The R Journal: article published in 2020, volume 12:2

Testing the equality of normal distributed and independent groups' means under unequal variances by doex package PDF download
Mustafa Cavus and Berna Yazıcı , The R Journal (2020) 12:2, pages 134-154.

Abstract In this paper, we present the doex package contains the tests for equality of normal dis tributed and independent group means under unequal variances such as Cochran F, Welch-Aspin, Welch, Box, Scott-Smith, Brown-Forsythe, Johansen F, Approximate F, Alexander-Govern, Generalized F, Modified Brown-Forsythe, Permutation F, Adjusted Welch, B2, Parametric Bootstrap, Fiducial Approach, and Alvandi Generalized F-test. Most of these tests are not available in any package. Thus, doex is easy to use for researchers in multidisciplinary studies. In this study, an extensive Monte-Carlo simulation study is conducted to investigate the performance of the the tests for equality of normal distributed group means under unequal variances in terms of Type I error probability and penalized power. In the case of Type I error probability of the compared tests are different, the penalized power is used which allows fair power comparisons. In this way, we conclude the performance of the tests by taking into account two possible errors in hypothesis testing.

Received: 2019-07-31; online 2021-01-14, supplementary material, (unknown)
CRAN packages: doex, asbio, coin, lawstat, onewaytests, welchADF, WRS2, car, rstatix, inferr
CRAN Task Views implied by cited CRAN packages: Survival, ClinicalTrials, Econometrics, Finance, Multivariate, Robust, SocialSciences, TeachingStatistics

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This article and supplementary materials are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.

  author = {Mustafa Cavus and Berna Yazıcı},
  title = {{Testing the equality of normal distributed and independent
          groups' means under unequal variances by doex
  year = {2021},
  journal = {{The R Journal}},
  doi = {10.32614/RJ-2021-008},
  url = {},
  pages = {134--154},
  volume = {12},
  number = {2}