Fast Pure R Implementation of GEE: Application of the Matrix Package
Lee S. McDaniel, Nicholas C. Henderson and Paul J. Rathouz
, The R Journal (2013) 5:1, pages 181-187.
Abstract Generalized estimating equation solvers in R only allow for a few pre-determined options for the link and variance functions. We provide a package, geeM, which is implemented entirely in R and allows for user specified link and variance functions. The sparse matrix representations provided in the Matrix package enable a fast implementation. To gain speed, we make use of analytic inverses of the working correlation when possible and a trick to find quick numeric inverses when an analytic inverse is not available. Through three examples, we demonstrate the speed of geeM, which is not much worse than C implementations like geepack and gee on small data sets and faster on large data sets.
Received: 2012-10-17; online 2013-06-03@article{RJ-2013-017, author = {Lee S. McDaniel and Nicholas C. Henderson and Paul J. Rathouz}, title = {{Fast Pure R Implementation of GEE: Application of the Matrix Package}}, year = {2013}, journal = {{The R Journal}}, doi = {10.32614/RJ-2013-017}, url = {}, pages = {181--187}, volume = {5}, number = {1} }