Navigating the R Package Universe
Julia Silge, John C. Nash and Spencer Graves
, The R Journal (2018) 10:2, pages 558-563.
Abstract Today, the enormous number of contributed packages available to R users outstrips any given user’s ability to understand how these packages work, their relative merits, or how they are related to each other. We organized a plenary session at useR!2017 in Brussels for the R community to think through these issues and ways forward. This session considered three key points of discussion. Users can navigate the universe of R packages with (1) capabilities for directly searching for R packages, (2) guidance for which packages to use, e.g., from CRAN Task Views and other sources, and (3) access to common interfaces for alternative approaches to essentially the same problem.
Received: 2018-09-07; online 2018-12-08, supplementary material, (653 B)@article{RJ-2018-058, author = {Julia Silge and John C. Nash and Spencer Graves}, title = {{Navigating the R Package Universe}}, year = {2018}, journal = {{The R Journal}}, doi = {10.32614/RJ-2018-058}, url = {}, pages = {558--563}, volume = {10}, number = {2} }