The R Package smicd: Statistical Methods for Interval-Censored Data
Paul Walter
, The R Journal (2021) 13:1, pages 396-412.
Abstract The package allows the use of two new statistical methods for the analysis of interval censored data: 1) direct estimation/prediction of statistical indicators and 2) linear (mixed) regression analysis. Direct estimation of statistical indicators, for instance, poverty and inequality indicators, is facilitated by a non parametric kernel density algorithm. The algorithm is able to account for weights in the estimation of statistical indicators. The standard errors of the statistical indicators are estimated with a non parametric bootstrap. Furthermore, the package offers statistical methods for the estimation of linear and linear mixed regression models with an interval-censored dependent variable, particularly random slope and random intercept models. Parameter estimates are obtained through a stochastic expectation-maximization algorithm. Standard errors are estimated using a non parametric bootstrap in the linear regression model and by a parametric bootstrap in the linear mixed regression model. To handle departures from the model assumptions, fixed (logarithmic) and data-driven (Box-Cox) transformations are incorporated into the algorithm.
Received: 2020-07-23; online 2021-06-08@article{RJ-2021-045, author = {Paul Walter}, title = {{The R Package smicd: Statistical Methods for Interval- Censored Data}}, year = {2021}, journal = {{The R Journal}}, doi = {10.32614/RJ-2021-045}, url = {}, pages = {396--412}, volume = {13}, number = {1} }