix of amplitudes for multiple signals.
: vector or matrix of instantaneous frequencies for multiple
: observation index or time index.
: specifies whether spectrograms of multiple signals are
separated or not.
: the number of color levels used in legend strip
: vector of image size.
The extension of EMD to an image or two dimensional data is straightforward except the identification of the local extrema. Once the local extrema are identified, the two dimensional smoothing spline technique is used for the sifting procedure.
For the two-dimensional case, we provide four R functions.
for identifying the two dimensional extrema,
for extracting the IMF from a given image,
for decomposing an image to IMF’s and the residue image
combining two R functions above, and
for displaying the decomposition results.
As in a one-dimensional case, extractimf2d()
extracts two dimensional
IMF’s from a given image based on local extrema identified by
. Combining these functions, emd2d()
decomposition and its arguments are as follows.
: matrix of an image observed at (x
, y
x, y
: locations of regular grid at which the values in z
: tolerance for stopping rule of sifting.
: the maximum number of sifting.
: specifies boundary condition ‘symmetric’, ‘reflexive’
or ‘none’.
: expand an image by adding specified percentage of
image at the boundary when boundary condition is ‘symmetric’ or
: the maximum number of IMF.
: specifies whether each IMF is displayed. If
, click the plotting area to start the next step.
The following R code performs two dimensional EMD of the Lena image. The size of the original image is reduced for computational simplicity.
> data(lena)
> z <- lena[seq(1, 512, by=4), seq(1, 512, by=4)]
> lenadecom <- emd2d(z, max.imf = 4)
The R function imageEMD()
plots decomposition results and the argument
illustrates the local maxima (minima) with the white
(black) color and grey background. See Figure 10.
> imageEMD(z=z, emdz=lenadecom, extrema=TRUE,
+ col=gray(0:100/100))
IMF’s through EMD provide a multi-resolution tool and spectral analysis gives local information with time-varying amplitude and phase according to the scales. We introduce EMD, an R package for the proper implementation of EMD, and the Hilbert spectral analysis for non-stationary signals. It is expected that R package EMD makes EMD methodology practical for many statistical applications.
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Kim & Oh, "EMD: A Package for Empirical Mode Decomposition and Hilbert Spectrum", The R Journal, 2009
BibTeX citation
@article{RJ-2009-002, author = {Kim, Donghoh and Oh, Hee-Seok}, title = {EMD: A Package for Empirical Mode Decomposition and Hilbert Spectrum}, journal = {The R Journal}, year = {2009}, note = {}, volume = {1}, issue = {1}, issn = {2073-4859}, pages = {40-46} }